Hamed Ali Al-Busaidi
Title: Superintendent
Office No. 0017
Ext. 24141203
Email: hbusaidi@squ.edu.om
Field of Interest: Irrigation systems installation and design • Irrigation water management, Crop water requirement. • Soil physical analysis. • Soil water movement,
Education: Master in Soil and Water Management, Sultan Qaboos University Oman
Asila Saeed Al-Rashdi
Title: Senior Coordination, Follow-up & Archiving Specialist
Office No. 225
Ext. 24141228
Email: Asilas@squ.edu.om
Field of Interest:
Education: Information Technology (GNVQ)
Seif Salim Al-Adawi
Title: Chief Technician
Office No.
Ext. 24143611
Email: seifad@squ.edu.om
Field of Interest: Agricultural Power and Machinery • Soils Compaction • Soils Physical and Mechanical Properties • Greywater and Water Filtration
Education: M.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus - Ohio, USA
Ahmed Salim Al-Busaidi
Title: Researcher
Office No. 1050
Ext. 24143736
Email: ahmed99@squ.edu.om
Field of Interest: Soil and water science and management, • Salt affected soils, • Saline agriculture, • Waste management, • Applications of treated wastewater, • Hydroponic system, • Controlled agriculture, • Soil water plant relations
Education: PhD. in Bioenvironmental Science, Tottori University, Japan
Mansour Hamed Al- Haddabi
Title: Researcher
Office No. 236 Anex
Ext. 24141266
Email: mans99@squ.edu.om
Field of Interest: Water and Wastewater treatment • Water Quality • Soil Sciences and Environmental issues
Education: PhD in Chemical Engineering, Curtin University, Australia
Adel Abdullah Al- Mahdouri
Title: Technician
Office No. 0066
Ext. 24143627
Email: almahdory@squ.edu.om
Field of Interest: Electromechanical System Design. • Heat transfer: Radiative, Conductive and Convective. • Solar Energy Utilization for Agriculture and Water Treatment Processes. • Irrigation Engineering Design. • Supercritical Fluid and Phase Change. • COMSOL Multiphyiscs.
Education: PhD(Engineering) Mechanical Systems and Design
Mohammed Issa Al- Balushi
Title: Senior Technician
Office No. 0017
Ext. 24141204
Email: moha99@squ.edu.om
Field of Interest: Data logging and instrumentation. · LabVIEW programming
Education: MSc Agricultural Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Mohan Indra Gopal
Title: Associate Researcher (A)
Office No. 016Anex
Ext. 24143605
Email: Mohanindragopal@squ.edu.om
Field of Interest: Analytical chemistry method developments and validations. • Laboratory quality and safety management. • Evaluation of the quality of the soil and water using various analytical methods. • Calibration,operation and maintenance of various analytical instruments ICP,XRF,AAS,TOC,GCMS,HPLC,UV VIS,LCMS. • ISO 17025,ISO 9001,OHSAS 18001 accreditation
Education: M.Sc(Chemistry) MBA(Total Quality Management)
Muna Abdulla Al-Amry
Title: Lab Supervisor
Office No. 2003
Ext. 24143625
Email: munri@squ.edu.om
Field of Interest: Soil chemical, and physical properties. • Soil nutrients management, obtain quantitative and estimating water use efficiency on crop productivity. • Determination of total organic carbon in soils, water samples using TOC analyzer. Prepare soils, water and plant samples for analysis using standard laboratory protocols in different macro elements using instruments such as Flame photometer, Spectrophotometer. • Evaluation of soil salinity, novel irrigation techniques of capillary siphoning optimization of water uptake. • Conserve fresh water and increase water and nutrients use efficiencies under saline conditions and soil quality. • Design innovative techniques to improve the practical teaching in the laboratory.
Education: Master in Business Administration-Executive, University of Hull, U.K, BSc in Environmental Earth Science, The Reading University, U.K
Leelwa Mohd Al Hamadani
Title: Technician
Office No. 0012
Ext. 24143609
Email: leelwa@squ.edu.om
Field of Interest: Soil and water chemical analysis • Soil fertility- soil salinity • Soil and water plant relation
Education: Bachelor Degree - Applied Science-Higher College Of Technology
Buthaina Salim Amur Al-Siyabi
Title: Technician
Office No. 2003
Ext. 24143625
Email: Buthsa@squ.edu.om
Field of Interest: Technical assistance in the experiments relevant to Soil microbial studies. • Helping with the analyses of microbe types, microbial community structure, and soil microbial diversity using advanced microbial techniques such as denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), DNA extraction, PCR, Gel electrophoresis. • Soil and water analyses.
Education: Bachelor Degree Biotechnology, SQU
Rahma Ali Al-Habsi
Title: Technician
Office No. 24143609
Ext. 0012
Email: Rahma.alhabsi@squ.edu.om
Field of Interest: Physical and chemical soil analysis • Physical, chemical and biological water analysis • Applying Geographical Information System and Remote sensing in environmental researches Elemental analysis using XRF
Education: MSc Soil and Water Management, SQU
Jamal Al Habsi
Title: Technician
Office No. 035Anex
Ext. 2414-3627
Email: j.alhabsi@squ.edu.om
Field of Interest: • Irrigation systems installation and design • Irrigation water management, Crop water requirement. • Soil physical analysis. • Soil water movement.
Education: General Education Diploma