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Ghodsi, M., Rajabzadeh, H., Hosseinzadeh, N., Varzeghani, N.G., Al-Yahmadi, A. and Ozer, A. 2014. Development of Gasoline Direct Injector Using Giant Magnetostrictive Materials. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, Milwaukee, USA, 19-22 October 2014.
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Al-Ajmi, M., Al-Blushi, A., Al-Mamari, R., Nadir, Z. and Bait-Suwailam, M. 2014. Class-F Power Amplifier with High Power Added Efficiency for 900MHz. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electronic Design, Penang, Malaysia, 19-21, August 2014.
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Al-Badi, A. H., Yousef, H., Al Aamri, O., Al Abdusalam, M., Al Shidi, Y. and Al-Harthy, N. 2014. Performance of a Stand-Alone Renewable Energy System Based on Hydrogen Energy Storage. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Communications, Control, and Signal Processing, Athens, Greece, 21-24 May 2014.
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