Library Rules:
1- Kindly do not return the resources (books, thesis, publications and manuscripts) to shelves after using them, just leave them on the table.
2- Kindly be quiet inside the library.
3- Keep your mobile phone on silent mode or switch it off.
4- Eating and drinking is not allowed inside the library.
5- Please preserve the library properties (such as books, tables, chairs, computers, shelves, photocopying machines ... etc.).
6- Kindly leave the library at least 10 minutes before the closing time.
7- Don’t leave your personal belonging unattended. The librarians are not responsible are not responsible for any lost items.
8- After using a chair, kindly return it to its place.
9- Kindly present your ID / university card when you want to borrow from the library or in case the librarian or the security officers ask for it.
Using the internet and computers:
The Internet service provided in Omani Studies Center library is for the sole purpose of helping users to search for information that support academic research and curriculum, through the computers in the computer lab or through the wireless network in the library hall.
The internet service can be used by:
1- SQU staff.
2- SQU students.
3- Visitors and researchers from outside SQU.
Rules of using the internet service:
1. All SQU rules of internet use, will be applicable in the library. Using the internet should be restricted for the sole purpose of seeking information and researching.
2. Tampering with the computer machines is not allowed.
3. Users takes full responsibility of saving and storing their personal data in the library computers.
4. Every user is held responsible for any violation detected through his\her ID. All illegal activities are being monitored and recorded.
5. Every user is responsible for the safekeeping of his\her username and password, and they will be held responsible for all activities routed through their IDs.
6. Internet services and resources shall not be used for any illegal, immoral or dishonoring activities.
7. Do not use the internet to gain hack into websites, or to gain access to unauthorized information locally or internationally.
8. Any misuse or violation of privacy shall be subject to the SQU laws and disciplinary procedures.
9. If you face any problem or difficulty using the internet, contact the library staff for help.