+Erasmus Program
Erasmus+ Program at Sultan Qaboos University

A program funded by the European Union enables university students to study for an academic semester at European universities partnered with Sultan Qaboos University. Additionally, it provides opportunities for academic faculty members to teach as well as for administrative and technical staff to exchange expertise and experiences.


Sultan Qaboos University, in pursuit of its vision to "maintain its leading role in the higher education and community service within the Sultanate, to excel internationally in the quality of its innovative scientific researches, graduates, and strategic partnerships, and to achieve excellence in education, learning, scientific research, innovation, and community service by enhancing the principles of scientific analysis and creative thinking in a stimulating academic environment, and engaging in knowledge production, development, dissemination, and interaction with local and international communities."


International Cooperation Office has undertaken a research effort to explore opportunities offered by the European Union through its various educational programs, including the well-known Erasmus+ program. It is expected that this program will be one of the enablers for the university to achieve its mission and vision, in addition to other collaborative programs. The international cooperation is considered as one of the seven enablers for implementing the university's long-term strategic plan for 2040, through which the office aims to achieve its strategic goal of "enhancing Sultan Qaboos University's international status" through various local, regional, and international initiatives.


The Erasmus+ program is one of the important initiatives that align with the strategies under international cooperation in the university's long-term strategic plan for 2040. This program based on strategic relationships with universities in EU countries, in addition to some universities outside the EU. It is worth noting that the European Union has become one of Oman's major economic partners, being its third largest trading partner, and the largest source of foreign direct investment. In September 2018, Oman and the European Union signed a bilateral cooperation agreement that aims to align with Oman's Vision 2040 in various diverse fields including, but not limited to agriculture, fisheries, energy, tourism, transportation, and education.

The University’s History with the Erasmus Mundus Program

It is noteworthy that the university has signed several agreements with the European Union. The most recent is the SECRET program agreement, which was from 2012 to 2018 with financial support amounting to one million euros. This program included participation from four Gulf universities: Sultan Qaboos University, the University of Bahrain, Kuwait University, and the United Arab Emirates University. On the European side, six universities from six different countries were involved: City, University of London (UK), Frederick University (Cyprus), Dresden University of Technology (Germany), Magna Graecia University (Italy), Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands), and the University of Deusto (Spain).


University staff received training and study grants for MA and PhD programs at prestigious European universities, which are under the European Union and internationally recognized. They completed their training and studies at these universities earlier in 2018, as indicated by the figures provided by the Human Resources Development Center. Additionally, some university staff had the opportunity to engage in field training (mobility) in various administrative and technical fields for periods ranging from one to two months.

It is also worth mentioning that the grants provided to these employees have significantly contributed to the university's efforts in sending its staff abroad for study and training, and covering the financial costs of these programs and training courses.

Consequently, the university, represented by the International Cooperation Office, strives to strengthen the ongoing collaboration with the European Union. Benefiting from these opportunities ensures the continuity of the progress achieved over the past years in sending its staff abroad continuously, and making the most of available opportunities in academic programs, training courses, and other fields fully funded by the European Union.

This collaboration is crucial in enhancing its relationships with universities in these countries and promoting its international standing.

Aligning the Program with Oman Vision 2040

In line with Oman Vision 2040 in the field of education and the alignment with the university's strategic plan, the International Cooperation Office aims, through participation in the Erasmus+ program, to achieve the strategic direction of the vision in general and the university in particular. Given the diversity of opportunities and benefits expected from participating in this program, the office's team members have made efforts to facilitate and coordinate procedures with European universities. Simplified joint working mechanisms have been established to avoid challenges that students and staff from both sides might face during the implementation period of the partnership program, expected to run from 2022 to 2027. This aligns with the nature of the program and ensures the enhancement of Sultan Qaboos University's image and its presence internationally.

Overview of the Erasmus+ Program (2021 – 2027)

For over 30 years, the European Union has funded Erasmus Mundus program, enabling more than four million European students to study, train, and gain experience both abroad and at home. One of these programs is Erasmus+, which has been allocated a budget of approximately 24 billion dollars for the period 2021-2027, distributed variably across different regions. Erasmus+ represents the new formulation of the Erasmus Mundus program, supporting the education of European and non-European students, particularly the youth. It also provides new opportunities (while enhancing existing ones) for participation in sports activities and other programs conducted outside the European Union. Notably, Erasmus+ provides these opportunities and funds the exchange of students and academics, supporting good ideas and practices among program countries (European countries) and partner countries (non-European countries) worldwide. Under the new 2021-2027 program, several areas are covered, including various international activities, higher education (HE), vocational education and training (VET), youth, and sports. The overall goal of these and other Erasmus+ initiatives is to improve the quality of education in universities within the European Union and other partner countries. Consequently, Erasmus+ is a key element of the European Union's strategy called "Europe Horizon 2020; also known as the European Semester, which aims to boost economic growth in the European Union, particularly in the areas of employment and education. Erasmus+ also provides opportunities for study exchanges between EU institutions and their counterparts, vocational training, and the exchange of experiences among staff in all fields of education, training, youth, and sports.


