Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • 2022
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  1. Ahmad, A. 2022. Current Status on Digital Circuit Testing and Scope of Scan Circuitry on FPGA. In: IEEE Conference (53876) Mobile and Embedded Technology Conference (MECON 2022), Amity University, Noida, Delhi-NCR, India, March 10-11.
  2. Al Maashri, A., Ghommam, J., Saleem, A., Nasiri, N., Eldirdiry, O., Bourdoucen, H., Al Rawas, G., Al-Kamzari, A. and Ammari, A., 2022. A Multi-Drone System for Oil Spill Detection: A Simulation and Emulation Platform. In 2022 22nd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS) (pp. 397-402). IEEE.
  3. Al Maashri, A., Ghommam, J., Saleem, A., Nasiri, N., Eldirdiry, O., Bourdoucen, H., Al Rawas, G., Al-Kamzari, A. and Ammari, A., 2022, November. A Multi-Drone System for Oil Spill Detection: A Simulation and Emulation Platform. In 2022 22nd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS) (pp. 397-402). IEEE.
  4. Al Shereiqi, A., Al-Hinai, A., Mohandes, B., Al-Abri, R. and Albadi, M., 2022, July. Wind Farm Layout Optimization in Different Search Spaces: A Case Study in Oman. In 2022 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
  5. Al-Badi, A. and Al-Wahabi, A., 2022. Optimal Hybrid Power System using Wind-PV and Hydrogen for Isolated location in Duqm, Oman.
  6. Aldaoud, M., Al-Abri, D., Awadalla, M. and Kausar, F., 2022, November. Towards a Scalable Named Data Border Gateway Protocol. In 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
  7. Al-farsi,A.,  Al-abri,T.,  Al-mamari,M., AlBadi, A. 2022. Optimal Planning of Hybrid Energy System in Hasik Area, Oman. In: GCC CIGRE, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia  , Riyadh, Saudi Arabia , 14th - 16th November 2022
  8. Al-Maawali, A., Al-Azri, Y., Mesbah, M., Ahmad, A., Nair, J. K., Al Maawali, S. M. and Ahmad, F. 2022. On A FPGA Based Tool for The Diagnosis of Lung Sounds. In:  4th Int'l Congress of Multidisciplinary Studies in Medical Sciences, Antalya, Turkey, February 18-20.
  9. Ammari, A.C., Labidi, W., Aldaoud, M., Mnif, F., Yuan, H., Zhou, M. and Sarrab, M., 2022, August. Scheduling of Cloud Computing Tasks via Intelligent Optimization Methods. In Proceedings of Seventh International Congress on Information and Communication Technology: ICICT 2022, London, Volume 4 (pp. 209-221). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
  10. Bait-Suwailam, M.M., Jervase, J., Al-Lawati, H. and Nadir, Z., 2022, March. Enhancing Students’ Critical Thinking and Visualization Skills of Three-Dimensional Problems in Electromagnetics. In 2022 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) (pp. 586-589). IEEE.
  11. Malik, A. 2022. Embedding externalities in electricity prices – the need of the hour. In: 13th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MEDPOWER20222), Malta, November 7-9.
  12. Senan, F. M., Ahmad, A., Al Busaidi, S. S. and Ammari, A. 2022. On Mathematical Modeling of LFSR. In: ISPEC 13th Int'l Conference on Engineering & Natural Sciences, Burdur, Turkey, March 19-20 2022
  13. Shadoul, M., Yousef, H., Al Abri, R. and Al Hinai, A., 2021, April. Adaptive fuzzy control of three-phase grid-connected inverter. In 2021 12th International Renewable Engineering Conference (IREC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
  14. Elhaffar, A., Tarhuni, N. and Al-Hinai, A., 2022, March. Micro-grid educational laboratory modernization using IEDs. In 2022 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) (pp. 1443-1447). IEEE.
  15. Al-Naimi, I. and Baniyounis, M., 2022, May. Indoor Human Identification Using Advanced Machine-Learning-Based Strategy. In 2022 19th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD) (pp. 1924-1928). IEEE.
  16. Asif, H.M., Affan, A. and Tarhuni, N., 2022, May. Spatial Distribution Waveform Design for an Efficient Optical Communication System. In 2022 4th West Asian Symposium on Optical and Millimeter-wave Wireless Communications (WASOWC) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
  17. Ahmad, A., 2022, June. Mathematical Morphological Image Processing in Agriculture. In IV-INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF FOOD, AGRICULTURE, AND VETERINARY SCIENCES.
  18. Al Abri, W., Al Abri, R., Yousef, H. and Al-Hinai, A., 2022, June. A Global MPPT Based on Bald Eagle Search Technique for PV System Operating under Partial Shading Conditions. In 2022 10th International Conference on Smart Grid (icSmartGrid) (pp. 325-332). IEEE.
  19. Al Badi, A. and Al Wahaibi, A., 2022, August. Techno-Economic Analysis and Optimization of Solar Energy System for Power Generation and Hydrogen Production in Al Mazyouna Area. In 2022 3rd International Conference on Clean and Green Energy Engineering (CGEE) (pp. 26-31). IEEE.
  20. Al Wahaibi, A. and Al Badi, A., 2022, September. Sizing of a Hybrid Energy System for Al Mazyouna Area. In submitted to 20th International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ'22) Vigo.
  21. Ahmad, A., 2022, October. TOURISM AND ECONOMIC GROWTH: STRATEGIC INTERVENTIONS OF OMAN. In International MALATYA Gastronomy Culture and Tourism Conference. September 16-17-18.
  22. Al-Mulla, Y., Parimi, K. and Bait-Suwailam, M., 2022, October. Remote sensing and deep learning techniques for impact assessment of Shaheen cyclone on vegetation cover at Al Batinah governorate of Oman. In Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XXIV (Vol. 12262, pp. 117-121). SPIE.
  23. Al-Ratrout, S. and Hossen, A., 2022, October. Convolution neural network for identification of obstructive sleep apnea. In 2022 Medical Technologies Congress (TIPTEKNO) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
  24. Jamil, T., 2022, October. Design of an Android-based remotely-accessible system to detect ripeness of dates in palm trees. In 2022 International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies (ICEET) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
  25. Al Ajm, H.Y. and Bait-Suwailam, M.M., 2022, November. A Wideband Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Design for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. In 2022 International Conference on Electrical and Computing Technologies and Applications (ICECTA) (pp. 378-381). IEEE.
  1. Ahmad, A., Jervase, J., Bait Suwailam, M.M., Al-Lawati, H., Ahshan, R. and Khan, G. 2021. Teaching Circuit Analysis Using Graph Theory - Solving Problems of Complex Circuits. In: EJONS 13th International Conference on Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences , Cappadocia, Turkey,  October 26-27, 2021.
  2. Ahmad, A., Kausar, F. and Awadalla, M. 2021. Food Conservation Management System. In: 2nd Int'l Hazar Scientific Researches Conference, Khazar University, Baku, Azerbaijan, April 10-12, 2021.
  3. Ahmad, A., Sayyid Al-Busaidi, S, and Abdulghani, A. 2021.  Significance of the UPC Barcode in the Food Industry. In: 2nd Int'l Baku Scientific Researches Conference, Odlar Yurdu University, Baku, Azerbaijan, April 28-30, 2021.
