• Al-Jawhara project
A project for investing free time of internal housing female students at Sultan Qaboos University
"Al-Jawhara "
Chairperson of the Committee: Dr. Rayya Salem Al - Mundhiriya
Project Name: Al-Jawhara
Project descriptions: The project aims to achieve a great goal which is to employ the capacity of students of the internal housing at the university in everything that helps to invest their time in an appropriate manner. Thus, they will not waste their time for nothing. The word "Al-Jawhara"( jewel) is chosen as the title of the project because the jewel is always associated with the valuable and precious things that people benefit from and it indicates that the university student is a valuable precious jewel whose character has many potentials and abilities that can be invested to serve herself, her surrounding environment and society. The more attention she is given, the more sustainability her value will be as a national treasure.
Project Vision: Towards better employment of the energies of university female students to enhance their social responsibility.
Project Mission: Creating the stimulating environment to invest the university student energies, talents and abilities to serve herself and serves the community of the university and the homeland in general.

Project goals:
- To identify the different energies, talents and abilities of students, which can be converted - later - to a database that serves the university in the process of investment in an appropriate manner.
- Employing the students' energies in preparing the appropriate housing environment to create a stimulating psychological atmosphere for them in order to solve many of the problems they face.
- Creating a different residential environment away from the traditional stereotype that the student used to do, including strengthening the bonds of cooperation, partnership and interaction between the student and her colleagues and the student and her supervisor as well.
- Honing the student's personality and abilities by engaging her in courses, workshops and various other programs.
- Raising the awareness of the university student in all matters related to different social issues and making her an active part in finding solutions to these issues. 
Project Desired Results:
- Making the students acquire various skills (scientific, technical, cultural, social, etc.).
- Achieving the optimal investment for leisure time among female students.
- Raising the level of achievement of female students; because of the correlation between the psychological side and the achievement side
- Getting rid of the psychological and academic stress that the students may face.
- Developing the social spirit of some students.
- Accustoming the student to giving and to a sense of responsibility through the implementation of workshops and the ideas of her colleagues and society.
Project Areas:
The project will address the areas of humanitarian needs in general; to ensure that it deals with all aspects of the student's personality, as shown in the following figure:
Project Values:
It is the set of values on which the project will focus as a general guide for building its programs, as follows:


Promoting Islamic values
Focusing on the consolidation of Islamic values ​​and finding mechanisms to transform them practically in student's personality
 National identity is sublimity
focusing on all aspects of national identity including social culture, definition of students' rights and duties and expansion of their knowledge about the Sultanate's society and its various tourist sites, etc.
Taking part in growth and change
Enhancing the role of female students as basic partners in any programs that are implemented for them to make them aware of the value of their own abilities that make them contribute to the process of change for the best.
Empowerment and Leadership
training students on different leadership skills, and giving them appropriate opportunities to empower their leadership personalities in all programs of the project
 Social responsibility
Enhancing the sense of social responsibility of the student to provide them with appropriate opportunities to highlight her abilities and energies and employ them in the service of society