Statistics & Health Information Department
  • About
  • Vision & Mission
  • Services

About Statistics & Health Information Department

The Department of Statistics and Health Information is the main pillar in preparing strategies and managing policies and future plans on scientific grounds, in order to support development plans by producing high-quality statistics that meet the requirement of data users in terms of accuracy, timing, suitability and dissemination of needs, leading to the improvement and development of health services in the hospital.


A highly efficient statistical system in providing health data and indicators so that they are the best resource in terms of quantity and type and are able to meet the needs of the top management requirements related to the necessary statistical data, on time, with high transparency and accuracy.


Availability of health data and information necessary for various purposes at the appropriate time and place, by following the scientific methodology and to be provided with transparency, high accuracy and inclusively at the right time.


  • Providing the necessary information support to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the health service.
  • Facilitating appropriate evidence-based decision-making by providing appropriate data.
  • Assist in making appropriate decisions for the appropriate distribution of financial and human resources according to the hospital’s development plan.
  • Creating a central unit capable of providing safe health data and information for various purposes in the right form, place and time.
  • Centralize hospital statistics in order to keep information accurate.
  • Creating a scientific methodology in dealing with hospital-related statistics in order to ensure the optimal use of such data like scientific research.
  • Designing and implementing research and studies that contribute to solving development problems and obstacles when needed.