  4. Ahmad, A., Sayyid Al-Busaidi, S., Awadalla, M., Hussain, S. and Hussain, S. M. 2021. Designing of CRC Polynomials for 5G-NR. In: 2nd Int'l Hazar Scientific Researches Conference, Khazar University, Baku, Azerbaijan, April 10-12, 2021.
  5. Al-Busaidi, A., Al-Kindi, A., Al-Abri, D. 2021. A Low-Cost In-Line Encryption System for SCADA Applications. In: 2021 3rd Global Power, Energy and Communication Conference (GPECOM), Online, October 5-8, 2021.
  6. Al-Fahdi, A., Al-Amri, K., Al-Brashdi, I., Ahshan, R., Al-Badi, A. H., Al-Hinai, S.  2021. Designing a system to mitigate the intermittency effect of a large solar power plant. In: the 1st International Conference on Smart Innovation and Engineering, Dhofar University, Salalah, Oman, 7-8 April 2021.
  7. Al-Harthi, F., Albadi, M.,    Al-Badi, A.,  and Al-Abri, R. 2021. Power Quality Impacts of PV Systems Integration on Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) - Mina Al-Fahal (MAF) Distribution Network. In: 19th International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ’21), Almeria (Spain), July, 28-30, 2021.
  8. Al-Kharausi, I. Y., Ahshan, R., Al-Badi, A. H. 2021. Design of a Grid-connected PV System for a Large Complex Considering Interconnection and Rooftop Constraints. In: 1st International Conference on Smart Innovation and Engineering, Dhofar University, Salalah, Oman, April, 7-8, 2021.
  9. Al-Maskari, A. and Bait-Suwailam, M.M. 2021. Numerical Analysis of Vegetation Land Cover Nearby Water Dams in Oman Using Satellite Imagery Data. In: IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote Sensing Technology (AGERS), Indonesia, September, 29-30, 2021.
  10. Al-Otaibi, M., Ibrahem, M., Alasmary, W., Al-Abri, D., Mahmoud, M. 2021. UBLS: User-Based Location Selection Scheme for Preserving Location Privacy. In: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops), Virtual / Montreal, 14-23 June, 2021.
  11. Bait-Suwailam, M.M. and Bahadour, I. 2021. Non-Invasive Microwave CSRR-Based Sensor for Diabetic Foot Ulcers Detection. In: International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, Tunis, March 22-25, 2021.
  12. Bouaafia, S., Messaoud, S., Maraoui, A., Ammari, A. C., Khriji, L., Machhout, M. 2021. Deep Pre-trained Models for Computer Vision Applications: Traffic sign recognition. In proceedings of 2021 18th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), Monastir, Tunisia, March, 22-25, 2021.
  13. Hussain, S., Raheem, M. A.  and Ahmad, A. 2021.  SIC-TPG for Path Delay Fault Detection in VLSI Circuits Using Scan Insertion Method. In: IEEE Int'l Conference on Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC), Kalyani, India, May 19-20, 2021.
  14. Khriji, L., Ammari, A.C., Messaoud, S., Bouaafia, S., Maraoui, A., Machhout, M. 2021. COVID-19 Recognition Based on Patient's Coughing and Breathing Patterns Analysis: Deep Learning Approach. In: 29th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), Tampere, Finland, 12-14 May 2021.
  15. Maraoui, A., Messaoud, S., Bouaafia, S., Ammari, A. C., Khriji, L., Machhout, M. 2021. PYNQ FPGA Hardware implementation of LeNet-5-Based Traffic Sign Recognition Application. In: 18th IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD'21), Monastir, Tunisia, March 22-25, 2021.
  16. Saleem, A., Al Maashri, A., Eldirdiry, O., Ghommam, J., Bourdoucen, H., Al-Kamzari, A., Al Rawas, G., and Ammari A. C. 2021. Detection of Oil Spill Pollution in Seawater Using Drones: Simulation & Lab-based Experimental Study. In: 2021 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS), Toronto, ON, Canada, 21 – 24 April 2021.
  17. Saleh, S. A., Ahshan, R., Al-Durra, A. 2021. Model-Predictive Control to Minimize Ground Potentials in Transformerless Grid-Connected 5-Level Power Electronic Converters. In: the IEEE IAS 57th Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Conference (I&CPS), Las Vegas, NV, USA, April, 27-30, 2021.
  18. Saleh, S. A., Ahshan, R., Haj-Ahmed, M., Cardenas Barrera, J. L., Castillo, E. 2021. An Assessment Method for Smart Grid Functions in Residential Loads. In: the 56th IEEE IAS Annual Meeting Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 10-14, 2021.
  19. Sayyid Al-Busaidi, S. and Ahmad, A. 2021. On Assessment Integrity in a Covid-19 Teaching Environment. In: 2nd World Conference on Pandemic Studies, Ankara, Turkey, August 10, 2021.
  20. Sayyid Al-Busaidi, S.,  Ahmad, A., Awadalla, M. and Hussain, S 2021. Design of a Gray Encoder Using T-FFs and MUXs. In: Istanbul International Modern Scientific Research Congress-II, Istanbul, Turkey, December 23-25, 2021.
  21. Shadoul, M., Yousef, H., Al Abri, R., and Al Hinai, A.  2021. Adaptive Fuzzy Control of Three-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter. In: 12th International Renewable Engineering Conference (IREC), Amman, Jordan, April 14-15, 2021.
  22. Sheikh, S. M., Asif, H. M., Raahemifar, K., Kausar, F., Rodrigues, J. J. P. C. and Mumtaz, S. 2021. RSSI Based Implementation of Indoor Positioning Visible Light Communication System in NS-3. In: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): Communication QoS, Reliability and Modeling Symposium (CQRM), Vitual (Montreal, Canada), June 14-23, 2021.
  1. Ge, Y., Ansari, S., Abdulghani, A., Imran, M. A.  and Abbasi, Q. 2020. Intelligent Instruction-Based IoT Framework for Smart Home Applications using Speech Recognition. In: IEEE Smart IoT 2020, Beijing, China, August 14-16, 2020
  2. Shafiq, M., Ahmad, A., Amir AbdulGhani, A., Jervase, J. A., and Al-Maashri, A. 2020. A Blend of CDIO and ABET Philosophy in Delivery of Engineering Design Course – An Active Learning Experience. In: The 1st Conference on Teaching and Learning “Reimagine Teaching to maximize Student Learning, Muscat, Oman, 10-12 February 2020.
  3.  Xu, Z., Ansari, S., Abdulghani, A., Imran, M. A.  and Abbasi, Q., IoT Enabled Smart Security Framework for 3D Printed Smart Home. In: IEEE SmartIoT 2020, Beijing, China, August 14-16, 2020
  4. Ahmad, A., Shafiq, M., Abdulghani, A., Jervase, J., Al-Maashari, A. 2020. A Blend of CDIO and ABET Philosophy in Delivery of Engineering Design Course – An Active Learning Model Experience. In: CETL 1st Conference on Higher Education Teaching & Learning, Muscat, Oman, February 10-12, 2020.
