Research Groups






Research Committee

The committee prepares and reviews the research strategy for the strategic plan, promotes research and innovation at the department, promotes research internal/external collaborations, encourages research groups in department of computer science  to apply for research grants, and promotes the organization of research events such as forums, workshops and conferences.

Research Committee Members

  • Prof. Youcef Baghdadi (coordinator & department representative in the college) 
  • Prof. Zuhoor Al Khanjari
  • Dr. Noushadh Shafi
  • Dr. Faiza Al Salti

Highlighted Events

The department organized:

  • The international workshop on remote sensing in the era of machine learning: applications and opportunities. imminent professors collete rolland (sorbonne university, france) and mike papazoglou (executive director european research institute in service science, university of tilburg, netherlands) were the keynote speakers.
  • The first workshop on service-oriented architecture. imminent professors such as collete rolland and mike papazoglou were the invited speakers.  professor  farid melgani (chair of ieee-grss chapters committee, italy), dr. prashanth marpu ( masdar institute of science and technology, uae), and  dr. naif alajlan ( director, advanced lab for intelligent systems research, ksu) were the keynote speakers.

International Invited Speakers

Type Title Organizer/Speaker 
22/10/19    talk        Innovative graph theoretic and population based approaches for big data analytics in health applications Pro. Hesham Ali, Nebraska University, US
26/02/19 talk Integrating iot/edge devices with cloud systems for real time sensing & data analytics Prof. Omer rana from Cardiff University, UK
6/2/2019 talk Data-driven modelling and control of complex systems: from research methodology to research outcome Prof. Zhu Quan, University of the West of England,  UK
28/10/18   Sustainable software design Prof. Camille Salinesi, Sorbonne University, France
3/10/2018 talk Convolutionel support vector machine networks for object detection in uav imagery Prof. Farid Melgani, Chair of IEEE-Grss chapters
5/3/2018 talk Collaborative synchronization of heterogeneous models Prof. Bernard Coulette, University Toulosue iii
talk A senior cyber security specialist in oman national cert Haitham Hilal Al Hajri 
Senior Cyber Security Specialist 
16/11/16 talk Reviewing literature in a systematic way Prof. Camille Salinesi, Sorbonne University, France
11/4/2018   The internet of things - reinventing how we interact with the physical world”  watson iot Mr fahd Zahid & Mr Jens Lundgren, IBM
19/11/15 talk Experiences on building research institute, centre and networks Prof. Mike Papazoglou, Tilburg University, Netherlands   

Past Events

Type      Title                                                                                                   Organizer/Speaker
20/5/21 phd seminar                         Performance analysis of multi factor authentication model protocols for internet of        things                                                                       Ms. Amani al-       Maqbali
19/5/21 msc. seminar One-vs-one cooperative deep learning for multi-class breast cancer histology image classification Ms. Basma Zubair
18/5/21 phd seminar A requirement engineering framework for s-commerce platform Mrs. Iman a-Jelassi
01/94/21 PhD Seminar Predictive model for chemo-therapeutic response assessment in patients with colorectal liver metastases based on deep features, radiomics, and clinicopathological data Ms. Fatma al Shohoumi
8/4/2021 MSc. Seminar Comparison of metaheuristic algorithms in solving the allocated resource challenge in the iot Ms. Khazina al Alaw
01/94/21 phd seminar Proposing a framework for smart learning behavior environment Ms. Iman al-Kindi
18/03/21 MSc. Seminar Nas-based cnn design for histology image classification" Ms. Tasneem Naser
4/2/2021 MSc. Seminar An Internet of Things and Deep Learning Based Detection System of Trapped Kids Inside Vehicles Ms. Hanady Al Hadi
22/12/20 MSc. Seminar Performance Analysis of multi factor authentication model protocols for internet of Things Ms.Amani Al-Maqabli 
15/12/20 MSc. Seminar Customer Segmentation Based on Electricity Consumption Behaviors for Smart Grid Applications Ms.Hind Al Qamshouai 
10/12/2020 MSc. Seminar n Empirical Comparison between Blockchain Consensus Algorithms Ms. Asma Al Bahanta
3/12/2020 MSc. Seminar Face Clustering with a Piecemeal Approach optimized using Genetic Algorithm Ms. Zunaira Zubair
29/11/20 MSc. Seminar Spark-Based Solution of Large Linear Systems for Big Data Processing Ms. Salha Al Fars
19/11/20 MSc. Seminar Clustering for Monitoring Symptoms Severity in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus ( SLE ) in Oman Ms. Sumayya Al Sawafi
12/11/2020 MSc. Seminar Genetic Algorithm for Load Shifting Optimization in Smart Grid. Ms. Manar AL Maqbali
12/11/2020 MSc. Seminar Network Intrusion Detection Ms. Ghaniya AL Hinai
5/11/2020 PhD Seminar Hybrid RPL-Based Sensing and Routing Protocol for IoT in Smart City Networks Mr. Yahya Al Sawafi,