Research Title
Deanship of Research Fund
Dr. Sulaiman Al Sabei
The Relationship Between Nursing Practice Environment, Interprofessional, Collaboration and Patient Safety: A National Study.
Dr. Mariam Al Harrasi
A nurse-led motivational interviewing tailored intervention for improving self-care behaviors and health outcomes in heart failure patients in Oman: A pilot randomized control trail
Ms. Jansi Natarajan
Perception of Academic Integrity and Dishonesty among University Faculty and Students in Oman
Dr. Maryam Al Harrasi
Heart Failure Characteristics and Self-care among Patients and their Family Care givers: Influence on Quality of Life, Clinical events and cost of care overtime, A multicenter longitudinal Prospective Cohort Study
Dr. Huda Al Noumani
Medication Adherence Among Patients with Chronic Diseases in Oman: A Multi-center National Study
Dr. Sulaiman Al Sabei
The Role of Hospital Work Environments on Enhancing the Quality of Patients’ Care and Nurse Outcomes in the Sultanate of Oman
Ms. Frincy Francis
Team Members:
Ghadeer AL-Battashi
Zaynab AL-Shibli,
Abeer AL-Ghafri,
Omar AL-Yazeedi ,
Effectiveness of Buzzy Bee Device on Pain Perception during Invasive Procedures among School-age Children in Oman – An Interventional Study
Dr. Maryam Al Harrasi:
Team Members:
Ammar Albadi, Ali Alkalbani, Amjad Alrumhi & Khalid Alqassabi
Factors Affecting the Utilization of the Freely available Premarital Screening Test Among Higher Education Students in Oman
Dr. Judie Arulappan:
Team Members:
Shaima Araba, Mabrouka Al Rawahi, Asma Al Rawahi
Awareness, Attitude, Beliefs, Intention and Barriers for Organ donation among undergraduate students in Sultanate of Oman
Internal Grant
Dr. Iman Al Hashimi
The Accessibility and the Feasibility of a Self-Efficacy Enhancing Smart-Phone Application (SEESPA) among pregnant women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)
Dr. Omar Al Omari
Prevalence and predictors of smoking among University students: A cross sectional study
Dr. Vidya Seshan
Effectiveness of continence education program and its impact on improving health seeking behaviors of Omani women with UI
Dr. Blessy Valsaraj
Mental Health simulation: Knowledge, Competency, Anxiety, Satisfaction and Perception among nursing students in Oman
Ms. Anandhi Amirtharaj
Comparison of full outline unresponsiveness score against Glasgow Coma Scale in the prediction of functional outcomes among ICU patients with neurological insult in Oman
Ms. Hema Samson
Caring for traumatic brain injury patients: Relationship between TBI Severity, caregiver health, Burden and Preparedness
Ms. Joy Kabasindi
Disaster preparedness and management: the role of nurses in Oman
Ms. Jansi Natarajan
Health related quality of life of Omani patients with multiple sclerosis in Muscat Hospitals
Dean’s Fund
Dr. Judie Arulappan
Relationship between Nurses’ Happiness, Spirituality and Emotional Intelligence and its Impact on the Nurses’ Turnover and Quality of Patient Care in the Sultanate of Oman.
Ms. Sheeba Elizabeth
Identifying Omani Undergraduate University Students’ Learning Styles and their Academic Performance using Bernice McCathy’s 4MAT Model
Ms. Savithri Raman
Nursing Students’ Attitude and Perception on High Fidelity Simulation Based Education (HFSBE) in Oman: A Cross Sectional Study
Ms. Lina Shakman
Prediction of Breast Self-Examination (BSE) Behavior using the Health Belief Model: A Cross Sectional Study
Dr. Girija Madhavanprabhakaran
Evidence Based Practice among Nursing Students in the Sultanate of Oman: A Cross Sectional Study
Ms. Zainab Alazri
Exploring Omani nursing students perceptions of their clinical competencies
Ms. Chandrani Isac
Determinants of daytime sleepiness among Omani nursing students and its implications on their academic performance
Dr. Suja Karkada
Evaluation of outcomes of simulation among novice nursing students
Dr. Judie Arulapan
Assessment of barriers and preparedness of nurses to use augmentative and alternative communication strategies in non-speaking critically ill patients in SQUH-Oman
Dr. Iman Al Hashimi
The effectiveness of a health education intervention based on the health belief model on Omani women with gestation diabetes.