  5. Hu, X., Abdulghani, A., Imran, M., Abbasi, Q. 2020. Internet of Things (IoT) for Healthcare Application: Wearable Sleep Body Position Monitoring System Using IoT Platform. In: ACM-CNIOT 2020-Ei/Scopus 2020 2020 : 2020 International Conference on Computing, Networks and Internet of Things (CNIOT 2020), Sanya, China, April 24-26, 2020              
  6. Zhang, W., Abdulghani, A., Imran, M., Abbasi, Q. 2020. Internet of Things (IoT) enabled Smart Home Safety Barrier System. In: ACM-CNIOT 2020-Ei/Scopus, 2020 International Conference on Computing, Networks and Internet of Things (CNIOT 2020), Sanya, China, April 24-26, 2020
  7. Zhou, M., Abdulghani, A., Imran, M., Abbasi, Q. 2020. Internet of Things (IoT) Enabled Smart Indoor Air Quality Monitoring System. In: ACM-CNIOT 2020-Ei/Scopus, 2020 International Conference on Computing, Networks and Internet of Things (CNIOT 2020), Sanya, China, April 24-26, 2020        
  8. Sun, J., Abdulghani, A., Imran, M., Abbasi, Q. 2020. IoT Enabled Smart Fertilization and Irrigation Aid for Agricultural Purposes. In: ACM-CNIOT 2020-Ei/Scopus, 2020 International Conference on Computing, Networks and Internet of Things (CNIOT 2020), Sanya, China, April 24-26, 2020        
  9. Dong, Z., Abdulghani, A., Imran, M., Abbasi, Q. 2020. Artificial Intelligence Enabled Smart Refrigeration Management System Using Internet of Things Framework. In: ACM-CNIOT 2020-Ei/Scopus, 2020 International Conference on Computing, Networks and Internet of Things (CNIOT 2020), Sanya, China, April 24-26, 2020               
  10. Hu, X., Abdulghani, A., Imran, M., Abbasi, Q. 2020. Internet of Things (IoT) for Healthcare Application: Wearable Sleep Body Position Monitoring System Using IoT Platform. In: ACM-CNIOT 2020-Ei/Scopus, 2020 International Conference on Computing, Networks and Internet of Things (CNIOT 2020), Sanya, China, April 24-26, 2020               
  11. Wu, S., Abdulghani, A., Ansari, S., Imran, M. A.  and Abbasi, Q. H. 2020.  IoT Enabled Smart Lighting System Using STM32 Microcontroller with High Performance ARM® Cortex®-M3 Core. In:  5th International Conference on the UK-China Emerging Technologies (UCET 2020), IEEE Proceedings, Glasgow, UK, August 20-21, 2020    
  12. Ahmad, A., Al Maashari, A., Al Mansoori, M., Abdulghani, A. 2019. Working in a Switched Framework of ABET Criteria 3 (a-K) Student Outcomes Into the Changed (1–7) Student Outcomes. In: 5th Conference on Teaching and Learning, Sohar, Oman, September 12, 2019               
  13. Ur Rehman, M., Hussain, S., Ansari, I., Abdulghani, A. M., Centeno, A., Abbas, H., Heidari, H., Hong, Y., Ponciano, J., Abbasi, Q. H., Qadir, J., and Imran, M. A. 2020. Assessment and Feedback Under Disruptive Circumstances in Trans-National Education. In: International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education, (IEEE TALE 2020), Japan, December 8-11, 2020.
  14. Affan, A., Khan, U., Asif. H. M, and Raahemifar, K.  2020. Multiuser Visible Light Communication System using Hybrid OFDM-PWM. In: International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC), Montreal, QC, Canada, 20-22 Oct. 2020.
  15. Ahmad, A. (Invited Speaker) 2020. Automotive Semiconductor Industry - Trends, Safety and Security Challenges. In: IEEE International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO 2020), IEEE Conference Record Number 48877, Noida, India, 4-5 June 2020.
  16. Ahmad, A. (Invited Speaker), Mesbah, M. and Burney, I. 2020. Development of a Computer Assisted Diagnostic Procedure for Early Detection of Cancer using Mathematical Morphology. In: International Symposium for Telemedicine and Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (ISTAIM2020), Muscat, Oman, 17-18 February 2020.
  17. Ahshan, R., Ahmad, A., Al-Badi, A. H., Al-Badi, M. H., Malik, A., Al-Hinai, S., Al-Hadj, H.  2020. Algorithmic Computation of Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) of a Solar Array. In: Fifth International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization Theory, Algorithms, Applications and Technology (NAOV-2020), Muscat, Oman, 6-9 January 2020.
  18. Ahshan, R., Nasiri, N., Al-Badi, A. H., Hosseinzadeh, N. 2020. Control and Dynamic Analysis of an Isolated Microgrid System: A Case Study. In: Sixth IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), Gammarth, Tunis, Tunisia, Sept. 28 - Oct. 1, 2020.
  19. Al Maawali, A. M. M., Al Azri, Y. Y. Y., Mesbah, M., Ahmad, A. and Nair, J. K.  2020. Implementation of a FPGA based tool for the diagnosis of Lung sounds. In: Poster presentation: International Symposium for Telemedicine and Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (ISTAIM2020), Muscat, Oman, 17-18 February 2020.
  20. Al Rashdi, M., Nadir, Z., Al Lawati, H. 2020. Applicability of Okumura – Hata model for wireless communication systems in Oman. In: 2020 IEEE (International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference) (IEMTRONICS), Vancouver, Canada, September 9-12, 2020.
  21. Al Shereiqi, A., Al-Hinai, A., Al-Abri, R., and Albadi, M. 2020. The Effect of Wind Farm Micro-Siting on Output Power: A Case Study in Oman. In:  Sixth IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCon), Gammarth, Tunis, Tunisia, Sep .28-Oct .1, 2020.
  22. Albadi, M., Malik, A., Al Rashdi, T., Al Riyami, A., and Al Shukaili, O.  2020. Capacity Credit of Solar PV Projects–Oman’s Main Interconnected System Case Study. In: 18th International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ’20), Spain, Granada, September 1-3, 2020.
  23. Al-Bulushi, N., Al-Abri, D., Ould-Khaoua, M., and Al-Maashri, A.  2020. On the Impact of Static and Mobile Wormhole Attacks on the Performance of MANETs with AODV and OSLR Routing Protocols. In:  15th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), Kristiansand, Norway, November 9-13, 2020.
  24.  Al-Hinai, A., Soliman H.M., Al-Hinaai, A., Al-Hasani A.M., Al-Hinai, M. 2020. Dynamic voltage stabilization by excitation control: an industrial area study system. In: International Conference on Electrical, Communication, and Computer Engineering (ICECCE), Istanbul, Turkey, June 14-15, 2020.
  25.  Ali, S., Rehman, O., Al Balushi, T., Nadir, Z. 2020. Performance Analysis of ZigBee-based IoT Prototype for Remote Monitoring in Power Grid Systems. In: 2020-International Conference on Smart Media and Applications, IEMTRONICS, Jeju, SothKorea, September 17-19, 2020.
  26. Awadalla, M. 2020. An Evolutionary Approach for Data Exchange Optimization in Parallel Architectures. Sultan Qaboos University, College of Science. In: The Fifth International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization. , SQU, Mathematical Department, College of Science, January 6-9, 2020.
  27. Awadalla, M., and Galal, A. 2020. Deep Neural Network Hyper-Parameters Optimization for Face Classification. In: 2nd International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (FAIML 2020), Berlin, Germany, 2020., Berlin, Germany, September 16-18, 2020.
  28. Bait-Suwailam, M., Al Busaidi, O., Al Shahaimi, A., and Al Shizawi, M. 2020. A Non-Invasive Microwave-Based Sensing System for Water Accumulation Abnormality Detection in Lungs. In: the 1st International Biomedical Science Conference in Oman, Muscat, Oman, 26-27 February 2020.
