Family Medicine & Public Health
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    The Department of Family Medicine and Public Health, Sultan Qaboos University,     College of Medicine and Health Sciences is an academic and clinical department     dedicated to the advancement of family medicine specialty through the development of     outstanding educational, research, and clinical care programmes aimed at teaching and     providing high quality, patient-centered primary health care. Thus, the mission of the     Department is to enhance the health of the population through leadership in quality     education, research, and patient care in Family Medicine, as well as in different aspects     of Public Health. 


    The Department aspire for

•    Provision of patient and family oriented, comprehensive, high quality, evidence-based and cost effective health care.

•    Development and maintenance of quality medical education for students and residents.

•    Promotion and dissemination of knowledge important to clinical, teaching and improvement of health care of the population.


Department of Family Medicine and Public Health

PO Box 35, Al-Khoud

P.C. 123, Sultanate of Oman

Tel. #; (+968) 2414-1127

Fax #: (+968) 2441-3419




  • A- Undergraduate Programmes
  • B - Masters Programme
  • C - PhD Programme

The Department continued to offer courses in Epidemiology & Medical Statistics to various undergraduate students; Biostatistics for the College of Nursing; Principles of Epidemiology; Special Epidemiology & Health Management for health statistics students from the College of Science; the Hospital & Community Attachment course for M.D. students; the Research Methodology course and the Student Project for M.D. students in   Phase II of the curriculum.




            During the Pre-Clerkship module that last for 10 weeks, skills, knowledge and attitude     are required to elicit the history and perform physical examination as a pre-requisite to the clinical management of an individual will be covered. It was constructed to equip students with generic skills (such as communications, history taking and physical examination skills) that will help their subsequent bed-side-learning. Such was supplemented with necessary basic behavioral medicine knowledge as a theoretical pre-requisite and complimented with ethics and medical records (in hard and electronic HIS formats) management skills. The main objective of this section is to prepare the students to start  clinical rotations.


            Course Objectives:

            A. Knowledge

            1. Define and describe the different diagnostic features and list common causes of the       symptoms originating from relevant systems covered in each week module.

            2. Relate the causes to underlying patho-physiological mechanisms.

            3. Discuss the patho-physiological mechanism of key abnormal physical examination       findings.

            4. Discuss interpretation of common investigations of relevant systems covered in each    week module.


            B. Skills

1. Demonstrate the ability to obtain an accurate and focused history of symptoms in a chronological manner developing the “presenting illness” including pertinent positive and negative history in simulated-patients/ patients

2. Demonstrate the ability to perform an appropriate, logical and thorough clinical examination of the appropriate system including relevant general assessment in simulated patients

3. Demonstrate the ability to detect normal and abnormal physical findings on screening physical examinations on patients

4. Demonstrate the ability to modify the sequence of history taking and performing physical examination depends on the patient conditions and circumstances.

5. Demonstrate the ability to record the patient’s history and physical examination findings in accurate and concise format

6. Present and discuss orally an accurate and concise history and physical examination findings of patients with the tutor

7. Formulate differential diagnoses based on the history and physical examination data gathered

8. Formulate logical investigations and treatment options based on the differential diagnoses (broad principles only).


            C. Attitude

1. Demonstrate effective interpersonal relationship with simulated patients/patients and families while gathering and providing information during and at the end of history and physical examination, including self-introduction at the beginning and thanking at the end. (Students, being early learners SHOULD NOT inform their findings, diagnoses or treatment options to the patients they encounter in the wards; instead direct such patients to the physician-in-charge)

2. Demonstrate the ability to obtain verbal consent before physical examination.

3. Apply the principles of hand hygiene before and after physical examinations

4. Demonstrate consideration for simulated patient’s/ patient’s feelings and privacy during history taking and physical examination and modify the approach depends on the patient characteristics like age, sex, physical and emotional condition of the patient.

5. Demonstrate reliability, dependability, integrity and courtesy during history taking, physical examination and communication with simulated patients/ patients/ relatives/ tutors/ fellow students/ other health related professionals.


            1. In course assessment: a. Mini Cex: 60%

            Average of nine Mini-Cex scheduled every 3rd week. Mini-Cex assesses clinical skills,             communication skills, professionalism and skills of using electronic health records.

            2. Final assessment: 40%

            a. MCQ (A type): 20%

            b. SAQ (Short Answer Type): 20%

            End of pre-clerkship module- on week 10 (Tuesday).

            Assessment includes all topics covered in the lectures, workshops and clinical skills          learned in the ward/skills lab. Examination will be administered in Moodle; you are   advised to enroll Moodle course: PRECLERKSHIP at the beginning of the programme.

