College of Nursing
Faculty Research Projects
Research Title
Internal Grant
Dr. Micheal Leocardio
The Development, validation and testing TEAM (Transcultural Education and Allied Members of Health) Simulation Approach in Arabic Nursing Program
Dr. Godfrey Katende
Kidney disease quality of life among patients on hemodialysis in Oman
Ms. Irene Kizza
Knowledge and self-efficacy for pain management and well-being among family caregivers of adult cancer patients in Oman.
Dr. Judie Arulappan
Assessment of challenges, coping strategies, health related quality of life and skill management program for transition from childhood to adulthood among children with sickle cell disease in Oman
Dean’s Fund
Dr. Judie Arulappan
Knowledge and Readiness for Interprofessional Education and Collaboration among medical and nursing students at SQU, Oman-A Pilot Study
Ms. Frincy Francis
Gestational Surfing: Information seeking Behaviors via Internet among Omani Pregnant Women and its implications on Health care Decision making process.
Mr. Nasir Matani
The impact of studying nursing science on adoption of healthy lifestyle behaviors
Ms. Divya Raghavan
Simulation in intranatal teaching- challenges and effectiveness as perceived by male students: A qualitative approach
Dr. Judie Arulappan
Knowledge and Attitude towards climate change and its effects on health among nursing students: A multi-Arab country perspective
Ms. Susan Achora
Knowledge and attitude of nursing students at the College of Nursing, SQU towards kidney donation
Dr. Khaled Al Omari
Impact of Lyric poetry on nursing students knowledge retention of evidence based care bundles.
Dr. Vidya Seshan
Undergraduate nursing students’’ perception of case study analysis as a teaching strategy