Fundamentals and Administration


  • Overview

The Fundamentals and Administration Department offers courses at both entry (Fundamentals of Nursing and Health Assessment) and exit levels (Nursing Administration) to equip students with knowledge, attitude and skills to work in various practice areas and to develop as professional nurses with firm commitment to lifelong service and learning. The Department also facilitates other courses taught by faculty from other colleges of the University.


The department incorporates innovative teaching methodologies to support and enhance student learning using e-learning and simulation techniques. Presently, simulation and e-learning are used in Fundamentals of Nursing, Health Assessment and Nursing Administration. In the simulation, the learning situation is made to resemble clinical practices as closely as possible and this provides students an opportunity to think and act as if they were with real patients and yet it prevents students from causing harm to patients through a trial and error approach.The skills learned using simulation is safely passed onto actual patient care later on during clinical practice. 


The e-learning approach has proved to be a flexible way for nursing students to learn. It enables them to interact more creatively with course facilitators and it accommodates their different learning styles. It also exposes students to additional information through attachments and links provided by course coordinators and clinical instructors. Through simulation and e-learning techniques, the department has made learning more interesting for students