            3. Pass/ Fail criteria: as per Sultan Qaboos University: College of Medicine and Health   Sciences: Examination policy 2009


Course Coordinator:

Dr. Yaquob Al Saidi
Department of Family Medicine and Public Health

College of Medicine and Health Sciences

Sultan Qaboos University

Tel #: (+968) 2414-1134


                JUNIOR CLERKSHIP



The Junior Clerkship rotation is a 5-week rotation where the students get the opportunity to practice taking focused history, performing focused physical examination, proposing differential diagnosis and plan the management. The emphasis is on the acquisition of knowledge that is required to manage a wide variety of health conditions (physical, social and psychological) in the context of family, culture, work and community. The rotation explores further the principles of patient-centered care. This will take place within the context of workplace-based learning and tutorials. Daily clinical teaching takes place in the SQUH FAMCO Heath Centre as well as in a number of accredited MOH Local Health Centres. The learning setting will enable students to learn by participation.

Course Objectives:

            At the end of this junior clerkship rotation, students are expected to be able to: 

            1. Establish relationship with patients and their families.

            2. Obtain a focused history.

            3. Conduct a focused physical examination appropriate to the age of the patient and nature of the clinical problem.

            4. Generate relevant differential diagnosis.

            5. Select and interpret appropriate diagnostic tests/investigations.

            6. Master the patient’s management in a comprehensive way including:

            a. Holistic approach. 

            b. Patient Centered Care.

            c. Patient’s ideas, concerns and expectations.

            d. Non-pharmacological and pharmacological management.

            e. Continuity of care.

            f. Community medicine.

            g. Health promotion and preventive measures.

7. Observe/perform common procedures typically conducted in family practice settings.

8. Recognize risk factors.

9. Participate in the different health facilities that are provided by the primary care services including: Vaccination, antenatal care, Integrated Management of        Childhood Illness (IMCI), school health, community health, etc.).

10. Objectives of the IMCI are:

a. To practice and use IMCI guidelines and manuals through (visiting EPI clinic, practicing how to asses feeding problems and giving advices accordingly, use AL-shefa_automated IMCI manuals).

b. To understand the syndromic case management steps of sick child (eliciting general danger signs).

c. To conduct proper chest examination for assessment of cough including  counting breath in one minute.

d. To look for signs of diarrhea with dehydration (skin pinch test, sunken eye sign).

e. To check for throat and ear problems with the best position for examining the child.

f. To practice measurements of anthropometric parameter for each child including head circumference.

         g. To understand the management of sick child in the clinic (nebulizer session; paracetamol syrup, tipped water sponging).

            h. To demonstrate good communication skills with caretaker and child.



            In-Course (Formative): 50%

  1. Observed long cases ------------------------------------------------------------------------20%
    1. One observed long cases
    2. Minimum duration = 30 + 15 minutes (30 min observation, 15 min discussion)
    3. When = workplace-based (in the morning during or at the end of OPD)
    4. Feed-back required = optional
  2. Mini-CEX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20%
    1. Two Mini-CEX
    2. Duration = 15 minutes
    3. When = workplace-based (in the morning during or at the end of OPD)
    4. Feed-back required = Must (5 minutes)
  3.   Learning Portfolio (PCCP, Case Summary, Observe/conduct procedures) -------10%

            End-of- Junior Clerkship Year (Summative): 50%

  1. MCQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30%
  2. OSCE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20%

            Course Coordinator:

Dr. Maha Al-Jabri
Department of Family Medicine and Public Health

College of Medicine and Health Sciences

Sultan Qaboos University

Tel #: (+968) 2414-7231





            The Senior Clerkship in Family Medicine explores further the principles and practice of   patient-centered care, which were introduced in Junior Clerkship. The clerkship course     takes place in an out-of-hospital setting in the FAMCO clinic and a selection of nearby Ministry of Health (MOH) clinics. The student learns how to deal with undifferentiated health problems presented to the family doctor as well as how to manage chronic illnesses among the members of the community. In addition, the course emphasizes an   outcome of graduate general (undifferentiated) physicians who are competent to deal with the issues described above in accordance with the current best medical practice and in a professional manner. The learning setting will enable students to learn by   participation. Students will be empowered to build and expand their knowledge and skills for clinical reasoning and decision-making. The duration of Senior Clerkship is for three weeks.

            Course Objectives:

            To enable the student to:

            1. Effectively communicate with patients and their families, health-care team and other health-care professionals.
            2. Obtain a focused history, generate relevant differential diagnoses as well as eliciting and interpreting relevant information from the patient, family and other sources in a holistic way.

