Latest Research Highlights
H.M. Sultan Qaboos bin Saeed – may Allah rest his soul in peace – had shown dedication and determination to achieve a better future for the Sultanate. In one of his speeches to the nation, H.M. stated: “When we get to higher education, we are required to add to that knowledge in the light of new knowledge. We have to discuss, devise, and think. We also have to correct before us the knowledge that was based on earlier theories as these theories are renewed.  We do not say that what we have rec...
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18 Jan, 2021 |
A research project was conducted at SQU to examine the potential of producing crops in an aquaponics system using both fish waste and treated waste water. For this purpose, a team has evaluated the impact of treated wastewater on fish growth and how the effluent coming from fish tanks may affect grown crops
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12 Jan, 2021 |
A study conducted by Dr. Nabhan Al-Harrasi, SQU, has highlighted the considerable role the library plays in the service of researchers and those who are interested in carrying out research projects on issues related to the Sultanate. As part of its mission, the library makes it easy for students and researchers to obtain membership, and provides guidelines, instructions and necessary training to help clients access its services and acquire information awareness skills, especially in a digital en...
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04 Jan, 2021 |
Issam Al-Fadheli did not know when he was returning from work that he would contract the coronavirus. The symptoms began to appear in him, at first a slight fever that went up the next day, aching bones, a headache, and then a sore throat and shortness of breath.
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24 Nov, 2020 |
A research team led by Professor Ali Kadhem, College of Education, is conducting a research project designed to determine the degree of readiness of schools in the Sultanate to provide e-learning to their students in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The team will also look into the options available for schools to develop their e-learning capacity, including the availability of appropriate electronic equipment, teaching and administrative staff know-how in communicating with students electroni...
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28 Oct, 2020 |
The emerging Covid-19 crisis has had a severe impact on all aspects of development in the Sultanate. Worldwide, consumer spending has declined, travel and tourism have been disrupted, and industry has slowed down due to movement restrictions. Economic activities and services such as transportation and shopping were also affected, which has led to a decrease in both consumption and demand.
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20 Oct, 2020 |
Initial findings of an SQU study suggest that women are more likely to have symptoms of anxiety and depression during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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12 Oct, 2020 |
In recent years the Sultanate has witnessed a number of tropical cyclones which, although different in landing and impact, have highlighted the importance of early preparedness from various concerned agencies.
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05 Jul, 2020 |
The results of a survey published by the Center for Statistics and Information recently showed that the average daily use of Omani social media platforms among Omanis was six hours, a reality that shows the extent of the spread of such media platforms among different segments of the society.
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30 Jun, 2020 |
The Journal of Engineering Research (TJER) was elevated in June 2020 to the Q3 journal ranking based on the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) indicator, an achievement that gives high impact on SQU as it is taken in the worldwide ranking of universities, and makes TJER a more prestigious journal in the region to attract high-quality research papers.
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30 Jun, 2020 |
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