Tips to help identify students who may need to refer to the Student Counseling Center:
Referral Form
If changes are observed in academic performance, behavior, or outward appearance, such as:
- Excessive absences
- Dramatic weight loss or gain
- Asking the instructor for help with a personal problem
- Fatigue and sleeping in class
- Diminished self-care including poor hygiene.
- Missed deadlines or incomplete work.
- Altered mood states, sadness, anxiety, irritability, lethargy.
- Decrease in achievement.
- Diminished motivation.
- Difficulties with concentration.
- Marked changes in interaction patterns with instructor and peers, e.g., avoidance, dependency and aggression).
- Anxiety attacks when making an oral presentation (shaking, panicking, forgetfulness, racing heartbeat, sweating, dry mouth, etc.).
- Aggressive communication with professor and colleagues (frequent complaints from colleagues).
- Make repeated requests for special consideration or adjustment to academic requirements.
- May behave in class in a way that may annoy others (crying, angry behavior, not following instructions).
- Attacking the opinions of others or leave class suddenly.
- Feeling isolated.
- Tearfulness and sadness.
- Easily agitated and displays anger behaviors.
- May behave inappropriately in response to situations, and is extremely emotional.
- May have incoherent thoughts.
- Irritability or angry outbursts
- May talk about hurting oneself or hurting others, verbally or in writing
- Express thoughts of helplessness or hopelessness
How can you intervene or help?
Support and Communicate
- Talk to the student in private.
- State your reasons for concern specifically.
- Listen carefully.
- Avoid criticism.
- Avoid judgmental expressions verbal or non-verbal.
- Explore different options with the student, including visiting the Student Counseling Center.
- Encourage the student to visit the Center for the following reasons:
1. Confidential counseling.
2. Privacy to information.
3. Qualified counselors offering professional counseling.
Use the referral form, or accompany the student to the Student Counseling Center, or call the following numbers to schedule an appointment for the student:
Tel: 24141826, Ext: 1826
Tel: 24141919, Ext: 1919