Research Area

Hard-rock Research: This research combines expertise in igneous and metamorphic geology and geochemistry in the study of mineral resources (economic geology) and related environmental aspects (mine remediation). It is also involves carbon dioxide sequestration and interaction with the perdiotite and types of meteorites.


Geophysical and Tectonics Research (in collaboration with the Earthquake Monitoring Centre): This research area focuses on both pure and applied aspects of geophysics and environmental geophysics. It also involves in seismic interpretation, deep   and shallow seismic and Tectonics of Jebel Akdar Region.


Sedimentary Research (in collaboration with the RSC): This research area combines the skills of sedimentology; facies analysis and depositional interpretation, reservoir quality, reservoir characterization, stratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy, palaeobiology, structural geology and covers seismic and well log interpretation, reservoir and petroleum engineering, as applied to both industrial and academic targets.


Water resources and Environmental Geosciences Research: The research activities are mainly focusing on the qualitative and quantitative assessment of water resources and on the identification of geo-environmental impacts from both geogenic and/or anthropogenic sources. The preservation of the natural and manmade environments through environmental assessment and environmental remediation is also a main research target.

Possible cooperation areas

 Environmental research: Water studies

 Petroleum: Reservoirs characterization, petrophysics

Geotechnical studies and rock mechanics

Geophysical and geological studies (oil/minerals/environmental)

Funded Projects
Consultancy Services