            3. Perform a focused physical examination and to select appropriate laboratory and other diagnostic investigations/procedures given the differential diagnoses generated.

            4. Generate a final diagnosis and to negotiate a treatment plan with the patient.

            5. Discuss clinical decisions based on current best evidence and sound clinical judgments in order to offer an effective treatment plan to patients.

            6. Critically evaluate risk versus benefit as well as cost versus effectiveness of therapeutic options.

            7. Provide opportunistic health promotion/preventive measures, including occupational    and environmental counseling,

            The assessment would consist of ‘In-Rotation’ and ‘End-of-Clerkship’ rotation as follows:

  1. In-rotation assessment                                                                              50%
  2. End-of-clerkship assessment                                                                    50%

            In-rotation assessment would consist of the following:

            Assessment method                                                    Rationale

  1. Mini CEX                                                             Clinical skills + Professionalism
  2. Case-Based Discussion(CBD)                              Clinical reasoning + Record keeping
  3. Portfolio                                                                Clinical skills + Presentation Skills 


    • Assessment of tutorials
    • Case summaries
    • Practical skills (procedures)


      1. Mini CEX  (ONE per student)                                         20%

                                    Done in MOH


      1. Case-Based Discussion (CBD)  (ONE per student)         20%
        Done in FAMCO                                                                         


      1. Learning Portfolio: case summaries, procedures              10%

                                    & Case-Based Learning (CBL)                   


      End-of-Year Clerkship Assessment:


            FAMCO in block with Medicine, Therapeutics, Lab and Adult Haematology.

            Assessment will constitute 50% of the total marks and consist of three integrated   examinations:


  1. MCQs                   15%     Knowledge + Reasoning
  2. SAQ / MEQ         5%       Clinical Reasoning
  3. OSCE                   30%     Clinical Skills



Failure in up to two integrated examinations would mean:

  • Re-sit in the buffer period
  • Failure in the re-sit would mean repeating all the components of the failed exam.


            Course Coordinator:

 Dr. Rahma Al-Hadhrami


Department of Family Medicine and Public Health

College of Medicine and Health Sciences

Sultan Qaboos University

Tel #: (+968) 2414-1129

Postgraduate Programs

Masters in Biomedical Sciences, Major in Epidemiology and Medical Statistics

Degree Option

Credits Required




Coursework and Thesis



Full Time

2 Years

Coursework and Thesis



Part Time

3 Years

About the Programs

The Public Health Unit of the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health offers a Master in Epidemiology and Medical Statistics program. The curriculum of the program focuses on the promotion of research culture, particularly among clinical trainees, fellows, and faculty for conducting clinical research. The program served two purposes: First, it will equip students with the skills necessary to enable them to work across the range of areas covered by the medical, bio-medical, and health-related fields and epidemiology; Second, it will train healthcare professionals to have in-depth knowledge of epidemiology and biostatistics and its application to important clinical and public health issues in Oman and other countries, with a focused approach to regional problems and needs.

Program Curriculum and Structure

To satisfy the requirements of this program, students must successfully obtain 30 credits by completing six core (18 credits), two elective (6 credits) taught courses, and one core (6 credits) research project (Thesis) within 2 years for a full time mode and 3 years for a part-time mode. Details of the courses comprising as follows:

Course Code

Course Title




Statistics and Computers




Research Methods and Critical Reading of Scientific Literature




Advanced Principle of Epidemiology and Inference Statistics




Advanced Statistical Methods




Categorical Data Analysis




Applied Epidemiology




Statistical Methods in Quality Control




Epidemiology in Health Care Planning




Health Management and Leadership




Research Project (Thesis)



* Students can take up to 2 elective courses with 3 credits per course on level 6 offered by the College of Medicine and Health Sciences or other postgraduate courses offered by the University according to the Academic Regulations for Postgraduate Studies 2018 ( subject to change without notice.


Core Courses

EPIS6000 (Statistics and Computers)

This course introduces the basic principles of applications of statistical methodology in designing, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting biological experiments and observations. The topics include description and presentation of data, descriptive statistics, probability and sampling distributions, sample size and sampling methods, elements of hypothesis testing and one and two-sample tests, tests of association, analysis of variance, correlation, regression techniques, and non-parametric statistical methods. During the laboratory component of the course, students learn how to create data entry screens, merge and subset data files, derive new variables, conduct analyses and summarize results based on the topics covered using data from laboratory and field studies. For this, the SPSS package will be used extensively.

