Assistant Dean Message

Dr. Mubarak Al Alawi
Assistant Dean for Training and Community Service
College of Engineering

Tel: (+968) 24142574



An essential component of the College’s mission is to provide students with quality engineering education. This education is not only limited to conventional class and lab delivery modes. Students must be exposed to the actual engineering practice via industrial training. This industrial training is compulsory for every student graduating from the College. Through industrial training students are able to correlate what they have learnt at the University with what is being practiced in industry. The trainees are usually involved in a range of activities during training. These activities include design, analysis, manufacturing, testing, regulatory affairs, etc.

The College is keen to maintain links with its Alumni, has mutual cooperation with them, and keep them aware of the educational, research and social activities within the College. Moreover, the College of Engineering, by its nature, always has close ties and continuous interaction with the Industries of Oman and beyond.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to all the organizations and individuals that have supported us by providing quality training for our students as well as provide regular feedback on our programs and activities. These inputs had a great role in shaping our training programs towards excellence and maintaining the dynamicity of our curriculum and its delivery.