  29. Bakhtvar, M., Al-Hinai, A., El Moursi, M., Albadi, M., Al-Badi, A., Al Maashri, A., Al Abri, R., Hosseinzadeh, N., Charaabi, Y., and Al-Yahyai, S. 2020. Optimal Scheduling for Dispatchable Renewable Energy Generation. In:  6th IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCon), Gammarth, Tunis, Tunisia, Sep 28, 2020 - Oct 1, 2020.
  30. Bokhari, M. U, Adhami, M. K. and Ahmad, A, 2020. Objective Measures to Evaluate Retrieval Effectiveness of News Search Systems for Parameters of Relevance and Freshness. In: The Fifth International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization Theory, Algorithms, Applications and Technology (NAOV-2020)., Muscat, Oman, 6-9 January 2020.
  31. Jamil, T. 2020. Design and Implementation of an Intelligent System to Translate Arabic Text into Arabic Sign Language. In: IEEE 33rd Annual Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, London, Ontario, Canada, August 30 - September 2, 2020.
  32. Khan, J., Ahshan, R. 2020. Detailed time-domain water-to-wire model of a generic tidal current turbine. In: Sixth IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), Gammarth, Tunis, Tunisia, Sept. 28 - Oct. 1, 2020.
  33. Khriji, L., Ammari, A.C., and Awadalla, M. 2020. HW/SW Co-design for Dates Classification on Xilinx Zynq SoC. In: 26th IEEE Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, Russia, April 22-24, 2020.
  34.  Khriji, L., Fradi, M., Machhout, M., and Hossen, H.  2020. Deep Learning-based Approach for Atrial Fibrillation Detection. In: 18th International Conference On Smart Living and Public Health, ICOST 2020, Hammamet, Tunisia, 24-26 June 2020.
  35. Malik, A. and Albadi, M. 2020. A Tutorial for Evaluating Capacity Credit of PV Plants Based on Effective Load Carrying Capability. In:  Fifth International Conference on Renewable Energies for Developing Countries (REDEC), Marakech, Moroco, 29-30 June 2020.
  36. Osman, K., Ghommam, J., Maarouf, S. 2020. Robust Active Steering Control for Articulated Vehicle. In: 17th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices, Monastir, Tunisia, 2020.
  37. Saad, S. M., El Naily, N., Elhaffar, A., Husseinz, T., Mohamed, F.A. 2020. Time-Current-Voltage Overcurrent Scheme for Time-Current-Voltage Overcurrent Scheme for Reliable Microgrids Protection Considering Arc Flash Incident Energy. In:  The 11th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC 2020), Hammamet, Tunisia, October 29- 31, 2020.
  38. Saleem, A., Al Jabri, K., Al Maashri, A., Al Maawali, W., and Mesbah, M.  2020. Obstacle-Avoidance Algorithm Using Deep Learning Based on RGBD Images and Robot Orientation. In: 7th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE), Antalya, Turkey, 2020.
  39. Saleh, S. A., Al-Durra, A., Ahshan, R. 2020. Ground Potentials in Transformerless Grid-Connected Multi-level Power Electronic Converters. In: IEEE/IAS 56th Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference (I&CPS), Las Vegas, NV, USA, April 27-30, 2020.
  1. Ahmad, A. 2019. Application of Mathematics in Everyday Life. In: Third Cambridge - Sultan Qaboos Universities. In: Symposium on Mathematical Modelling, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, April 9-11, 2019.
  2. Ahmad, A. 2019. Reliable and Fault Tolerant Systems on Chip through Design for Testability. In: IEEE Conference: 2019 Amity International Conference on Artificial Intelligence – (AICAI’19), Amity University, Int’l Academic City, Dubai, UAE, February 4-7, 2019.
  3. Ahmad, A., Al-Maashari, A., Al-Mansoori, M. H., and Abdulghani, A. 2019. Working in a Switched Framework of ABET Criteria 3 (A-K) Student Outcomes Into the Changed (1-7) Student Outcome. In: 5th Teaching and Learning Conference - Transforming Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education, Sohar University, Oman, September 12, 2019.
  4. Ahshan, R., Al-Abri, R., Al-Zakwani, N., and Ambu-Saidi., N. 2019. Solar PV System Design for Sports Stadium. In: 10th IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, Kuwait, 21-2 April, 2019.
  5. Al Asadi, S., and Hossen, A.  2019.  AI in Medicine: Sleep Apnea Diagnosis. In: Research Centers Open House Day 2019, Muscat, Oman, April 23, 2019.
  6. Al Balushi, T., Al Hosni, A., Ba Omar, H., and Al Abri, D. 2019. A Lorawan-Based Camel Crossing Alert and Tracking System. In: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’19), Helsinki-Espoo, Finland, July 22-25, 2019.
  7. Al Busaidi, M., Al-Hinai, A., Al-Abri, R., and Al-Badi, M. 2019. Control of a Hybrid Wind-PV and Energy Storage System. In: 5th International Conference on Water, Energy, Food and Agricultural Technology, Istanbul, Turkey, March 20-23, 2019.
  8. Al Busaidi, S. S. and Ahmad, A. 2019. Free Open Source Software Logisim – A Perfect Tool for Teaching and Learning of Digital Logic Circuit Design Course – Experience and Status. In: Free and Open Source Software Conference (FOSSC-19), Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, February 11-12, 2019.
  9. Al Lawati, H., Nadir, Z., and Salam, K. 2019. Dual-Band Singly Fed Circularly Polarized Elliptical Dielectric Resonator Antenna. In: 2019 IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Singapore, December 10-13, 2019.
  10. Al Maawali, W., Al Naabi, A., Al Yaruubi, M., Saleem, A., and Al Maashri, A. 2019. Design and Implementation of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle for Oil Spill Handling. In: 1st International Conference on Unmanned Vehicle Systems-Oman, Muscat, Oman, February 5-7 2019.
  11. Al Rashdi, T., Al Riyami, A., Al Shukaili, O., Albadi, M. and Malik, A. 2019. Capacity Credit of 500 MW Solar IPP Plant in Ibri – Oman. In: GCC POWER 2019 – The 15th International Conference for GCC CIGRE, Muscat, Oman, October 27-29, 2019.
  12. Al Saaideh, M., Feilat, E., Abu-Al-Nadi, D., and Al-Hinai, A.2019. Lightning Impulse Parameter Estimation Using Nonlinear Least Squares Algorithm. In: 2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT), Amman, Jordan, April 9-11, 2019.
  13. Al Shohoumi, F., Sarrab M., Al-Abri D., and Al Hamadani A. 2019. The Impacts of Open Source on IoT Solutions Development. In: 4th Free and Open Source Software Conference (FOSSC2019), Muscat, Oman, February 11-12, 2019.
  14. Al-Abri, S., Khriji, L., Ammari. A.C.  and Awadalla, M. 2019. Classification of Omani’s Dates Varieties Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques. In: 25th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, Helsinki, Finland, November 5-8, 2019.
  15. Al-Badi, A.H. 2019. Performance of 1.4 Kw Grid Connected Desert Type PV. In: International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, Canary Islands, Spain, 9-11 April 2019.
