Latest Research Highlights
Dr. Talal Khalifa Al-Hosani is a brilliant scholar with a renowned research record. He has devoted his life to the study of hydrogeology, environmental geology, groundwater research, landslides, and environmental pollution. Thanks to his tireless efforts and dedication, he was offered the position of Dean of the College of Science at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) and serves as an associate professor in the Department of Earth Sciences. In addition to his effective role in academia and research,...
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23 Jan, 2024 |
Water is generally susceptible to various pollutants, but it undergoes treatment to make it suitable for human use. The water used in oil extraction processes poses significant challenges in the refining stages. In this respect, Dr Raeid Abed of the College of Science has conducted a research project on filtering water from oil residues by using salt-tolerant microalgae isolated from the Bisat oil field in the Sultanate of Oman. The project is implemented in collaboration with a globally integra...
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23 Jan, 2024 |
Child education demands innovative and stimulating approaches to enhance their understanding of the world around them. In fact, enabling children to explore and interact with the surrounding environment is key to developing their skills and building a strong knowledge base.
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23 Jan, 2024 |
Can museums replace the tourist guide with the guide robot? The answer is revealed by several studies that confirm, day after day, the global trends in favor of robotics. The guide robot can provide correct information and work round-the-clock using “deep learning”, an AI method that teaches computers how to process data in a manner inspired by the human brain. In this context, Dr. Ashraf Ismail Selim conducted a study to develop a vision-based navigation system using deep learning. The study...
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10 Dec, 2023 |
Shrimp is considered one of the most delicious types of seafood, and it is a very popular meal in India, China, and many other countries. It contains various nutrients such as magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium.
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20 Nov, 2023 |
Given the spread of diseases and the suffering incurred by patients, researchers strive to provide them with all means of comfort, by carrying out applied studies that may help obtain primary vital signals faster using adhesive sensors on the patient’s body.
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14 Nov, 2023 |
Sultan Qaboos University's (SQU) College of Engineering students – Omar Al-Salmi, Aahid Al-Hadrami and Elyas Al Subhi – finished third in the Fifth Youth Research Forum 2023 held at the Qatar University Centre for Young Scientists. The forum's theme was "Higher Education Institutions and Their Role in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals." They submitted a research paper titled “Innovative Approach for Recovering Waste Heat of Vehicle Exhaust Gases into Power for Cooling ...
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09 Oct, 2023 |
Food security is one of the most important challenges facing mankind, since the global population is growing steadily. According to United Nations data, the world population is expected to jump from 7.7 billion to 8.5 billion by 2030. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates show that world food production must double to meet the needs of the population increase, as it is expected to increase the demand for goat and lamb meat by 16% or an estimated 3 million metric to...
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27 Jul, 2023 |
"We want this university to be outstanding." It has been twenty-three years since his majesty the late Sultan Qaboos bin Said, may Allah have mercy on him, voiced these timeless words during his historic visit to the university on May 2, 2000, which was the real start of the scientific research process at the university after the generous support given by the late Sultan Qaboos bin Said, may Allah have mercy on him, which continued with the same generosity during the reign of his Majes...
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12 Jul, 2023 |
Various aspects of life have been revolutionized by the latest technological developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. Education, economics, health, and security have benefited from this progress. For example, with search engines such as ChatGPT, that are supported by AI technology, teachers and learners can have human-like conversations, receive help in answering various questions, and can also seek assistance in writing emails and scientific articles. Health practitioners may also ...
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04 Jul, 2023 |
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