In order to be admitted to the MSc Nursing program, the candidates shall be required to fulfil the following terms and conditions:
a) Have a Bachelor Degree in Nursing or Midwifery and other related-specialties from a recognized institution with:
- A minimum cGPA of 2.75 on a 4-point scale or its equivalent or
- A minimum cumulative GPA ranging between 2.50 and 2.74 on a 4-point scale or its equivalent with minimum of two years’ work experience.
b) Have a Postgraduate Diploma in a Nursing, Midwifery, or other related-specialties with a minimum cGPA of 3.00 on a 4-point scale.
c) A minimum of three years of work experience after receiving the postgraduate diploma. d) Submit a recommendation letter from the institution for the employed applicant.
e) Submit a proposal explaining the desired topic for their thesis work.
Proposal Outline for MSN by Thesis Application
Submit a proposal of about 1500 words that explains your plans for the Master’s Thesis. The proposal must be typed (Times New Roman, Font 12, Double Spaced) and must clearly address each of the five (5) sections indicated below:
A) Proposed Title for the Study.
B) Background: Provide a general explanation of the problem/phenomena you intend to study, its magnitude and the consequences of the problem being examined in terms of death, disability, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness of interventions, etc. Provide quantified data when available. Explain how this problem affects the country, region and global health.
C) Research Questions/Objectives: State at least four (4) specific objectives or research questions that your study will be addressing.
D) Expected benefit: Describe the expected output and outcomes that this study will generate.
E) Proposed Methods:
- Study Design: Describe the type of study design.
- Study Population and Sampling: Specify the population in which you will undertake the study.
- Data Collection and Protection of Human Subjects: Explain shortly how you will collect the data and ensure protection of human subjects.