  16. Albadi, M., Al-Hinai, A., Al-Maharbi, M., Al-Hosni A., and Al-Hajri, M.  2019.  Economic Dispatch of Oman’s Main Interconnected System in Presence of 500MW Solar PV Plant in Ibri. In: 2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT), Amman, Jordan, April 9-11, 2019.
  17. Al-Issaei, A., Al-Abri, R., Yousef, H., and Soliman, H.M.  2019. Secondary Control of Microgrid Using Multi-Agent Systems. In: The 28th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (IEEE-ISIE), Vancouver, Canada, June 11-14, 2019.
  18. Al-Issaei, A., Al-Abri, R. S., Yousef, H. and Hisham, M. S. 2019. Secondary Control of Microgrid Using Multi-Agent Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE 28th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, BC, Canada, 12-14 June, 2019.
  19. Al-Issaei, A., Al-Abri R., Yousef H., Soliman H.M.  2019. Power Management System Control of a Microgrid with Multi-Agent Systems Based Algorithm. In: Cigre-GCC 2019 Power Conference & Exhibition, Muscat, Oman, October 27-29, 2019.
  20. Al-Lawati, H., Nadir, Z. and Khamas, S. 2019. Dual-Band Singly Fed Circularly Polarized Elliptical Dilecetric Resonator Antenna. In:  Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Singapore, December 10-13, 2019.
  21. Alqaisi, W.K., Brahmi, B., Ghommam J., Saad, M., Nerguizian, V. 2019. Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Based on RBF Neural Network Approximation for Quadrotor. In: IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 17-18 June 2019.
  22. Al-Sarmi, S., Al-Ansari, H., Al-Badi, A., Ahshan, R., Al-Hinai, S., and Al-Hadi, H. 2019. Designing a System to Minimize Power Losses in Distribution Network. In: GCC Cigre, Muscat, Oman, October 10, 2019.
  23. Al-Yahyai, S., Al-Hinai, A., and Charabi, Y. 2019. Offshore Wind Potential and Wind Atlas Over Oman Maritime Zone. In: GCC Power 2019 Conference & Exhibition, Muscat, Oman, October 27-29, 2019.
  24. Eissa, M. 2019. Real Time Egyptian Wide Area Monitoring System (E-WAMS) for Novel Applications in Smart Grid. In: GCC POWER 2019 GCC Cigre’s Leading Electric Power Conference & Exhibition in the Gulf Region, Oman, October 27-29, 2019.
  25. Eissa, M., Elhaffar, A. and Mansour, D.  2019. New Developed Superconducting Fault Current Limiters for Solving High Fault Levels Problem in Omani Electricity Transmission Grid. In: GCC POWER 2019 GCC Cigre’s Leading Electric Power Conference & Exhibition in the Gulf Region, Oman, October 27-29, 2019.
  26. Elgawi, O., Mutawa, A. M., and Ahmad, A. 2019. Energy-Efficient Embedded Inference of SVMS on FPGA. In: IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, Miami, Florida, USA, July 15-17, 2019.
  27. Hossen, A. 2019. Identification of Sleep Apnea Based on Short Length Segments of HRV Data Using Simple Perceptron. In: First International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence (ASPAI’2019), Barcelona, Spain, 20-22 March 2019.
  28. Jamil, T. 2019. Brainic Recipe. In: 3rd Asian Conference on Science, Technology and Medicine, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, February 12-14, 2019.
  29. Kausar, F., Aman, W., and Al-Abri, D. 2019. Mutually Authenticated Group Key Management Protocol for Healthcare IoT Networks. In: Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference, San Francisco, USA, November 14-15, 2019. 
  30. Khriji, L., Hossen, A., Al Rawas, O., and Al Abri, M. 2019. Mobile Healthcare System for Monitoring and Diagnosis in Oman. In: Research Centers Open House Day 2019, Muscat, Oman, April 23, 2019.
  31. Malik, A., Al Mugheiri, A., Alsaadi, M. and Al-Battashi, A. 2019. Long-Run Marginal Cost (LRMC) at Generation Busbar Level for Main Interconnected Power System of Oman. In: GCC POWER 2019 – The 15th International Conference for GCC CIGRE, Muscat, Oman, October 27-29, 2019.
  32. Mohammadzaheri, M., Ziaiefar, H., Ghodsi, M., Bahadur, I., Zarog, M., Saleem, A., and Emadi, E. 2019. Adaptive Charge Estimation of Piezoelectric Actuators, a Radial Basis Function Approach. In: 20th IEEE International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM), Austria, 23-24 May, 2019.
  33. Saleem, A., Al Hattali, M., Shafiq, M., and Bahadur, I. 2019. Precise Tracking Control for Piezoelectric Actuators Using Feedforward/Feedback Learning-Based Controller. In: 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CODIT), Paris, France, April, 2019.
  34. Saleem, A., Musabah, H., Shafiq, M., and Issam, B. 2019. Tracking Control of Piezoelectric Actuators Using Feedforward/Feedback Learning-Based Controller. In: 2019 6th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CODIT), Paris, France, April 23-26, 2019.
  35. Shadoul, M., Al-Abri, R., Yousef, H., and Masoud, M.I. 2019. Fuzzy Logic Controller for Microgrid Inverter. In: The 10th IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, Al-Kuwait, April 2019.
  36. Tarhuni, N. 2019. Investigation of Multi-Beam Interference Impact on State-of-Polarization OCDMA Optical Networks. In: 2019 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC), Istanbul. Turkey, June 18-20, 2019.
  1. Abdelhedi, R., Lahyani, A., Ammari, A.C., Sari, A. and Venet, P. 2018. Reinforcement Learning-Based Power Sharing Between Batteries and Supercapacitors in Electric Vehicles. In: Proceeding of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Lyon, France, 20-22 February, 2018.
  2. Abid, N., Ouni, T., Loukil, K., Ammari, A.C. and Abid, M. 2018. Parallel Implementation for Real Time Person Matching System. In: Proceeding of the 30th IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM), Sousse, Tunisia, 16-19 December, 2018.
  3. Ahmad, A. 2018. On Implementation of Energy Aware Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Calculation Unit for Data Integrity Check Applications. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 7th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO'2018) - (Trends and Future Directions), IEEE Conference Record No. 43735, Noida, India, 29-31 August 2018.
  4. Ahmad, A. 2018. On Optimized Modeling of Pseudorandom Number Generators for Cryptographic Applications. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Vijnana Parishad of India on Recent Trends of Computing in Mathematics, Statistics and Information Technologies (ICRTCMSIT- 2018), Jhansi, India, 9-11 March 2018.
  5. Ahmad, A., Al‐Busaidi, S., Khriji, L., Abdulghani, A. and Elgawi, O. 2018. An Effective Vehicle Plate Detection Technique Based on Mathematical Morphology. In: Proceeding of the 7th Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology (BICET2018), Brunei Darussalam, 12-14 November 2018.
  6. Ahshan, R., Al-Badi, A.H., Hosseinzadeh, N. and Shafiq, M. 2018. Small Wind Turbine Systems for Application in Oman. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 5th International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems (EPECS), Kitakyushu, Japan, 23-25 April, 2018.
  7. Ahshan, R., Shafiq, M., Hosseinzadeh, N. and Al-Badi, A.H. 2018.  Distributed Wind Systems for Moderate Wind Speed Sites. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 5th International Conference on Renewable Energy: Generation and Applications (ICREGA), Al-Ain, UAE, 25-28 February 2018.
