
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL)

  • Empowering Minds
  • Introduction
  • Themes and Speakers
  • Program
  • Registration

AI in Education & Research_Ad



In 2023 we held the first ever Summer School in Higher Education in Oman. The Summer school was focused on Designing Hyflex and Competency based learning courses. Following the successful Summer School #1 we propose the Summer School #2. This version of the summer school will be more dynamic and focused on the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education and Research. The "Empowering Minds" program aims to bring together educators and researchers to explore practical applications of AI, fostering collaboration and skill development. The targeted audience is all Oman and Gulf higher education faculty members who are passionate about teaching and keen to professionally develop their teaching skills and learn new tools and methodologies.


Our goal is to simplify AI related concepts and tools, making it accessible to a diverse audience. From intelligent tutoring systems to personalized learning algorithms, participants will gain insights into leveraging AI for educational enhancement and research innovation.


We believe Summer School #2 will create a vibrant community dedicated to unlocking AI's potential in education. Your support for the "Empowering Minds" initiative will contribute to shaping the future of learning through intelligent integration of AI. It is expected that the school will attract at least 100 face-to-face participants from all higher institutions inside Oman and within the Gulf countries.



We hope to achieve the following objectives in Summer School #2:

    • The summer school will provide an opportunity for Omani faculty in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) to engage in conversations with top higher education instructors and top researchers worldwide in a cost-effective way.
    • The summer school will bring international experts in AI to train faculty from various HEI in the Sultanate and improve their teaching and research skills.
    • Aligning with Oman 2040 vision in promoting tourism, we choose the location of the summer school to be in Salalah to promote the Academic tourism concept.



   The international keynote speakers are selected based on their wide experience in the sub-themes of the general theme of the Summer School i.e. AI. The two main sub-themes are :

    • Education
    • Research


   Note Note: Lunch and prayer break from 12pm to 2:00pm every day.

   try1 Location: Salalah Rotana Resort

    calendar-clock Duration: 6 days (07-12 September 2024)


Program will be posted later

Enrich your holiday               .... Enhance your Skills







For registration and more information

Call: 24141025/24141024

Email: cetl@squ.edu.om

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Wh-we-are Who we are?

Welcome to Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) is a service oriented and research led center that supports the university to achieve its strategic teaching and learning aims.


vision Vision

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) will serve to position Sultan Qaboos University at the forefront of research-based teaching and learning practices in higher education.



The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning will: 

  • Promote learning by supporting and enhancing effective higher education teaching and learning practices evidenced by current research, and aligned with the requirements of the major accrediting agencies.

  • Stimulate a learning community that continually explores the relationship between higher education teaching and learning.

  • Encourage research and scholarship in teaching and learning in higher education.

  • Provide consultancy services in the areas of teaching and learning in higher education.



The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning will: 

  • Provide professional development and consultancy for faculty to support the implementation of best practices in teaching and learning through programs, services, and resources.  
  • Create, promote, and support community learning through: 
  • Supervising awards for excellence in teaching. 
  • Providing opportunities for reflection on pedagogical practices. 
  • Managing a Faculty Fellows program. 
  • Managing faculty and staff teaching “experts” who will share their teaching expertise with colleagues and who may post online teaching portfolios.
  • Conduct and disseminate research on teaching and learning.  
  • Conduct a periodic needs assessment to adapt to changing situations, goals, and research findings related to teaching and learning. 
  • Work collaboratively with the Centre for Educational Technology (CET) to provide consultation services to faculty aimed toward more effective teaching. While CETL will provide consultation services, CET staff will provide e-learning and technology support to CETL and to the faculty. CETL will showcase e-learning platforms that are promoted by CET and will co-host workshops as appropriate.
  • Report to faculty and administration formative and summative evaluation data related to curriculum change and student learning. 
  • Offer certificate in higher education teaching and learning (CHETL). 












Certificate in Higher Education Teaching and Learning program

Program focus                                                                          

The Certificate in Higher Education Teaching and Learning program is designed to support faculty in developing the strategies and skills needed to improve teaching and maximize student learning across higher education institutions in Oman.


Program goals

Recipients of the Certificate in Higher Education Teaching and Learning Program have demonstrated the ability to:

  • Apply instructional strategies suggested in current research and pedagogical literature related to; learner-centered education; development of critical thinking skills, establishment of appropriate learning goals at the course and program levels, and development of appropriate assessments to measure student achievement of those goals.
  • Use the SQU course outline to align university graduate attributes, program outcomes, learning objectives, teaching and learning activities, materials, assessment tools, and feedback.
  • Apply the principles of active learning.
  • Reflect on teaching practice to describe the correlation between course climate and student learning.
  • Give effective feedback to fellow teachers.
  • Prepare a capstone portfolio (a work in progress throughout teaching career) to highlight student centered courses, active teaching strategies, and authentic assessments of student learning at the course and program levels.


Program Structure

The Certificate in College Teaching Program offers modular workshops focused on the following topics:

  • Introductory workshop for all participants focused on effective integrated course design models and outcome based learning objectives,
  • Teaching with Technology
  • Student-centered active teaching and learning environment
  • Outcome-based learning objectives for programs and courses
  • Rubric Design
  • Research-based teaching
  • Authentic assessment and data analysis
  • Teaching with Cases
  • Problem-based Learning
  • Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum
  • Student supervision
  • Teaching Portfolio

Each workshop certificate will state the credits of study in the required topic to which it can be applied.


