About Deanship
Dean's Office
The Coordination and Follow-Up Department
Students with Special Needs
Student Advisory Council
Student Services Center
Initiatives and Contributions
Assistant Dean Of Student Affairs For Social Services
Assistant Dean for guidance and student's activities
A brief description of the student program
Information Section
Religious counseling & Guidance
studies and Lectures
Mosque’s Library
Religious Guidance Section
Department of Cultural and Sport Activities
Plans & Media Activities Section
Sports Activities Section Male
Sports Activities Section Female
Male Student’s Social Services
Female Student's Social Services Department
Supervision of the Nutrition section
Social Care Female
Social activities & Community Service female
Female Students Housing
The first conference for student affairs
Services for Students
Student Activities
Student Groups
English Club
Group Handicrafts
Keep Oman Safe
Photo Gallery
About Deanship
Dean's Office
The Coordination and Follow-Up Department
Students with Special Needs
Student Advisory Council
Student Services Center
Initiatives and Contributions
Assistant Dean Of Student Affairs For Social Services
Assistant Dean for guidance and student's activities
A brief description of the student program
Information Section
Religious counseling & Guidance
studies and Lectures
Mosque’s Library
Religious Guidance Section
Department of Cultural and Sport Activities
Plans & Media Activities Section
Sports Activities Section Male
Sports Activities Section Female
Male Student’s Social Services
Female Student's Social Services Department
Supervision of the Nutrition section
Social Care Female
Social activities & Community Service female
Female Students Housing
The first conference for student affairs
Services for Students
Student Activities
Student Groups
English Club
Group Handicrafts
Keep Oman Safe
Photo Gallery
Dean's Office
The Coordination and Follow-Up Department
Students with Special Needs
Student Advisory Council
Student Services Center
Initiatives and Contributions
Assistant Dean Of Student Affairs For Social Services
Assistant Dean for guidance and student's activities
A brief description of the student program
Information Section
Religious counseling & Guidance
studies and Lectures
Mosque’s Library
Religious Guidance Section
Department of Cultural and Sport Activities
Plans & Media Activities Section
Sports Activities Section Male
Sports Activities Section Female
Male Student’s Social Services
Female Student's Social Services Department
Supervision of the Nutrition section
Social Care Female
Social activities & Community Service female
Female Students Housing
Department of Cultural & Sport Activity
Department Objectives
Activities and Events
The Department of Cultural and Sport Activities at the Deanship of Student Affairs guides students' extracurricular activities whether they are the student societies and groups affiliated with the Department or the university colleges. It coordinates directly between these two sides and makes sure that the student societies and groups work within their objectives. It also supports them with booking and financial services or any other services within the jurisdiction of the Department.
Under the premise that student societies and groups support the practice of hobbies and the gain of different skills and experiences which students need, the programs performed by these societies and groups seek to achieve a set of objectives including:
Deepening the principles of Islamic education among students and introducing them to the Arabic and Islamic heritage.
Cultivating the spirit of good citizenship and contributing to the development of the social and cultural life.
Emphasizing the cognitive aspect in a practical functional way.
Developing students' mental, emotional and physical abilities and bringing out their inclinations and talents.
Encouraging students to practice scientific thinking in practical and experimental situations and practicing self-learning in different aspects in life.
Developing sportsmanship and fitness by practicing various sport activities.
Enhancing the students' social skills through proper social interactions.
Accustoming the students to invest their time properly by directing them to practice various activities.
Developing leadership qualities in the students and encouraging team spirit.
Literary, cultural and artistic evenings.
Specialized training courses and workshops.
Lectures and seminars.
Various exhibitions.
Issuing publications and documenting events.
Sports tournaments in various games.
Creative competitions.
Plays and cinematic shows.
Musical concerts and festivals.
Trips and visits.
Sport Days.
Section of Plans and Information Activities
Section of Student Groups
Section of Cultural and Artistic Lectures and Seminars
Section of Sport Activities and Rovers (males)
Section of Sport Activities and Rovers (females)