Those allowed to borrow from the library:
First, the borrowers:
Only those from the college of arts and social sciences (students, faculty members, and staff) are eligible to borrow from the library.
Second, borrowing materials:
The library has a number of information resources that serve all the specializations in the college. When borrowing these resources, an ID is required. The borrowing is as follows:
1- Books:
- Each student is allowed to borrow 5 books for a maximum of 3 weeks.
- Faculty members and staff are allowed to borrow 5 books for 5 weeks.
- Students, faculty members, and staff can renew the borrowed books 3 times only.
2- References:
- Students are not allowed to borrow the references.
- Faculty members and staff are allowed to borrow them for few hours or in the afternoons.
3- Journals:
- Students are not allowed to borrow the journals.
- Faculty members and staff are allowed to borrow 2 journals for few hours or in the afternoon.
- The borrower must bring the materials on due date and in case of being late, borrowers will be fined as follows:
- A fine of 100 baisa per day for every late borrowed book.
- In case of losing or damaging the borrowed material, the borrower must replace the material or pay its price.