Group Software Engineering & Web Computing

The intelligent system and artificial intelligence group research concerns with issues, problems, and research questions related to, but not limited, Software Development, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Modeling and Designing (Scenario-based and Component-based Software Engineering), Software Testing and Verification (Robustness, fault detection and testability issues), Service Orientation, Service Oriented Architectures, E-learning, Mobile Learning Systems, Smart Learning, Software Product Lines, Formal Modeling and Verification, Social networks ad media, Semantic web, Web services, E-commerce, Social commerce

For more details on the group members, the running projects, PhD and MSc. theses, and publication, please navigate through the given links.


  • Prof. Zuhoor Al-Khanjari (Coordinator)
  • Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamdani
  • Prof. Youcef Baghdadi
  • Dr. Yessine Al-Jamoussi 
  • Dr. Hanna Al-Zadjali


  • Prof. Camille Salinesi
  • Prof. Bernard Coulette


  • SOA Engineering
  • Web services
  • Web Data Mining
  • Software Development
  • Software Testing and Verification
  • Service Orientation, Service Oriented Architectures,
  • E-learning,
  • Mobile Learning Systems,
  • Smart Learning,
  • Software Product Lines
  • Social networks ad media
  • Web services,
  • E-commerce
  • Social commerce

External Projects:



Budget in $


Starting Date



Methods Engineering for SOA  Realization Based On Welke’s SOA Maturity Model


OMR (470,000 US$)

Prof. Youcef    Baghdadi (PI)




Disscovery of Popular Structural Properties in a Website for Efficient Restructuring and Adaptation;Al-Hamdani, Abdullah - Sultan Qaboos University

Dr. Abdullah Al- Hamdani (PI from 2012-2015), Dr.

Haider Al-Lawati (Initial P)



Internal Projects:



Budget in $


Starting Date



Interactive web service composition in pervasive systems

2550          OMR (~5500 US$)

Dr. Yassine 

 Jamoussi (PI)





Engineering Framework for S- commerce platforms

3250 OMR (~8000 US$)

Prof. Youcef Baghdadi (PI)




Data-Transfer, MobileApps, Social Media, Instant Messaging, Protocol Actions

1200 OMR (~3000 US$)

Dr. Mohammed Al-Bodwi (PI)




EngineeringOntologyfor Enterprise Interactions:

2100 OMR (~5000 US$)

Prof. Youcef Baghdadi (PI)



Postgraduate Students:


Journal Articles


  •  Al-Abri, A., Jamoussi, J., Al-Khanjari, Z. & Kraiem, K., PerLCol: A Framework for Personalized eLearning with Social Collaboration Support”, International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (IJCDS), Elsevier, May 2020, ISSN 2210-142X.
  •  Al-Kindi, I., Al-Khanjari, Z., & Al-Salmi, J., Managing the Triangular Bond of the EBP for SQU Students Through the Proposed Test Model. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT). ISSN: 2249-8958, Volume-10 Issue-1, October 2020. DOI:10.35940/ijeat. A1914.1010120.
  • Al-Khanjari, Z. and Al-Kindi, I., Proposing the EBP Smart Predictive Model Towards a Smart Learning Environment. The Journal of Talent Development and Excellence (JTDE), 12(2s): 2020 Special Issue, pp. 2422-2438, June 2020.


  • Baghdadi, Y. (2019) “Ontology Enterprise Interactions: Conceptualization, Ontology, Architectures, and Technologies”, International Journal of Services and Standards, 12(2): 104-125
  • Al-Abri, A., Jamoussi, Y., Al-Khanjari, Z. and Kraiem, N. 2019., Towards a Classification View of Personalized e-Learning with Social Collaboration Support. The International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 10(8), 2019.
  • Al-Abri, A., Jamoussi, Y., Kraiem, N. and Al-Khanjari, Z. 2019., PerLCol: A Framework for Personalized e- Learning with Social Collaboration Support. The International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (IJCDS), 34(6), 2019.
  • Khan, A.I., Al-Khanjari, Z. and Sarrab, M., (2019) “Prioritising mobile learning application requirements. International Journal of Business Information Systems, 32(1), pp.91-108.
  • Al-Kalbani, J., Jamoussi, Y., Kraiem, N. and Al-Khanjari, Z.A.S. (2019) “Toward a contextual quality of service evaluation approach. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 59(1), pp.82-94.
  • Al-Abri, A., Al-Khanjari, Z., Jamoussi, Y. and Kraiem, N., (2019) “Mining the Students’ Chat Conversations in a Personalized e-Learning Environment”, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 14(23), pp.98-124.
  • Pulparambi, S.; Baghdadi, Y. (2019). “Service Oriented Architecture Maturity Models: A Systematic Literature Review'', Computer Standards and Interfaces, 61: 65-76
  • BaniIsmael, B. & Baghdadi, Y. (2019) “Migrating two legacy systems to SOA: a new approach for service selection based on data flow diagram”, Int. Journal of Web Information Systems, 15(3): 251-281.

Conference Publications 


  • Al-Kindi, I. & Al-Khanjari, Z., A Novel Architecture of SQU SMART LMS: The New Horizon for SMART City in Oman. The 3rd International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT 2020). 20th - 22nd August 2020. Tirunelveli, India, ISBN: 978-1-7281-5820-4. pp.751-756). doi: 10.1109/ICSSIT48917.2020.9214141.
  • Al-Kindi, I. & Al-Khanjari, Z., The Efficiency of Utilizing NVivo for Analyzing Interview Data to Define Student EBP among Faculty Members. The International Conference On IoT Based Control Networks and Intelligent Systems (ICICNIS 2020). Organized by St. Joseph's College of Engineering and Technology, Palai, Choondacherry (Po), Kottayam, Kerala, India on 10-11, December 2020
  • l-Thuhli, A & Al-Badawi, M., A Framework to Analyze Social Tagging and Unstructured Data. 2020 3rd International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies


  • Al-Abri, A., Muscat, O., AlKhanjari, Z., Jamoussi, Y. and Kraiem, N., (2019) “User Modeling for Personalized e-Learning Based on Social Collaboration Interaction”, In 4thFree and Open Spurce Software Conference (FOSSC’2019-OMAN)
  • Al-Abri, A., Jamoussi, Y., AlKhanjari, Z. and Kraiem, N., (2019) “Aggregation and Mapping of Social Media Attribute Names Extracted from Chat Conversation for Personalized E-Learning”, In 4thMEC International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC) (pp. 1-9). IEE
  • Al-Kindi, I. and Al-Khanjari, Z., (2019) “The Smart Learning Management System (SLMS)” . In 4th FREE & OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE CONFERENCE (FOSSC’2019-OMAN), In 4thFree and Open Spurce Software Conference (FOSSC’2019-OMAN).
  • Al-Jabri, H., Al-Hinai, S., Al-Hinai, B. and Al-Khanjari, Z. 2019. Smart Farming Based on IoT, The 4th International Conference on Big Data and Smart City (ICBDSC 2019), January 15-16, 2019. Middle East College, Muscat, Oman. IEEE

Books and Book Chapters


  • Baghdadi, Y. Harfouche, A. & Musso, M., (Editors) ICT for an Inclusive World and a Better Life, Springer Publisher
  • Al-Sheriqi, A. & Baghdadi, Y. (2020) “ BP mining for SOA” in (Baghdadi, et al. Eds), Springer Publisher


  • Baghdadi, Y. & Harfouche, A. (Editors) (2019) “ICT for a Better World and a Better Life”, Springer Publisher


Prof. Zuhoor Al-Khanjari

Office: (+968) 24 14 2463