About Us
There are more than sixty-five Bachelor degree programs offered by nine colleges at Sultan Qaboos University. As part of the University quality assurance processes and to satisfy professional requirements, some colleges such as the College of Engineering, the College of Medicine & Health Sciences, the College of Education and the College of Nursing have received accreditation of its programs by accrediting bodies such as ABET, WFME, NCATE, and ACEN. In addition, as per university policy issued in 2014, it is required that all programs at the university undergo program review. Programs at SQU have to undergo a process of Program Review every six years. The Academic Program Review Office has been established to administer the Program Review Process. As per the University Policy, APRO is managed by a Director in the Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Community Service in coordination with the Quality Assurance Office.
Director's Message
I would like to welcome you to the APRO website. This website contains useful information and resources you need for the process of reviewing your program. Every year, our Office prepares a list of programs that have been approved by the Academic Council to undergo program review. In addition, the APRO organizes an Orientation presentation on the APR process at the beginning of every academic year as well as workshop on Student Outcome Assessment. The APR Guidelines explains in details the Review Process and will guide you to prepare the review of your program. A template can be downloaded from the website to prepare your Program Self Study Report. I hope you find this website useful.
Prof Ali S. Al Harthy
Academic Program Review Office RMO Director