College of Arts and Social Sciences



Dr. Ali Said Al- Riyami

Head of Department

History Department

The department of History at Sultan Qaboos University became independent in 1993, with its own specific programs starting with B.A courses, then M.A degree in 2002 and Ph.D in 2010. These programs deal with ancient, Islamic , medieval, modern and contemporary history of Oman, the Arab and Islamic countries, and world history. 

The major goal of the department is to graduate qualified student and researchers in the fields of history. The department implements advanced teaching methods in lectures, seminars and presentations, using modern educational tools. In additions to classroom courses, students experience field trips to historical and archaeological sites, museums, archives and libraries, inside and outside the sultanate. 

The department of history is entrusted with teaching university as well as faculty requirement subjects, dealing respectively with "The history of Oman and the Islamic civilization", and "An Introduction to History and Civilization". 

The department offers a major program in history, in addition to minor programs destined to other departments in the college of Arts and social sciences, and to students of the college of education. 

The department welcomes Omani and International students in the PhD and M.B. programs in Islamic and modem history. Announcements for potential candidates for both programs are made between January and March every year. 

  • Vision
  • Mission
  • Objectives
  • Quality Assurance



The History Department endeavors to distinguish itself among history Departments in the Gulf region by offering an outstanding educational and research program that aims to establish a new generation of competent researchers who can contribute to the advancement of their communities.



The Department’s mission is to provide an outstanding educational and research program, which prepares distinguished specialists in the areas of research, teaching, and consultation.



  • The Department aims to:

  • Prepare a generation of specialists in various areas of history with outstanding expertise in their field of specialization.
  • Provide academic orientation for a generation of researchers in the areas of research, historical studies and authentication in order to promote wider understanding of Oman’s status in human civilization.
  • Develop students’ research capabilities through participation in seminars, conferences and workshops conducted by concerned ministries.




             الاعتماد الاكاديمي لقسم التاريخ2               الاعتماد الاكاديمي لقسم التاريخ 3



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