Welcome to the website of the Deanship of Admissions and Registration. As part of our mission, we strive to provide the best services to undergraduate students, faculty, colleges, centers and society as a whole by utilizing the latest technology. We are responsible for supervising the implementation of the academic policies and regulations. The Deanship deals with timetabling, registration, transfer, course substitution, grade posting, degree auditing, graduation, and students’ academic records as well as student data reporting. To do these duties, we work closely with colleges and other units in the university as well as Ministries and also the Higher Education Admission Center in the Sultanate.
We hope you will find the website useful and informative. Do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information about the academic programs and policies. Our deanship staff will be glad to help you.
Asma Nasser Al-Zaidi, Assistant Professor
Dean of Admission & Registration Deanship