Postgraduate Programs Overview

Postgraduate Programs Overview

Master’s programs require 30 credit hours of study and/or research except for the MBA program, which requires 36 credit hours. Since the introduction of its part-time MBA program in 2004, the College has been gradually expanding its portfolio of postgraduate programs. It currently offers a part-time and full-time MBA, an MA in International Relations and Security Studies (IRSS), an M.Sc. in Information Systems, an M.Sc. in Operations and Supply Chain Management and a PhD in Information Systems. Recently, an M.Sc. in Accounting and Finance and a PhD program in Management have been approved by the University Council and they are expected to receive the first intake in September 2022 and September 2021, respectively. As of 2020, there are 170 postgraduate students enrolled in CEPS, taught by 85 highly qualified core and 20 adjunct faculty.

All CEPS postgraduate programs are designed to meet the College and University’s strategic mission of providing a learning environment benchmarked to international standards, the advancement of educational excellence and an international research-oriented culture connected to national objectives. The responsibility for the postgraduate program portfolio is within the scope of the Assistant Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research (ADPSR). All postgraduate programs are managed by independent program coordinators who report to the ADPSR. The Office of the ADPSR keeps a record of the degree plans and course descriptions, while the course files are kept at the departments.