General Hematology Laboratory
The General Hematology Laboratory offers a wide range of tests, using advanced automated technology, as well as consultative services in the diagnosis of hematological diseases and disorders. The laboratory offers an efficient service for processing full blood count, blood films and bone marrow samples. It offers expert interpretations and consultative advice on peripheral blood, bone marrow, CSF specimens, lymph node biopsies and other body fluids. In addition, the laboratory undertakes Malaria screening and identification, Sickle cell screening and G6PD screening..
Hours of Operation
The Hematology Laboratory is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Only an Emergency Service is available on weekends, public holidays, and from 4.00pm - 8.00am on week days.
Blood Bank & Apheresis Unit:
Donor screening and testing, blood collection, products preparation and processing, as well as quality assurance testing. The blood bank provides basic and specialized immunohematology testing and has capabilities to provide blood for special patients in need such as in-utero transfusions. The blood bank service a wide range of patient population on high demand of blood supply including adult and pediatric hematology, surgical patients and trauma. Blood donation campaigns are conducted in campus and outside SQU to meet inventory demands. The blood bank has apheresis systems for donor and patient apheresis including platelet and plasma collection from blood donors, stem cell harvest for autologous and allogenic bone marrow transplant and therapeutic plasma exchange. Moreover, the blood bank perform stem cell product manipulation. The blood bank is enrolled in many basic science and clinical research.
Hours of Operation
Blood Bank welcomes blood donors from 7.30 am - 9:00 pm from Saturday to Thursday.
Appointments for blood donations: Whatsapp: 92885754, Tel: 24144987
Blood Bank Laboratory is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Blood Donation Campaigns are done on weekly basis based on a pre-made schedule
Ensures all activities carried out at SQUH premises by its staff and private contractors are mananged in a competent wayThis section performs routine and advanced testing for bleeding and thrombophilia workups – Hemoglobinopathy, Testing for Hemoglobinopathy disorders
Molecular Research & Diagnostic Services
Molecular diagnostic facilities for hemoglobin disorders, several thrombophiliac disorders, immune deficiency syndromes, and malignant haematological conditions that include acute leukemia, chronic leukemia and myeloproliferative neoplasms. The section is also involved in the monitoring of the transplant progress by chimerism studies in post-transplant patients.