  8. Ahshan, R., Sohel, K. M. A., Khadem, M. and Al-Mamun, A. 2018. Effect of Mobile Phone Usage in Classroom Settings for Engineering Students: a Case Study. In: Proceedings of the 28th Arab Engineering Conference, Muscat, Oman, 11-13 December, 2018.
  9. Al Badi, H., Boland, J., Bruce, D., and Albadi, M. 2018. Dust Impacts on Photovoltaic Systems: Role of Humidity in Soiling and Self-Cleaning. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE). UOIT, Ontario, Canada, 12-15 August 2018.
  10. Al Saadi, A., Al Rashdi, M., Al Nassri, H., Nadir Z. and Mumtaz, R. 2018. Impact of RF and LEDs on the Growth of the Plants. In: Proceedings of the 7th Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology (BICET2018), Brunei, 12-14 November 2018.
  11. Al Saidi, A. and Firdous, K. 2018.  Security Attacks and Countermeasures on Cloud Assisted IoT Applications. In: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Smart Cloud (SmartCloud 2018), New York, USA, 21-23 September 2018.
  12. Al-Asadi, S. and Hossen, A. 2018. Different Neural Networks Approaches for Identification of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE 2018), Penang, Malaysia, 28-29 April 2018.
  13. Alqaisi, W., Brahmi, B., Ghommam, J., Saad, M. and Nerguizian, V. 2018. Multivariable Super-Twisting Control in a Vision-Based Quadrotor Utilized in Agricultural Application. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications (CIVEMSA), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 12-13 June 2018.
  14. Alqaisi, W., Brahmi, B., Ghommam, J., Saad, M. and Nerguizian, V. 2018. Sliding Mode Controller and Hierarchical Perturbation Compensator in a UAV Quadrotor. In: Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications (CIVEMSA), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 12-13 June 2018.
  15. Al-Ratrout, S. and Hossen, A. 2018. Support Vector Machine of Wavelet Packet Spectral Analysis for Identification of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. In: Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE 2018), Istanbul, Turkey, 3-5 May 2018.
  16. Awadalla, M., Yousef, H. and Al-Hanai, A. 2018. A Soft Computing Technique for Predicting Flow Bottom Hole Pressure. In: Proceedings of the international Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology, Madrid, Spain, 2-4 April 2018.
  17. Elhaffar, A., Soliman, H.M., Al-Harthi, M., Al-Butaini, A. and Kashoub, S. 2018. Voltage Control in Oman Power System using Minimal Tap-Changing Transformers. In: Proceedings of the 14th GCC–CIGRE International Conference GCC POWER 2018, Kuwait, 11-13 November 2018.
  18. Jamil, T. 2018. Complex Binary Associative Dataflow Processor - A Tutorial. In: Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon 2018, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA, 19-22 April 2018.
  19. Jamil, T. 2018. Design of a Real-time Interpreter for Arabic Sign Language. In: Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon 2018, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA, 19-22 April 2018.
  20. Khriji, L. and Al-Busaidi, A. 2018. New Adaptive Thresholding-Based ECG R-Peak Detection Technique. In: Proceeding of the 4th IEEE Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering (MECBME-2018), Gammarth, Tunisia, 28-30 March, 2018.
  21. Malik, A.S., Al-Kharusi, A., Al-Khathiri, A. and Al-Mahrouqi, Y. 2018. Wind Generation Modelling in LDC Based Generation Planning Models - A Case Study of Omani Power Sector with WASP-IV. In: Proceedings of the 7th Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology 2018 (BICET2018), Brunei Darussalam, 12-14 November 2018.
  22. Malik, A.S., Al-Saadi, S., Al-Wahaibi, A. Al-Badi, A.H. and Al-Hinai, A. 2018. Energy Saving Potential in Residential Sector and its Impact on Power Planning - A Case Study of the Main Interconnected System (MIS) of Oman. In: Proceedings of the 7th Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology 2018 (BICET2018), Brunei Darussalam, 12-14 November 2018.
  23. Mohammed, N., and Albadi, M., 2018. Impact of Demand Response on Short-Term Generation Planning. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Energy Grid Engineering (SEGE). UOIT, Ontario, Canada, 12-15 August 2018.
  24. Nadir, Z., and Al Lawati, H. 2018. LTE Path-Loss Prediction Models Comparative Study for Outdoor Wireless Communications. In: Proceedings of the 7th Brunei International Conference on Engineering and Technology (BICET2018), Brunei, 12-14 November 2018.
  25. Rkhissi-Kammoun, Y., Ghommam, J., Boukhnifer, M. and Mnif, F. 2018. Current Sensor Fault-Tolerant Control Scheme for Induction Machine in Electric Vehicle Applications using RISE-Algebraic Estimation Approach. In: Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Lyon, France, 20-22 February 2018.
  26. Rkhissi-Kammoun, Y., Ghommam, J., Boukhnifer, M. and Mnif, F. 2018. New Fault Tolerant Induction Motor Control Architecture for Current Sensor fault in Electric Vehicles. In: Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Multi-conference on Systems Signals and Devices, Hammamet, Tunisia, 19-22 March 2018.
  27. Saleem, A. Al-Ratrout, S. and Mesbah, M. 2018. A Fitness Function for Parameters Identification of Bouc-Wen Hysteresis Model for Piezoelectric Actuators. In: Proceeding of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE2018), Istanbul, Turkey, 3-5 May 2018.
  28. Tageldin, M., Al-Mashaikki, T., Bali, H. and Mesbah, M. 2018. EEG Sparse Representation Based Alertness States Identification Using Gini Index. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2018), Siem Reap, Cambodia, 13 -16 December, 2018.
  29. Trigui, A., Ali, M., Ammari, A.C., Savaria, Y. and Sawan, M. 2018. A 1.5 pJ/bit, 9.04 Mbit/s Carrier-Width Demodulator for Data Transmission over an Inductive Link Supporting Power and Data Transfer. In: Proceeding of the 1st International Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems (ISICAS2018), Taormina, Italy, 2-3 September 2018.
  1. Abdelhedi, R., Ammari, A.C., Lahyani, A., Sari, A., Venet, P., 2017. An Improved Frequency Sharing Strategy Between Battery and Supercapacitors in Electric Vehicles, In: Proceedings of the ELECTRIMACS, Toulouse, France, 4-6 July 2017.
  2. Acharya S., Al-Hinai A., El-Moursi M., and Al-Badi M. 2017. Coordinated Control for Frequency Regulation in Microgrids using RES, Battery Storage and Demand Response. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Chicago, IL, 16-20 July 2017.
  3. Ahmad A., Al Busaidi S. S., Ruelens D. and Ahmad S. 2017. Optimization of Fault Tree Analysis Model. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization Theory, Algorithms, Applications and Technology. Oman, p.31, 2-5 January 2017.
  4. Al-Abri, R. S., Al Badi, M. H., Al-Badi, A. H. 2017. Analysis of Measurement of Different types of PV Systems in Oman, In: Proceedings GCC POWER 2017 Conference & Exhibition. Muscat, Oman 16-18 October 2017.
  5. Al-Ajmi, H., Masoud, M. I., 2017. A Case Study for Five Phase Induction Motor Design: Evaluation using Finite Element Analysis. In: proceedings of the 9th IEEE GCC conference and exhibition, Al-Manama, Al-Bahrain, May 2017
  6. Al Badi M. H., Soliman H. M., El-Saadany E. F., Awlad Thani M., Al-Alawi A., Al-Ismaili S., Al-Nabhani A., Baalawi H. 2017, Optimal Allocation of PV Systems in Distribution Networks Using PSO, In: Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization  ICMSAO17., American University of Sharjah, UAE, 4-6 April 2017.
