Research Chairs

UNESCO Chair for Seismic Studies and Tsunami Hazards

Chair: Dr. Issa El-Hussain


The UNESCO Chair for Seismic Studies and Tsunami Hazards aims to enhance scientific research and raise awareness about earthquakes and tsunamis, while also reducing the associated risks. The chair facilitates collaboration among researchers, relevant institutions, local and international communities to exchange knowledge and develop strategies to mitigate the impact of earthquakes and tsunamis.


  1. Raising awareness and educating the general public and scientific community about earthquakes and tsunamis.
  2. Advancing scientific research in the field of earthquakes and tsunamis, developing methodologies and tools for earthquake and tsunami prediction, and risk assessment.
  3. Creating innovative strategies to respond to earthquakes and tsunamis and mitigate their negative effects on human life and the environment.
  4. Promoting international cooperation and knowledge sharing among researchers, scientific institutions, and governments regarding earthquakes and tsunamis.