METH6001 (Research Methods and Critical Reading of Scientific Literature)

This course teaches critical analyses of refereed scientific publications of different qualities. Critical reading and oral presentation of scientific information are major components of this course.

EPIS6001 (Advanced Principles of Epidemiology and Inference Statistics)

This course instructs the students about the epidemiological approach and concepts of causation, epidemiological methods, epidemiological methods in genetics, developing research protocols, the concept of statistical inference, sampling distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing, principles of clinical community-based prophylactic trials (designing of clinical and community-based trials, randomizing techniques, estimation of sample size), and biological inferences from epidemiological studies. Problems related to the topics covered, suited to real-life situations, are solved using statistical program packages.

EPIS6002 (Advanced Statistical Methods)

This course aims to give students a sound understanding of experimental design, both theoretical and practical. The course will explore the analysis method of variance and show how it is structurally linked to particular types of design. The student will be introduced to the principles and methods of efficient designing and analyzing comparative experiments. The influences of extraneous factors are either controlled systematically or prevented from getting confounded with the effects of the main factors under investigation. Topics included Completely Randomized designs. Randomized Block design Repeated Measure design. The Factorial Experiment and Regression. Simple and multiple regression models and correlation coefficients.

EPIS6003 (Categorical Data Analysis)

This course will cover applications of some statistical methodological studies when the outcome variables are categorical. The topics covered include analysis of two-way contingency tables, the testing for the trend in a 2 x r contingency table, estimation and testing of relative Risks and Odds Ratios, the Mantel-Haenszel test for the combination of several 2 x 2 tables with an estimation of the combined odds ratio and confidence limits, estimation of attributable risk, matching and confounding, and an introduction to multiple logistic regression model and log-linear models. Throughout the course, the application of the methodology will be emphasized using data from epidemiological and experimental studies and will be solved using SPSS or other statistical software.

EPIS6004 (Applied Epidemiology)

This course is designed to teach how epidemiologic methods are used in applied settings, focusing on issues faced by health departments. This includes screening test and its application, validity, and reliability of screening tests, evaluation of diagnostic tests, vital statistics (measures of fertility, mortality, and morbidity), estimation of population, standardization of rates (direct methods, in-direct methods, standardized mortality ratio), life tables and survival analysis (complete life table, abridged life table, clinical life table, estimation of net reproduction rate), demography and epidemiological investigation, cost-benefit analysis and role of epidemiology and statistics in health-care planning and evaluation.

EPIS7002 (Research Project – Thesis)

Students will conduct a research project will identify a problem to be studied, review the literature associated with the problem, collect data about the issue, analyze the data to either support or refute a pre-selected hypothesis or answer research questions, discuss the findings, present conclusions, and make recommendations based on the study in a Thesis.


Elective Courses

EPIS6005 (Statistical Methods in Quality Control)

This course includes using Statistical Quality Control techniques for quality/performance improvement in the health care environment. The course will enable the students to understand how to draw the appropriate control charts to improve the quality/performance of different healthcare parameters. Besides, the course will also elaborate on acceptance sampling techniques for attributes based on single and double sampling plans. The topics include; control charts for variables, control charts for attributes, and sampling inspection plans.

EPIS6006 (Epidemiology in Health Care Planning)

This course will cover the epidemiological aspects of health care planning. The course content deals with social choices, the planning process, and systems, application to health care services, objectives of evaluative studies, uses of health care information in planning, managing information system, epidemiological approaches to plan, use of probabilities in decision making, the planning environment, and professional interactions.

EPIS6008 (Health Management and Leadership)

This elective course is designed to familiarize the students pursuing different postgraduate courses at Sultan Qaboos University and specifically for those enrolled for Masters in Epidemiology and Medical Statistics in the College of Medicine and Health Sciences with the importance of leadership role in health and with principles and different aspects of health management with special emphasis on health economics. The course will help stimulate strategic thinking and critical management perspectives in the new generation of professionals to assume leadership roles for the benefit of the health services in Oman.



Study Plan

Full Time mode (2 years)*

Year / Semester

Course Code and Title



1 / Fall

EPIS6000 Statistics and Computers



1 / Fall

EPIS6004 Applied Epidemiology



1 / Fall

EPIS6005 Statistical Methods in Quality Control



1 / Fall

EPIS6008 Health Management and Leadership



1 / Spring

METH6001 Research Methods and Critical Reading of Scientific Literature



1 / Spring

EPIS6001 Advanced Principle of Epidemiology and Inference Statistics



1 / Spring

EPIS6002 Advanced Statistical Methods



1 / Spring

EPIS6003 Categorical Data Analysis



1 / Spring

EPIS6006 Epidemiology in Health Care Planning



2 / Fall

EPIS7002 Research Project (Thesis)



2 / Spring

* Students can take 9 to 12 credits per semester. For graduation, students have to complete 7 core and 2 elective courses within 2 years.