Countries Involved in the Erasmus+ Program

The Erasmus+ program includes the participation of two categories of countries: program countries and partner countries that are non-EU members. The list of program countries includes all 27 EU member states, as well as several non-EU countries, including Turkey, Serbia, North Macedonia, Liechtenstein, Iceland, and Norway. The list also includes European countries considered part of the EU but not primary program members: Switzerland, Vatican City, Monaco, San Marino, and Andorra.

Program countries have the right to fully participate in all Erasmus+ programs and activities. Conversely, partner countries have a more limited scope regarding their participation. Partner countries include more than 100 countries from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and South and North America. Oman and other Gulf countries (high-income countries), along with Iran, Iraq, and Yemen (low-income countries), fall within Region 7. This region has only 1% of the estimated budget (1.064 billion euros) from the European Union for the ICM program for the period 2021-2027.

SQU current Erasmus Plus partners and opportunities


Turku University 

Focal Point: 

*Mr. Janne Loikkanen

Head of International Office

Email: erasmuslCM@utu.fi 

Tel. +358 400 654 543 

Opportunities available to take place before July 2025

Available Fields & Majors

Staff Mobility

Student Exchange

All Fields in English

TwoSQU staff

(Teaching & Training)

Seven days each including travel days          

One SQU student

One Academic Semester

(Spring - Jan 2025) 

Five months period



Freie University Berlin 

Focal Point: 

*Ms. Stefanie Ritter

Coordinator Erasmus ICM

Email: stefanie.ritter@fu-berlin.de 

Tel. +49 30 838 73441

Opportunities available to take place before July 2025

Available Fields & Majors

Staff Mobility

Student Exchange

All Fields in English

One SQU staff

(Teaching & Training)

Seven days including travel days






University of Tuscia

Focal Point: 

*Porf. Simone Severini

Coordinator Erasmus ICM

Email: severini@unitus.it 

Tel. +39 0761 357916


  • *Dr. Carlo Contardo

Mobility & International Cooperation Office

Email: carlocontardo@unitus.it 

Tel. +39 0761 357916


Opportunities available to take place before July 2025

Available Fields & Majors

Staff Mobility

Student Exchange

Agricultural and Marine Sciences,

Engineering, Biology, Finance, Management, Marketing, Political Science


Two SQU staff

(Teaching & Training) 

Twelve day each including travel days

Four SQU student

One Academic Semester

Four months period each



University of Genova

Focal Point: 

*Dott.ssa Maria Traino

Institutional Coordinator

Email: relint.eu@unige.it 

Tel. +39 0102095626

Opportunities available to take place before July 2026

Available Fields  &Majors

Staff Mobility

Student Exchange

Agricultural and Marine Sciences,

Political Sciences, Architecture


Three SQU staff


Ten days each including

travel days

Two SQU student 

One Academic Semester

Four months period each





Ankara University

Focal Point: 

*Dr. Ramazan Topal 

International Center - EU Educational Programmes Office

Email: Ramazan.Topal@ankara.edu.tr 

Tel. +90 505 916 72 07

Opportunities available to take place before July 2025

Available Fields & Majors

Staff Mobility

Student Exchange

Arabic Language and Literature,

Social sciences, Management,

Economics, Political science

and International Relations

Two SQU staff

(Teaching & Training) 

Seven days each including

travel days

One SQU student

One Academic Semester

Four months period




Powiślański University

Focal Point: 


Erasmus+ Programme Coordinator

Email: internationaloffice@psw.kwidzyn.edu.pl  


Tel. +48 (55) 279 58 73 / +48 795 431 942

Opportunities available to take place before July 2026

Available Fields & Majors

Staff Mobility

Student Exchange

Economics, finance, medicine,



One SQU student

one Academic Semester

Four months period





International Hellenic University

Focal Point: 

*Grammatiki Grammenou

European and International Prog. Dept.

Email: erasmus.admin@the.ihu.gr

Tel. +30 2310 013 709

*Ms. Margarita Chatzilia

Department of Library, Archival & Information Studies

Email: margy07m@gmail.com / hatzilia@ihu.gr 

Tel. +30 694 5294999

Opportunities available to take place before July 2026

Available Fields & Majors

Staff Mobility

Student Exchange

Library science, librarianship,


One SQU staff

(teaching & Training) 

Seven days including travel days




Expected new applications for 2024



Marmara University

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi

Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi

Lokman Hekim Üniversitesi

Dicle Üniversitesi

Ataturk Üniversitesi



University of Messina

IULM University



Dublin University



Tallinn University

University of Tartu



Freie Universität Berlin

Ruhr University Bochum



Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

Selection Criteria for Staff Exchange through the ICM Program

In line with Sultan Qaboos University's ongoing efforts to improve, and enhance the skills and knowledge of its staff to keep pace with global advancements and scientific developments, it has been decided to enable university staff to be nominated for exchange with cooperating European universities. This is contingent upon them completing the application and nomination process for the available opportunities, passing the screening and selection stages, and committing to the conditions upon receiving approval to participate in these programs as follows:


Application and Nomination Stage:

  • The applicant must be a permanent employee of the university.
  • The applicant’s job performance evaluation must be at least "good" for the last evaluation period.


