• Strategic plan
  • Al Hassad
  • College Annual Report
  • CAMS Economic Policy Brief

The Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original fundamental and applied research articles in a wide variety of disciplines of agriculture and natural resources. The journal is intended to serve a wide range of specialists and bring together quality papers dealing with agricultural economics, natural resource economics, animal and veterinary sciences, bioresources, soil sciences, water management, agricultural engineering, fisheries marine sciences, food science, human nutrition, plant production, plant protection, rural environment, coastal zone management.

JAMS Highlights

Publisher: Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Format: Print & Online
ISSN: Online: Online: 2410-1079 & Print: 2410-1060
DOI: 10.24200/jams
Abides by:  Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct
Available from: EBSCO
Acceptance Rate: 32% in 2016
Frequency: Annually 
Article Processing Charges: No
Type of Journal: Academic/Scholarly Journals
Open Access: Yes
Indexed & Abstracted: Yes
Indexed In: Al-Manhal Database of Arab Journals,CAB Abstracts,EBSCO,DOAJ,Google Scholar &ISC Master Journals.
Policy: Peer-reviewed
Review Time: 1-2 months
Contact & Submission e-mail: AgrSciEd@squ.edu.om  
Alternate e-mail: edsqujams@gmail.com

Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences (JAMS)


The College of Agricultural and Marine Sciences publishes every year several reports. You will find below pdf versions of these reports.


Strategic plan