Part Time mode (3 years)*

Year / Semester

Course Code and Title



1 & 2 / Fall

EPIS6000 Statistics and Computers



1 & 2 / Fall

EPIS6004 Applied Epidemiology



1 & 2 / Fall

EPIS6005 Statistical Methods in Quality Control



1 & 2 / Fall

EPIS6008 Health Management and Leadership



1 & 2 / Spring

METH6001 Research Methods and Critical Reading of Scientific Literature



1 & 2 / Spring

EPIS6001 Advanced Principle of Epidemiology and Inference Statistics



1 & 2 / Spring

EPIS6002 Advanced Statistical Methods



1 & 2 / Spring

EPIS6003 Categorical Data Analysis



1 & 2 / Spring

EPIS6006 Epidemiology in Health Care Planning



3 / Fall

EPIS7002 Research Project (Thesis)



3 / Spring

* Students can take 3 to 6 credits per semester. For graduation, students have to complete 7 core and 2 elective courses within 3 years.



Language of Instruction

The program will teach in English.


Minimum Admission Requirements

  1. Applicants should have a Bachelor's degree in Health Sciences or Medical Laboratory Sciences or M.D. from Sultan Qaboos University or any recognized university.
  2. Candidates from other disciplines, such as Science or Agriculture, will be considered but may need to complete additional qualifying courses to provide them with the necessary scientific background in the field of study. Some of the courses may be offered in the afternoon.
  3. A cumulative grade point average of not less than 2.75 on a 4-point scale or equivalent in any other system and the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies will assess equivalency acceptance.
  4. Work experience is a must for candidates with a cumulative grade point average between 2.74 and 2.5 in the Bachelor's degree.
  5. Achieve Band (6) or higher in the IELTS or a score of 79 or higher in the International TOEFL-IBT.
  6. Pass the interview held in the department (if necessary).
  7. The above information was based on the Sultan Qaboos University, the Academic Regulations for Postgraduate Studies 2018 and is subject to change without notice.


Application Procedure

Please visit the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies of the Sultan Qaboos University, and follow the link ( to apply.


Tuition Fee

Omani Students:

International Students:

Cost for taught course per credit: 90 RO

Cost per Thesis: 840 RO

Cost for taught course per credit: 120 RO

Cost per Thesis: 1,120 RO

  1. All fees are in Omani Rails.
  2. Bridging Courses (For all Students): Fees per credit for bridging courses: 50 RO.
  3. All quoted fees described are subject to change without notice. Please refer to the most update information from the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies of the Sultan Qaboos University, Academic Fees, follow the link ( and subject to change without notice.
  4. Fees for Programs do not include bridging courses, or application fees.
  5. Fees will be paid every semester upon the number of credit hours; Students won’t be consider as registered unless he/she paid the full amount.
  6. Colleges select the study option based on the approved Master program requirements.


For Further Inquiries, Please Contact:

Dr. Moon Fai Chan, Ph.D., CStat

Head, Public Health Unit

Department of Family Medicine and Public Health

College of Medicine and Health Sciences

Sultan Qaboos University

Tel #: (+968) 2414-1132



Ms. Zulfa Hamoud Al-Toby

Coordinator, Public Health Unit

Department of Family Medicine and Public Health

College of Medicine and Health Sciences

Sultan Qaboos University

Tel #: (+968) 2414-3528



Postgraduate Programme


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Programme in Epidemiology and Public Health


Degree Option

Credits Required





Not required


Full Time

4 Years


About This Program

The Public Health Unit of the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health offers a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Epidemiology and Public Health program. This is a research-focused programme over 4 academic years.


Program Overview

Throughout the programme, students will identify the research problem and the gap of knowledge that the research results are expected to bridge. Students will work with faculty members to develop and implement a research proposal. There is no formal coursework for the program, but the thesis committee may advise the student to take some coursework or workshop relevant to their research topicStudents will undergo several assessments* (e.g., seminars, preliminary oral examination, thesis defense) during their 4 years of study. Students are expected to produce a thesis containing original and high-quality work demonstrating their ability to conduct independent research. The thesis should significantly contribute to the body of knowledge in the specific area, as demonstrated by at least one paper published or accepted for publication in an international, specialized, refereed journal. The implementation of the research may include community-based, hospital-based, or laboratory-based research or a combination. Graduates of this program are expected to pursue future careers in epidemiologic medical statistics, and public health research, leadership roles, or high-level administrative positions in public health settings.