Applications should be submitted through the online platform, attached with the following:

  • A recommendation from the counterpart European university indicating their initial approval of the employee’s acceptance, specifying the program and supervisor, and detailing the required timeframe to complete the program as outlined in the opportunity announcement.
  • A non-objection form from the) Dean/General Manager/Director (of the department (with proficiency in the program's language), clarifying the department’s need for the proposed program. This form will be available for download, completion, and re-attachment for all participating staff (in English) at the online application platform.

An employee is eligible to apply again for Erasmus+ programs two years after the last opportunity they received.

Screening and Selection Stage:

  • The program applied for must align with the employee’s tasks, responsibilities, and job objectives and should be among the programs and opportunities announced for competition with European counterpart universities.


  • Proficiency in the program's language, both spoken and written.


  • Academic candidates must be active in scientific publishing, with a minimum of one scientific paper annually over the past three years.


  • Preferably, the academic candidate should not have taken a sabbatical leave in the last three years prior to their nomination for the opportunities.


  • Various units can secure opportunities for their staff and students based on their academic, research, and administrative collaboration with counterpart entities in European universities in coordination with the International Cooperation Office. Preference may be given to those units based on the importance of the proposed program, which will be clarified in the program's marketing and media campaign.



Post-Acceptance Stage:

The selected employee must complete the agreed-upon program period with the counterpart university.

If the selected employee fails to attend or complete the program without an acceptable excuse (as assessed by the direct supervisor and the counterpart university supervisor), the employee must refund all the salary received and any expenses incurred during the program period, whether from the university or the European Union.

The selected employee must maintain the reputation of Sultan Qaboos University internationally and engage positively and balancedly with the host country during their stay.

Within 30 days of returning from the program, the selected employee must:

Complete the evaluation form of Sultan Qaboos University.

Complete the participation survey from the European Union.

Present a comprehensive report and presentation after returning from the program, including the scientific and practical experiences gained, and explain how their department can benefit from the program's outcomes.


Selection Criteria for Student Exchange through the ICM Program
Regarding the selection criteria for Erasmus+ student exchange: the same “Clause relating to the Student Exchange Program in the Academic System for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies” will be addressed.


Student Exchange Regulations (in-coming/out-going)

Selection Nomination and Procedures for Staff and Students

To ensure smooth operations and nominations in line with the opportunities and programs offered based on annual institutional agreements, Sultan Qaboos University has established a workflow for the nomination and acceptance procedures. This organizes and coordinates the opportunities provided to university staff by European universities and ensures that staff have the full opportunity to apply and compete for them within a specified timeframe as mentioned in the application procedures for staff and students, which will be announced through the Communication and Media Department in coordination with the International Cooperation Office.


Students’ FAQs:

What are the available fields for students in the Erasmus+ program?

Opportunities and available fields are announced via email by the Communication and Media Department.


What are the requirements for student candidates in the program?

As stipulated in the annex of the student exchange program regulations in the undergraduate and postgraduate academic system.


What is the duration of the student exchange program?

One academic semester only (4-5 months).


What is the estimated financial support provided per student?

Selected students in Erasmus+ receive a monthly amount of approximately 850 euros, plus a round-trip economy class ticket estimated between 275-820 euros, in addition to financial support from Sultan Qaboos University to cover international visa and health insurance costs.


How are the grades of participating students accredited?

Students must bring the original transcript from the host university within 30 days after the academic semester ends, and their grades will be transferred to the SIS system by their college.


Staff (Academic/Administrative/Technical) FAQs:

What are the available fields for staff ?

Opportunities and available fields for stuff (academic/administrative/technical) are announced via email by the Communication and Media Department.


What are the requirements for staff candidates in the program?

As stipulated in the staff selection criteria and based on the announced opportunities and fields.


What is the duration of the staff exchange program?

No less than  5 working days plus 2 travel days and no more than  12 working days plus 2 travel days, depending on the announced opportunities.


What is the estimated financial support provided per staff member?

Selected staff in Erasmus+ receive approximately 140-160 euros per day during the program, including travel days, plus a round-trip economy class ticket estimated between 275-820 euros. Additionally, Sultan Qaboos University provides financial support of approximately 60 OMR per day, as well as covering international visa and health insurance costs.​​​​​​​


How is staff participation in the program accredited?

Staff (academic/administrative/technical) compete for teaching or training opportunities based on the documents submitted in the program's online system, which will be reviewed and analyzed by the authorities concerned before announcing the results and initiating the procedures.





Contact Us

If you are a student:

Please contact Mr. Hamoud bin Mohammed Al Qasimi

Head of the Student and Academic Exchange Department

International Cooperation Office

Phone number: 24141048

Email: alqasmi9@squ.edu.om


If you are an employee:

Please contact Mr. Dhiyab bin Muhammad Al-Waal

Head of the Institutional Strengthening Department

International Cooperation Office

Phone number: 24141030

Email: dhiyabw@squ.edu.om

Register in the program

To register, please visit the following link:

Employee registration form for the Erasmus Plus program

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