Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacy
  • About Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacy
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Welcome to the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, one of the most energetic departments at the College of Medicine and Health Sciences. The Department is committed to playing a significant role in attaining the mission of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences in more than one front.

The contribution of our Department to the University educational mission is significant. For undergraduate students, we take part in teaching both medical and nursing students at an early as well as an advanced stage of their degree plan. Additionally, we offer a Master’s and Doctorate Programs in Clinical Pharmacy for the postgraduate students.

In the research front, the Department has streamlined its activities in the following areas: clinical pharmacy, cardiovascular pharmacology, and some aspects of renal toxicology. These research areas were selected to optimize our research effort while complementing the College research activities as well as serve in a better healthcare delivery to patients.

The members of the Department are all efficiently sharing in providing service to the College, the University and the community at large in various activities and occasions at more than one level. Moreover and needless to say, we are willing to offer our expertise whenever needed.

Our commitment to the College and the University together with our determination to continuously enhance our performance is our strength and the drive to excel.


Mission & Objectives 

The Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy is committed to academic excellence by pursuing continuous improvement of its performance in education, research and service activities. Guided by the Sultan Qaboos University and College of Medicine and Health Sciences future aspirations, the Department will pursue the following objectives:

  • Provide instruction in pharmacology (to undergraduate students) and in clinical pharmacy (to postgraduate students) of the highest quality and according to the contemporary professional requirement. Emphasis will be placed on fundamental scientific concepts necessary for life-long learning and the essential knowledge required for rational, effective, and safe use of drug therapy.
  • Advance biomedical knowledge through active contribution to high quality research and other scholarly activities, particularly in areas relevant to Oman.
  • Provide high quality service to the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University and Omani society at large.


At the undergraduate level, the Department’s teaching concentrates on the mechanisms by which drugs affect various biological systems and functions, as well as the actions of drugs on pathological processes. The Department contributes to undergraduate teaching in Phase I and Phase II of the M.D. The Department continues to contribute to the College of Nursing courses. The Department also delivers and coordinates Basic Pharmacology and Nutrition Course for College of Agriculture and Marine Sciences students.

The Department delivers lectures and/or tutorials for the following courses:

MD Program

Phase I:

  • Cellular Communication and Introduction to Drug Action (MEDI2109)

Phase II

  • Response to Infection and Pathobiology (MEDI3104)
  • Alimentary System (MEDI4303)
  • Respiratory System (MEDI4205)
  • Haemopoietic and Immune System (MEDI4206)
  • Cardiovascular System (MEDI4204)
  • Uro-reproductive System (MEDI4304)
  • Endocrine System (MEDI4405)
  • Locomotor System (MEDI4403)
  • Human Nervous System (MEDI4404)
  • Student Project I and II (MEDI4511 & MEDI4521)
  • Integrated Module (MEDI4201)

Phase III

  • Pre-clerkship
  • Supportive learning topics (SLT) for the Senior Clerkship students in collaboration with the Department of Pharmacy at Sultan Qaboos University Hospital (SQUH).
  • Lecture in Obstetrics & Gynecology and the Behavioral Medicine Senior Clerkship clinical rotations.

Nursing Program

  • Pharmacology I (NURS2125)
  • Pharmacology II (NURS2135)


Other Programs

  • Basic Pharmacology and Nutrition (PHAR2001)


Postgraduate Programs

The Department plays an active role in teaching in the Master’s program in Biomedical Sciences. The Department also offers MSc and PhD degrees in Clinical Pharmacy.

Postgraduate Programs

  • MSc:

Clinical Pharmacy program extends for two years (four semesters). During the first year, students will be offered core courses (Research Method and Critical Analysis of Scientific Information, and Statistics and Computers), major courses (Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Clinical Pharmacy 1 and 2, and Pharmacoeconomics), and elective courses. They are also assigned clinical placement in the major medical disciplines. In the second year, students carry out, under supervision, a research project that will require a written thesis for submission and oral presentation for evaluation.

The program’s degree plan is shown in the table below.


MSc Degree Plan

Credit Required                        30

College Requirements                  6

Major Requirements                   12

Elective Courses                         6

Thesis                                         6


Course Code

Course Title





College Requirements


Research Method & Critical Reading of Scientific Literature





Statistics and Computers




Major Requirements


Pharmacokinetic & Therapeutic Drug Monitoring





Clinical Pharmacy 1





Clinical Pharmacy 2





Introduction to Pharmacoeconomics





Research Project




Elective Courses (2 courses, 6 credits)


Courses from other programs and colleges





Courses from other programs and colleges






















Nursing Program

  • Advanced Pharmacology for Nursing Practice (NURS6112)
  • PhD:

PhD Clinical Pharmacy program normally takes four years. The candidates are required to produce a thesis containing original work of suitable merit to demonstrate their command of the relevant research methodology and their ability to undertake independent research. This is to enable clinical pharmacist to design and perform a pharmacy practice research, and to make effective and safe use of medicine.







































Department of Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacy

College of Medicine and Health Science

Sultan Qaboos University

PO Box: 35, Alkoudh.123 Sultanate of Oman

Phone: (+968) 24141107