Language of Instruction

The program will teach in English.


Minimum Admission Requirements*

  1. Applicants should have a Bachelor's degree from Sultan Qaboos University or an equivalent degree from a recognized university.
  2. Applicant should have a Master's degree in Epidemiology, Medical Statistics, and Public Health or a related field from Sultan Qaboos University or any other recognized university.
  3. A Cumulative Grade Point Average (cGPA) of not less than 3.00 on a 4-point scale or equivalent in any other system and the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies assesses equivalency acceptance.
  4. A cGPA ranging between 2.75 and 2.99 on a 4-point scale or its equivalent, considering the applicant’s work experience (not less than 2 years) and any academic activities they are engaged in.
  5. Two letters of reference from academics to show competence in the discipline of interest and research capabilities. 
  6. Language Proficiency Certificate (IELTS & TOFEL) is a requirement for applying to a Postgraduate Program.
  7. Applicant should submit a statement of intent outlining the proposed research goals.
  8. If the applicant is a local Omani or working in Oman. In that case, the applicant must submit a release letter or a study leave for the employer addressed to the dean of postgraduate studies at SQU. An unemployed applicant needs to submit a statement from The Ministry of Labour documenting the applicant's unemployment status.


English Proficiency*

  1. Submitting band (6.5) or higher in the academic International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic or a score of (90) or higher in the International TOEFL – IBT; or 
  2. Submitting band (6.0) in the academic IELTS test or (79) in the international TOEFL test, provided that they register for the language course LANC6001(after being admitted) during the first semester or
  3. Submitting band (5.5) in the academic IELTS test or (69) in the international TOEFL test, provided that they register for the two language courses LANC6001 and LANC6003 (after being admitted) during the first semester.


*All the above described are subject to change without notice. Please refer to the most updated information from the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies of Sultan Qaboos University following the link (


Research Interests

  • Cancer Epidemiology
  • Epidemiology and public health aspects of communicable / non-communicable diseases
  • Evaluation of the quality of care
  • Health education and management
  • Nutrition epidemiology
  • Preventive health care of maternal and child health
  • Statistical modeling on epidemiological and public health
  • Women’s Health


Application Procedure

Please visit the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies of the Sultan Qaboos University and follow the link ( to apply.


Tuition Fee

Omani Students:

International Students:

5,000 RO

7,000 RO

  1. All fees are in Omani Rails.
  2. Bridging Courses (For all Students): Fees per credit for bridging courses: 50 RO.
  3. English Language Courses Fees: Omani (300 RO), International (420 RO)
  4. All quoted fees described are subject to change without notice. Please refer to the most updated information from the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies of Sultan Qaboos University, Academic Fees, follow the link (
  5. Fees for Programs do not include bridging courses or application fees.
  6. Fees will be paid every semester based on the number of credit hours; students will not be considered registered unless they have paid the full amount.
  7. Colleges select the study option based on the approved Ph.D. program requirements.


For Further Inquiries, Please Contact:

Ms. Zulfa Hamoud Al-Toby

Coordinator, Public Health Unit

Department of Family Medicine and Public Health

College of Medicine and Health Sciences

Sultan Qaboos University

Tel #: (+968) 2414-3528



Dr. Moon Fai Chan, Ph.D., CStat

Head, Public Health Unit

Department of Family Medicine and Public Health

College of Medicine and Health Sciences

Sultan Qaboos University

Tel #: (+968) 2414-1132




  • Clinical Services
  • Statistical Consulting Services
  1.  Clinical Services


Timing: The health center is open from Sunday to Thursday, from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Patients are:

  • Seen by appointments starting at 8:20 am until 1:00 pm.
  • Walk-in patients with no prior appointments are triaged by the nurses and either seen on the same day or given an appointment

    Phone: 24147222, Ext. 7222 and 7223







1. Medical Check-ups 

Procedure for new employees and overseas scholarships

A medical record file will be opened for you. You will be given a Medical Record Number (MRN), which will be required each time you visit, as long as you are employed by SQU.

On day 1- Routine blood samples will be taken. Even though you may have had all these tests before you come, they must be repeated.

A request for chest x-ray will be given, the x-ray will be done in the Hospital Radiology Department. If you have brought your chest x-ray film to FAMCO, then we do not need to repeat it, but you will take the x-ray to the main hospital Radiology Department and the radiologist will read it.

We will give you an appointment to see a doctor for a physical examination. The Doctor will complete the Medical form and the completed form will be sent to Personnel Affairs Department.

