The College’s Skills Lab has been recently redesigned and reconstructed in order to meet the increasing demand by different departments of the College and SQUH in addition to trainees from OMSB.
The Skills Lab contains the following facilities:
-Clinical Training Material: The Lab contains many videos, audio-visual simulators, computer programmes, models, manikins, Harvey etc. It is also equipped to utilize simulated and real patients for student training.
- Multi-Purpose Room: A multiple purpose room that can be used for teaching, training and workshops with 60 seats and audiovisual aid, IT equipment and cameras.
- Skills Practice Rooms: There are ten of these rooms. Each is equipped with a couch, a curtain, a full set of wall-mounted vital signs measuring equipment, seven seats, an x-ray box, a computer, 2 cameras,2 LCD monitors, a white board and a washing basin with all its facilities. These rooms are usually used for small group practice, self-practice and for conducting practical examinations (OSCE).
- Display and Control Room: This is the main room for models, simulators and other equipment which are available for use/training. It also contains the main control panel of all the audio-visual system and the internal network of the clinical skills lab which is used to monitor/record any activity in any part of the Lab through the available cameras in the rooms. Videos can be transmitted to all monitors of the Lab.
Skills Lab Booking Form
For more information please contact:
Mr El-Sayed Nassar,
Superintendent of Clinical Skills Lab,
Phone: 2414 3449/3451
Moble: 97756410,
E mail :