Family, childhood, youth and the elderly:
- Social change and the structure and functions of the Omani family
- Intergenerational communication and conflict in Omani society
- Trends of socialization in contemporary Omani families
- Family and consumer behaviour in Omani society
- Citizenship and belonging in the Omani family's socialisation efforts of its children
- Determinants of reproductive behaviour in the Omani family
- Social change and the needs (and problems) of Omani youth
- Endogamous marriage, early marriage, late marriage, and polygamous marriage
- Domestic violence
Population, urbanization and employment:
- Population structures (age, nationality, education, etc.)
- Population mobility in all its forms (natural and spatial mobility, and migration)
- Population and society (manpower and workforce, employment and unemployment, labour market studies, etc.)
- Urban planning, problems of population growth and inflation, urban expansion and informal settlement
Community development:
- Socio-economic studies and surveys of local communities and their needs
- Evaluation of community development projects
- community needs assessment for development plans
- Socio-economic, cultural and political participation of Omani women
- Social change and determinants of the social status of women in society
- Women and the labour market in Omani society
- Intellectual contributions of contemporary Omani women
- Satisfaction level among women employees in the public and private sectors
- Difficulties facing the women workers in Omani society (in the army, in the police, in the private sector, etc.)
- Administrative, social and cultural problems facing the Omani cultural institutions
- The socio-cultural role and future of Omani cultural centres
- Social impacts of community-oriented cultural work (activities/ events/ cultural programs/ theatre/ cinema/ artworks/ music)
- The role of the Omani cultural products in consolidating identity and national belonging
- Expatriate culture and the culture of Omani society
- Culture and social media in Omani society
- Social change, modernization and cultural challenges
Social security:
- Social demographics and security in Omani society
- Tourism and security in Omani society
- Social media and security
- Informal labour and its security consequences
- Role of national consciousness and sense of citizenship in the establishment of security in society
- Sexual harassment, prostitution, fugitive women workers, and human trafficking
- Social problems facing public and private educational institutions
- Globalization, media, communication technologies and school/university curricula in the Sultanate of Oman
- Social change and the status of education and teachers
- The Omani family and the direction and scope of pursuing education for its children
- Cooperation between the family and the school in promoting the academic performance of pupils/students
- Schools and the enhancement of social responsibility among pupils/students
- School/university curricula and the enhancement of feelings of patriotism, citizenship and belonging
- Educational institutions and the care for the gifted, talented and creative pupils/students
- Characteristics of the school environment and their effects on stimulating learning and academic performance
Social welfare and Social Insurance:
- Surveying the social research needs of social insurance institutions
- Challenges in the field of social welfare
- Awareness of insurance rights and duties among managers and workers in the operating institutions
- Evaluation of the efficiency of insurance programs and services
- Insurance culture among employers and employees in Omani society
- Demographic, health, economic and social changes and the social insurance system in Omani society
- Social insurance, social welfare and quality of life
- Caring for specific social groups in society: people with disabilities, young people, prisoners, working women, families with low incomes, the elderly, female heads of households, and the gifted, talented and creative pupils/students
- Sociocultural challenges to the health sector in Omani society
- Social factors affecting the performance of workers in public and private health institutions
- Socio-geographical map of diseases in Omani society
- Issues, problems and needs of people with disabilities and those with special needs
- Maternal and child care, public health, and maternal and child health
- Levels, aspects, and promotion of health awareness among Omanis
General areas of research interest: |
- Social awareness of the need to rationalize the consumption of electric energy and water in Omani society
- Analysis of the institutional social conditions and their role in professional performance and production
- Analysis of the scale of values and its impact on workers' attitudes, professional behaviour, performance and production
- Analysis of the professional adaptation of workers; of the familial, occupational and environmental factors affecting such adaptation; and the effect of this adaptation on professional performance
- Forms of decision-making, levels of performance in institutions, and sub-affiliations of workers in the institutions and their impact on the performance
- Analysis of the information and communication systems and their impact on the performance of institutions and employees
- Public opinion polls regarding the role of media and its social impacts
- Measurement of sectoral public opinion on some current and future issues
- Social planning and policies
- NGOs and civil institutions
- Volunteering and volunteering social work
- Cultural invasion
- Social media
- Strategies of poverty eradication
- Popular heritage and identity
- Drug addiction and abuse
- Environmental conservation