  7. Al Badi, M. H., Al Busaidi, A. S., El Saadany, E. F. 2017. Using PHES to Facilitate Wind Power Integration in Isolated Systems – Case Study. In: Proceedings of the 18th Annual IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (IEEE ICIT17). Toronto, Canada, 22-25 March 2017.
  8. Al Badi, M. H., El-Rayani, Y. M., El-Saadany, E. F., Al-Riyami, H. A. 2017. Effect of Large Solar Power Plant on Locational Marginal Prices in Oman. In: Proceedings of the 30th annual IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (IEEE 2017 CCECE). Windsor, Ontario, Canada, April 30 - May 3, 2017.
  9. Al-Abri D. 2017, Teaching Network security: a holistic approach.  In: Proceedings of 11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Spain, Valencia, 6-8 March, 2017.
  10. Al-Kalbani, S., Yousef, H. A. and Al-Abri, R. 2017. Load Frequency Control of a Multi-Area Power System with PV penetration: Fuzzy logic Approach in presence of Time Delay. In: Proceedings of the 9thIEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain, 8-11 May, 2017.
  11. Al-Lawati H. M., and Khamas, S. 2017, Low Profile Circularly Polarized Elliptical Dielectric Resonator Antenna, In: Proceedings of the IEEE GCC Conference. Bahrain, 2017.
  12. Al Maashri A., Pathuri L., Awadalla M., and Ahmad A. 2017. Optimization of a customized hardware accelerator. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization Theory, Algorithms, Applications and Technology. Oman, p.36, 2-5 January 2017.
  13. AL-Mahrooqi, M., AL-Yaqoubi, M., AL-Ghafri, H., AL-Saadi, M., Soliman, H., and Elhaffar, A. 2017. Simulation of Distance Protection for Parallel Transmission Lines. In: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition, Al-Manama, Bahrain, 8-11 May, 2017.
  14. Al Shamli, Y., Hosseinzadeh, N., Yousef, N. and Al-Hinai, A. 2017, Design of a Fuzzy logic power system stabilizer for the main interconnected power system of oman. In: Proceedings of the GCC CIGRE Power Conference, Muscat 2017.
  15. Al Shamli, Y., Albadi, M. H., Al-Battashi, M., Al-Maamari, A. 2017. Spinning Reserve and Regulations Requirements with high penetration of Photovoltaic Systems in MIS. In: Proceedings of the GCC POWER 2017 Conference & Exhibition. Muscat, Oman 16-18 October 2017.
  16. Al-Washahi M., BaAlawi M., Al-Naamani A., and Al-Hinai A. 2017. Lines capability enhancements for long 33 KV RAEC Network. In: Proceedings of the GCC Power  Conference & Exhibition, Oman, Muscat, 15-18 October 2017
  17. Awadalla, M. 2017, Design of a Smart Traffic Information System. In: Proceedings of IEEE 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies (ICICICT), India, July 2017
  18. Awadalla, M., Ahmad, A., Al-Busaidi, S. and   Rabie, M., 2017, Optimization of a Customized Hardware Accelerator”, In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization – Theory, Algorithm, Application and Technology (NAOiii), Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman, January 2 - 5, 2017
  19. Awadalla, M., Yousef, H., and Al-Hinai, A. 2017, Optimization Technique for Oil Well Flowing Bottom-Hole Pressure Prediction. In: proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization, SQU, College of Science, Oman, January 2 - 5, 2017.
  20. Bourdoucen, H., Al Maashri, A., Al-Kindy, M., Al-Zadjali, M., Qamar, A., and Venter, M. 2017. Development of QoS Monitoring System: Application Demonstrator. In: Proceedings of Free and Open Source Software Conference (FOSSC-17). Muscat, 14-15 February 2017.
  21. El-Naily, N., Saad, S. M., Elhaffar, A., Hussein, T., Mohamed, F. A. 2017. Mitigating the impact of Distributed Generator on medium Distribution Network by adaptive protection scheme. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC), Amman (Dead Sea), Jordan. 21-23 March 2017.
  22. Hosseinzadeh, N., Al badi, M., 2017. Design, Implementation and Installation of a Hybrid Renewable Energy System at Sultan Qaboos University. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, and Automation (ICCIA). Shiraz, Iran, 21-23 November 2017.
  23. Hosseinzadeh N., Ahsan R. and Shafiq M., 2017. Design and Implementation of Standalone Wind Energy Conversion System, In: Proceedings of the GCC Power Conference, GCC-CIGRE, Muscat, Oman, October 2017.
  24. Jamil, T. and Mohammed, I. 2017. Development of an Android-based Student Information System Application. In: Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada). 29-30 November 2017.
  25. Masoud, M. I., AlYahmadi, M., Alsikiti, A., Al-Abri, H., Alsukaili, H. 2017. A Case Study for Five-Phase Induction Motor Design: Part I-Procedure. In proceedings of the 9th IEEE GCC conference and exhibition, Al-Manama, Al-Bahrain, May 2017
  26. Masoud, M. I., AlYahmadi, M., Alsikiti, A., Al-Abri, H., Alsukaili, H.  2017. A Case Study for Five-Phase Induction Motor Design: Part II- Design Assessment and Performance Evaluation. In: proceedings of the 9th IEEE GCC conference and exhibition, Al-Manama, Al-Bahrain, May 2017
  27. Masoud, M. I., 2017. Writing a laboratory report for senior electrical engineering courses: Guidelines and recommendations. In: the proceedings of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Athens, Greece, 25 – 28 April 2017.
  28. Malik, A., Albadi, M., Bani-Araba, A., Al-Jabri, M., AI-Ameri, A., AI-Shehhi, A., 2017. Development of Strategic Plans and Scenarios for the Smart Grid and their Impact - A Case Study of Muscat Interconnected System. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC 2017). Amman, Jordan, March 21-23, 2017.
  29. Mnif, F. 2017, Predictor-based Stabilization for Chained Form systems with Input Time Delay, In: Proceedings of 14th EEE, International Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, Marrakech, 2017.
  30. Myada Shadoul, M., Al Abri, R., Yousef, H. and Masoud, M. 2017. DC- DC Boost Converter Controller Design for PV Applications. In: Proceedings of the 9thIEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain, 8-11 May, 2017.
  31. Nouiri, M., Bekrar, A., Jemai, A., Trentesaux, D., Ammari, A.C., Niar, S., 2017. A new rescheduling heuristic for flexible job shop problem with machine disruption’, In: Proceedings of the 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, 9-14 July 2017
  32. Pullayikodi S. K., Tarhuni N., Ahmad A. and Bait Shiginah F. 2017. OFDM Based Robust Digital Image Watermarking Resistant to Multipath Spatial Shifts. In: Proceedings of the ninth IEEE-GCC Conference (IEEE#36861). Bahrain, pp 1-6, May 2017.
  33. Saad, M. S., El-Naily, N., and Elhaffar, A. 2017. Experimental and EMTP Modeling of Numerical Transformer Protection for Enhancing Relay Transient Performance: A Case Study. In: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition, Al-Manama, Bahrain, 8-11 May, 2017.
