Scientific trips

Scientific trips

Sports events

Sports events

Academic staff

Academic staff

Scientific material

Scientific material

Training rooms

Training rooms



The Centre provides many services to the participants of the summer programs, in cooperation with the different units of the University.

  • Nutrition
  • Scientific Trips
  • Scientific Materials
  • Academic Staff
  • Training Halls
  • Gyms
  • Transportation



The Centre provides snacks for the participants of the summer or winter programs, through contracts with internal or external companies.

The Centre offers some special scientific trips inside or outside the University in order to introduce students to concepts, ideas, and experiences that cannot be provided in a classroom environment, and to see what they have read and experienced in practice.


The Centre is always keen to provide the best available internal and external scientific resources, from recognized sources such as,  the International License Program or the English language, as  references for the student in the summer or winter programs.



The team of the summer programs consists of academics supervising the various programs offered in each summer or winter programs along a number of graduates and qualified students from the University.


The University has many classrooms, lecture halls, presentation halls, scientific laboratories, and computer laboratories that can be utilized for the activities and lessons of the summer or winter programs.


The Centre also offers weekly sports classes for the participants of the various summer or winter programs. It books separate gyms (one for males and the other for females), and they are supervised by a team of specialized trainers employed by the University for that purpose.


The Centre provides transportation services for most of the summer and winter programs, from the University to the houses of the participants within Muscat and the areas close to the University.