  CHTL Faculty fellow


Program focus   

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Sultan Qaboos University provides services to academic faculty, thus enhancing the quality of teaching and learning first at SQU, then at both public and private higher education institutions nationally. CETL also makes visible the intellectual work of teaching while recognizing excellent Faculty Fellows across the SQU Colleges. 


Program goals

The Faculty Fellows of CETL are expected to assume the following responsibilities: 

  • Conducting peer consultation
  • Modeling and promoting teaching excellence 
  • Developing outcome-based learning objectives
  • Promoting innovation in teaching 
  • Promoting student success 
  • Linking the College to the Center
  • Conducting workshops
  • Promoting center activities and events
  • Committee participation  


In addition, CETL provides other services to SQU Colleges and faculty. These services include development of workshops specific to the requests of individual academic programs, classroom observation, confidential consultation, syllabus and assessment review, along with print and electronic resources. Faculty Fellows Program  recognizes faculty who use excellent teaching/learning strategies derived from classroom-based research and who will be trained to act as college and program consultants. CETL staff will work with administration and faculty to assess both curriculum/teaching changes as well as document the impact these changes have on student learning. This collaborative evaluation process  include the establishment of performance goals, assessment criteria, identification or design of assessment tools, data collection, and reporting.


Program Structure

The following 3 components must be successfully completed by each participant with 2-3 years:

  • Workshop completion:  28 credits in workshop.


Workshop Modules


Introduction to the CHETL


Educational Philosophy & Learning Theory


Outcome-based learning


Course design (alignment, syllabus design, instructional strategies)


Assessment and Rubric design/selection


Use of technology in teaching


Research-based teaching and/or SOTL


Peer assessment


Teaching CT online course


Capstone Portfolio


 Total credits


  • Peer Assessment

               -Complete peer review as the reviewer

  • Portfolio completion and submission
  1. Philosophical and theoretical foundations of your teaching
  2.  Course Outline/Syllabus for one or more courses including course goals, outcome-based learning objectives, course assessment tools and related rubrics.
  3. One classroom-based research analysis with instructional or assessment changes
  4. One new lesson plan with active, student-centered teaching strategies, course documents and artifacts
  5. Sample course assignments and activities to promote student critical thinking skills.
  6. Any work required for a workshop certificate
  7. Personal reflection on student learning that includes an analysis of student evaluations of the course and teaching
  8. Workshop certificates.



   CHETL Credit Assignment Submission Procedures

   Applying for CHETL








1)Faculty Resources:

  • SQU Document                                                                                     

Undergraduate Academic Assessment Policy


  • Course Design Tools   

CETL Critical Thinking Framework


  • Webinars

Overcoming Obstacles to Collaboration Across Modalities


  • Articles

 Why One Science Professor Has Students Write a Children's Book 


  • Books

We have a rubric for that 

How to Talk about Race with Students in a Way that Matters

Why Good Teaching Is Good

Conversation Is Where Teaching Changes

How to Get Every Student Talking

Inclusion, Thresholds, & Pedagogy

Making Use of Educational Research

Race, Craft, and Creative Writing


  • Active Learning                            

Confessions of a Converted Lecturer- Eric Mazur Vide 

Two-stage midterm exam


  • Newsletter

Enhancing teaching in nontraditional courses


  • Conferences 

-3rd Annual Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching and Learning(DCUTL).

Institute on Project-Based Learning

CTL Symposium: Engaging Students through Experiential Learning


  • Speakers

-Dr. Stewart Ross 

Creating Significant Learning through Integrated Course Design

 Engaging students in Active and Significant Learning Experiences

-Prof. Grahame Bilbow

Alternative Ways to Evaluate Teaching

The What and How of SoTL

E Portfolio Workshop


  •  Mr. Dave Paquin    
How Faculty Can Achieve Learning Objectives With Online Tools



2)Online teaching:


  • How to start              

Putting some of your course content online in a hurry? We have resources for you!  

Managing your online presence: telling students what to expect from you.

10 Tips for Students


  • Learning faculty                 
  • Webinars

Welcoming Students to your Online Environment - ACUE

Remote Exams and Assessments


  • Assessment Webinar:

Authentic online oral assessment

Online Assessment

Webinar Recording


  • Using big blue button

 Video on how to add and set us a Big Blue Button activity in Moodle.  


  • Using zoom

Anatomy and Physiology: How to Teach Online Using Lab Kits?


  •   Pedagogical Suggestions

    and Instructional Strategies                                                               

Online discussion guide

Online Assessment Strategies: A Primer

Student Success guide for online learning


  • Teaching Materials

 - Open Access writing textbook:

Writing Spaces website 

Parlor Press 

WAC Clearinghouse




try1   Sultan Qaboos University.

      Saltant of Oman, Muscat (alkawd).

      CETL, SQU, 50, pc: 123


calendar-clock Working Hours: Sun – Thu

                                 from (8 am to 2:30 pm).


phone-office Telephone: (+ 968) 24141025


envelopes Email: cetl@squ.edu.om