2. Antenatal Clinic

Clinic Days:
Sunday and Tuesday from 08:15 AM –12:30 PM

How to get the maternal health record or green card?

1. Take appointment at the reception to consult the doctor. (ext. 7222 / 7223)

2. You will be asked to do blood investigations if pregnancy test is positive.


3. Take appointment with the antenatal clinic nurse for green card appointment if you are staying in our catchment area (SQU CAMPUS). Please bring your old green card (if available).

Please note:
1. Only eligible patients:

    • Staff or spouse of those working in the university and hospital provided that they are living in our catchment area (SQU CAMPUS)
    • Staff or spouse of ROP working under the university and living in our catchment area (SQU CAMPUS)


2. FAMCO will ONLY provide the Green Card for those who are living in our catchment area (SQU CAMPUS)

3. Other eligible patients can do follow up visits to FAMCO after they get the green card from their respective local health centers.

4. Students of the university:

    • Must secure their maternity card in their own respective health centers
    • Obtain a referral letter from Student’s Clinic.
    • Do the antenatal screening in Student Clinic before proceeding to FAMCO
    • They will be eligible for antenatal follow-up in FAMCO.

5. Follow up visit to FAMCO is only up to 32 weeks.

6. High risk pregnancy will be referred early to the hospital.


First visit (with appointment):

- Profiling
- Blood pressure, weight, height, BMI
- Urine dipstick 
- Risk Grading
- Immunization status
- Consultation
- Health education


Follow-up (with appointment):

- Blood pressure and weight
- Urine dipstick 
- Immunization status
- Consultation
- Health education


On the date of appointment:

1. Register in the reception.

2. Give to the antenatal clinic nurse your appointment slip.

3. Wait in the waiting area.

4. Please do not forget to bring your maternal health card.


3. Postnatal Appointment

After delivery 2 weeks & 6 weeks you are supposed to see the doctor. Take appointment for the baby & you with the female doctor on Wednesday.


Calling for Lab Results 

Patients who have done their blood glucose such as:

         · Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

Follow-up result the week after, Monday or Tuesday

Call 24147215 between 12:00—1 PM


4. Women’s Health Clinic

Clinic Days: Every Thursday


Clinic Timing: 8:20 am – 1:00 pm

How to get an appointment?


  1. Clients are identified by the physicians and nurses in the walk-in or appointment clinics and are advised for screening (cervical cancer, breast cancer, osteoporosis) at the women’s health clinic


  1. The appointment will be provided through the women’s health clinic nurses and nurses in triage or by calling ext. 7214, 7221

Please note:


  1. The clinic provides the following services:
    • Cervical cancer screening
    • Breast cancer screening
    • Osteoporosis screening
    • Contraception mainly intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD)


  1. Only eligible patients will be seen in the women’s health clinic (SQU/SQUH staff or wives of the staff)


  1. Students of SQU can be referred from the students’ clinic to this clinic for IUCD insertion.


  1. Follow up appointments will be given when required by the treating physician, the women’s health clinic nurses and nurses in triage or by calling ext. 7214, 7221


  1. In case of high risk patients or any abnormalities, the patients will be referred to the concerned specialty.

5. Procedure clinic:

Clinic Days: alternative Wednesday


Clinic Timing: 08:20 am –01:00 pm


The treating physician will refer you to this clinic if there is a need for any for a procedure.

6. Refill Service:


The repeat prescription will be for the chronic diseases who are on regular medication.

How to get your prescription done:


Step 1 - Register at the reception counter before 1.00 PM


Step 2 - Proceed to the nurse’s counter with your registration paper.


Step 3 - The doctor will do the prescription and you can collect your medication from FAMCO pharmacy before 3.30 pm on the same day.

In some cases, patient will be asked to attend a doctor before a prescription will be issued to offer them the very best care.

During COVID-19 era: Contact SQUH for refill prescription service through WhatsApp


Step 1 - Send a what’s app message, during the working days between 8:00 am and 11:00 am to phone number 71544917 and mention your name, ID number and the hospital MRN.


Step 2 - Collect your medication from the pharmacy at the FAMCO clinic


Step 3 - The doctor will do the prescription and you can collect your medication from FAMCO pharmacy before 3.30 pm on the same day.


Phone: 24147213 & 24147212 




How to get an appointment in Dermatology Clinic?

Step 1 – See a general doctor at the nearest Ministry of Health Hospital/Health Center or a senior doctor in FAMCO Clinic for your skin problem by getting an appointment.

Step 2 – The doctor will give you a referral letter addressed to SQUH FAMCO Dermatology clinic for further management of your skin problem.

