
Registration is the process by which a student selects courses according to the guidance of his/her academic advisor and formally enrolls in those courses. Information regarding schedule, location, deadlines and timetables will be available in the website of the Deanship of Admission and Registration prior to the scheduled registration period. The student register the courses online through SIS.

A student may be prevented from online registration in specific or all courses if:

  • The course section is full.

  • Admission procedures are not complete.

  • There is a timetable conflict.

  • Specific academic Pre-requisites are not met. (Note: students are responsible for ensuring that they have fulfilled the published Pre-requisites. Failure to observe this may result in that course registration being withdrawn. The guidance of the advisor should be sought).

  • Textbooks have not been returned as requested.

  • Conditions based on past academic performance or disciplinary status have not yet been met.

  • The student is under probation (the student must meet their academic advisors to be able to register).

If the student is not able to register online, he/she may register manually by filling the appropriate form with his/her advisor.

Registration ends the last working day before classes begin. Late registration up to one week beyond that date is permitted only with the approval of the advisor, Head of Departments, Assistant Dean of the Undergraduate Studies and the Deanship of Admission and Registration. Students registering late may find that available courses are limited.

The University reserves the right to cancel registrations in courses where there is insufficient enrollment. Minimum enrollment may vary by college/department according to department size.
Where space is limited, priority will be given in individual courses in the following order:

  • Students in their final year of study who need access to a required course.

  • Students who need access to courses designated in their major area of study.

  • Students with the greatest number of credits earned toward the degree.

Exceptions to any of these conditions may be made only in unusual individual circumstances recommended by the appropriate department head and approved by the Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies with the Deanship of Admissions and Registration.