Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies

  • Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies
  • Internal Transfer Criteria
  • External Transfer criteria
  • Summer Registration
  • Important Forms
  • Contact Us

The office of the Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies is the link between the Deanship of Admission & Registration and the College of Medicine & Health Sciences. It administers all academic and organizational aspects of the Pre-Clinical programme. This includes students' registration, timetabling, course schedules, student academic performance, progression, academic advising and other related matters. It is also involved in the follow-up of curricular development and updates of various degree plans offered by the college. It fulfills such objectives by close follow up and interaction with various committees and executive 'cog-wheels' of the college.

With students' admission to the college, the office oversees all academic activities that monitors students' academic needs and ensures maintained high academic standards of curricular delivery and academic achievement. This is to make students progression and transition into their clinical programme/training as smooth as possible.

Another main objective of the office is to make medical student's educational experience an enjoyable and a memorable one. In liaison with the Deanship of Students Affairs, the office supervises students' extra-curricular activities to facilitate their social interaction with the Faculty and the professional integration with the intercollegiate and off-campus communities.



Dr. Arwa Al- Kindi

 Assistant Professor, 

Asst Dean  for Undergraduate Studies

   Arwa Al Kindi                  



Transfer between college programs:

1- Transfers from BMS to MD programme

Based on Seat Availability, a student may transfer from BMS programme to MD programme if ALL the following Criteria Are Fulfilled

1. Finished successfully ALL BMS First Year Courses (Including UE and UR courses and Cellular Communications course MEDI2109 and Introduction to Human Anatomy MEDI2106 of Phase I MD Programme).

2. Focused GPA of 2.5 or above.

3. FGPA is calculated for the following 6 courses only:

•    Academic English for Medicine...............(LANC2033)
•    Chemistry for Medicine...................(CHEM2110)
•    Introduction to Human Anatomy.............(MEDI2106) 
•    Introduction to Human Physiology..........(MEDI2107)
•     Enzymology and Metabolism............ (MEDI2108)
•    Cellular Communications...........(MEDI2109)

4. No Probation Status (This may happen since Probation is based on Cumulative GPA).

5. In case there are more applicants than the seats available, students will be ranked according to their fGPA.

6. The of course repeat(s) by an applicant student will be scrutinized when considering the application to transfer.

2- Transfers from MD to BMS programme

•    Courses to be accomplished:
    1. Chemistry of Medicine
    2. Introduction to Physiology
    3. Enzymology & Metabolism

•    Availability of seats

•    5 seats in each batch from Medicine & other colleges
•    Minimum GPA 2.5 
•    Students under Probation cannot be transferred
•    MD students should not be later than Phase-I, semester-2 for transferring to BMS.
•    Completed all three courses with Minimum credit “C” grade in 2 out of 3.


General Transfer between colleges:


1.    Student Absence due to Illness Submission form

•    Please submit your valid sick leave to the course coordinator within two days and fill out the form.
•    The student is responsible for submitting of any required official documents to the ADUS office.

For more details  Please see the Undergraduate Academic Regulations     (  Pg. 18 ).


2-  Conference Attendance Application Form - Google Forms


Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies

College of Medicine and Health Science

Sultan Qaboos University 


 PO.Box: 35, 123,Al Khod, Muscat.OMAN,College of Medicine & Health Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital,

                 College of Medicine & Health Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital,

E mail:

Phone:  +(968) 2414 1170  

              +(968) 2414 1163

              +(968) 2414 3519

URL: Undergraduate Studies