Step 3 – Hand in the referral letter to the receptionist in SQUH FAMCO and get an appointment date.

Step 4 – On the day of your appointment, register at the reception by presenting your appointment letter and wait in the waiting area upstairs for the doctor to call you.

Clinic Timings: Sunday to Thursday from 8:00 AM - 1:30 PM

Clinic Schedule:

Sunday & Monday                             : Consultation Day ( General Clinic )
Monday                                              : Consultation Day (mainly for SQU Students)
Tuesday & Wednesday                       : Procedure Day (e.g. Laser, Biopsy)
Calling for Laboratory Results           : Daily


Changing of Appointment                  : Sunday to Thursday from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM

                                                              Call 24147222 / 24147223

Note: ALL must come with appointment. Only emergency cases can be seen without an appointment.


From SQU Hospital to FAMCO clinic:

The bus leaves every hour 8 am, 9 am,10 am, 11 am 12 nn, and 1pm .

From FAMCO clinic to SQU Hospital:
The bus leaves every half hour i.e. 8:30 am, 9:30 am, 10:30 am, 11:30 am, 12.30 pm and 1:30 pm.


Phone: 24144042, Ext. 4023, 4042, 4044 and 4045

The aim of the Public Health Unit of the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health is to provide training and consultations in the areas of epidemiology and biostatistics that are important to epidemiologists, medical statisticians, health data analysts, social science researchers, and other professionals involved in the collection, management, analysis and interpretation of medical and health research data. It is an enabling competency for evidence-based practice and conducting rigorous research in the following areas.


  1. To provide courses in epidemiology and statistics that are important to epidemiologists, biomedical or health science researchers, and other healthcare professionals involved in collecting, managing, analyzing and interpreting medical and health research data.
  2. To increase knowledge and application of statistical techniques among students and staff through courses, seminars, and workshops
  3. To provide statistical consulting and grant preparation services




To deliver epidemiological and statistical advice to students and research collaboration with the Sultan Qaboos University faculty members. The unit offers advice in the following areas:


  • Study / Sampling / Questionnaire design
  • Power / Sample size estimation
  • Data collection / cleaning / management
  • Input and writing of the statistical methods section or statistical analysis plan of grant applications and protocols
  • Interpretation of the results of the analysis
  • Collaborative write-up of statistical methods and results in manuscripts, grant applications, or dissertations (authorship of the biostatistician is required, please refer to Service Principles).


Core Values:


  • Integrity: in our conduct in which we engage our colleagues, being respectful of diverse perspectives, values, and cultures
  • Responsiveness: to students and faculty members
  • Excellence: striving for and adhering to the highest standards of professionalism


Service Principles:


There is an authorship condition assumed in cases where the consultant of our unit contributes considerably to the research leading to the scientific publication, and thus meets authorship criteria such as conception and design of the study, analyzing data, interpreting results, drafting or revising the article. For guidelines, please refer to the SQUMJ Guide for Authors (


Consultation by Appointment (for staff only):


To request a consultation, please use the Statistical Consultation Form and send the form to Zulfa Al-Toby (email: Researchers are strongly encouraged to discuss their projects with us at the earliest stage possible, to ensure high-quality design and analysis. Due to limited capacity, we may not be able to prioritize last-minute requests. Once the request is submitted, the requester will be conducted for a meeting with our consultant. 


Consultation by Appointment (for students only):


The unit also offers brief consultation through consultation service once per week during term time. To request a statistical consultation, please use the Statistical Consultation Form and send the form to Zulfa Al-Toby (email: The session is designed to provide a quick evaluation of issues concerning a research  to a student project and  provide advice during the consultation. 


Staff Name



Prof. Yahya Al-Farsi

College of Medicine & Health Sciences 1038

Dr. Sanjay Jaju

College of Medicine & Health Sciences 0055

Dr. M.F. Chan

College of Medicine & Health Sciences 0047

Dr. Hanaa Alsumry College of Medicine & Health Sciences  2003
Dr. Amal Al Malehi College of Medicine & Health Sciences  1040

Consultations may be canceled when staff is out of the office or on annual leaves or semester break




At the very least, acknowledgment of the Public Health Unit, if applicable, shall be given in a standardized way. For example, to be discussed with our unit staff: A consultant at the Public Health Unit of the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health, Sultan Qaboos University, assisted with the design and analysis of this study or experiment or project.



Dr. Moon Fai Chan, PhD, CStat

Head of Public Health Unit / Associate Professor

Department of Family Medicine and Public Health

College of Medicine and Health Sciences

Sultan Qaboos University

Tel #: (+968) 2414-1132