  34. Saad, M. S., El-Naily, N., Wafi, J., Elhaffar, A., and Husseinzadeh, N. 2017. Adaptive Overcurrent Protection to Mitigate High Penetration of Distributed Generation in Weak Distribution Systems. In: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition, Al-Manama, Bahrain, 8-11 May, 2017.
  35. Saad, S. M., El Naily, N., Elhaffar, A., El-Arroudi, K., Mohamed, F. M. 2017, Applying adaptive protection scheme to mitigate the impact of distributed generator on existing distribution network. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC), Amman (Dead Sea), Jordan. 21-23 March 2017.
  36. Saleem A., Mesbah M., Al Ratrout S. 2017. Nonlinear hammerstein model identification of amplified piezoelectric actuators (APAs): Experimental considerations. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), Barcelona, Spain, 5-7 April, 2017.
  37. Shadoul, M., Al Abri, R., Yousef, H., Masoud, M. I., 2017. DC- DC Boost Converter Controller Design for PV Applications. In: the proceedings of the 9th IEEE GCC conference and exhibition, Al-Manama, Al-Bahrain, May 2017
  38. Soliman H.M. , Al Abri R. 2017, Saturated Digital Control for Regional Pole Placement,  In: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition Manama, Bahrain, May 2017
  39. Soliman H.M., Al-Badi, M., Al Maamari A., Alkasbi A. 2017, Notch-filter design of power system stabilizer with application to Barka station II,  In: Proceedings of the GCC CIGRE GCC POWER 2017, Muscat, OMAN,16-18 Oct 2017.
  40. Tahir, A., Elhaffar, A., Sudhoff, S., and Pekarek, S. 2017. MEC Based Scaling Laws for a Tape-Wound Transformer with Voltage Regulation and Core Loss included.  In: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition, Al-Manama, Bahrain, 8-11 May, 2017.
  41. Trigui, A., Ali, M., Ammari, A.C., Savaria, Y., and Sawan, M., 2017. A 14.5 µW generic Carrier Width demodulator for telemetry-based Medical Devices, In: Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), Strasbourg, France, 25-28 June 2017.
  1. Al Hatmi, Y., Tan, C.S., Al-Yahyai, S. and Al-Badi, A. 2016. Solar Resource Mapping of AL Duqm Industrial Area. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Renewable Energy Technologies, Putrajaya, Malaysia, 23-25 February 2016.
  2. Al-Badi, A. and Yousef, H. 2016. Design of Photovoltaic Water Pumping System as an Alternative to Grid Network in Oman. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, Madrid, Spain, 4-6 May 2016.
  3. Al-Kalbani, S., Yousef, H. and Al-Abri, R. 2016. Load Frequency Control of a Multi-Area Power System with PV penetration: PI and PID Approach in Presence of Time Delay. In: Proceedings of the 51st International Universities’ Power Engineering Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, 6-9 September 2016.
  4. Al-Kathiri, F., Al-Raisi, K., Al-Hinai, K., Al-Droushi, M., Khan, M. and Nadir Z. 2016. Impact of RF Electromagnetic Field on Cucumber and Tomato Plants. In: Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 13-15 October 2016.
  5. Al-Lawati, H. and Khamas, S. 2016. Circularly Polarized Open Loop Antenna Backed by Square AMC with Different Feeding Mechanisms. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Middle East Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Beirut, Lebanon, 21-22 September 2016.
  6. Al-Lawati, H. and Khamas, S. 2016. Wide-Band Circularly Polarized Elliptical Dielectric Resonator Antenna. In: Proceedings of the Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference, Loughborough, UK, 14-15 November 2016.
  7. Al-Lawati, M. and Yousef, H. 2016. Stability Analysis and Trajectory Design of a 2-D.O.F. Bipedal Walker. In: Proceedings of the 29th Annual IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, 15-18 May 2016.
  8. Awadalla, M., Yousef, H., Al-Hinai, A. and Al-Shidani, A. 2016. Prediction of Oil Well Flowing Bottom-Hole Pressure in Petroleum Fields. In: Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 8-10 March 2016.
  9. Boudellioua, A. and Bait-Suwailam, M. 2016. Enhancement of an UWB Antenna System for Breast Cancer Detection using Metamaterials. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Malaga, Spain, 25-28 July 2016.
  10. Hosseinzadeh, N. and Mnif, F. 2016. Assessment of Individual Students in Group Work in Engineering Programs. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 10-13 April 2016.
  11. Hosseinzadeh, N., Al-Badi, M., Al-Hinai, A., Al-Badi, A. and Islam, S. 2016. Customized Pathway for Smart Grid Development-A Case Study in Oman. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Melbourne, Australia, 28 November- 1 December, 2016.
  12. Jamil, T., Mohammed, I. and Awadalla, M. 2016. Design and Implementation of an Eye Blinking Detector System for Automobile Accident Prevention. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Southeast Conference, Norfolk, Virginia, USA, 30 March-3 April 2016.
  13. Masoud, M. 2016. Five Phase Induction Motor: Phase Transposition Effect with Different Stator Winding Connections. In: Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Florence, Italy, 24-27 October 2016.
  14. Masoud, M., Hassan, A., Dabour, S. and Rashad, E. 2016. Control of Five-Phase Induction Motor under Open-Circuit Phase Fault fed by Fault Tolerant VSI. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics, Power Electronics and Drives, Guarda, Portugal, 1-4 September 2016.
  15. Metwally, I., Al-Badi, A., Al-Hinai, A., Al Kamali, F. and Al-Ghaithi, H. 2016. Influence of Design Parameters and Defects on Electric Field Distributions inside MV Cable Joints. In: Proceedings of the 18th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Limassol, Cyprus, 18-20 April, 2016.
  16. Metwally, I.A., Al-Badi, A., Al-Hinai, A., Al-Kamali, F. and Al-Ghaithi, H. 2016. Influence of Design Parameters and Defects on Electric Field Distributions inside Medium-Voltage Cable Joints. In: Proceedings of the 18th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Limassol, Cyprus, 18-20 April 2016.
  17. Nadir, Z., Ali, S. and Al-Belushi, T. 2016. Cyber Physical Systems Security Challenges in a Smart Grid Environment. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Renewable Energy - Generation and Applications, Belfort, France, 8-10 February 2016.
  18. Shafiq, M., Al-Lawati, M. and Yousef, H. 2016. A Simple Direct Adaptive Inverse Control Structure. In: Proceedings of the 29th Annual IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vancouver, Canada,15-18 May, 2016.
  19. Ssekulima, E. and Al-Hinai, A. 2016. Coordinated Voltage Control of Solar PV with MPPT and Battery Storage in Grid-Connected and Microgrid Modes. In: Proceedings of the 18th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Limassol, Cyprus, 18-20 April, 2016.
  20. Suja, K.P., Tarhuni, N., Ahmad A. and Bait Shiginah, F, 2016. Computationally Efficient, Robust Watermarking Using Fast Walsh Hadamard Transform. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies, Dallas, TX, USA, 6-8 July 2016.
  1. Ahmad, A., Ahmad, S., Al-Abri, D., Jamil, T. and Rizvi, M.A.K. 2015. A Heuristic Approach towards the Designs of Digital Logic Circuits in Built-In Test Environment with Optimal Solution. In: Proceedings of The Sixth International Conference on Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies, Denton, USA, 13-15 July 2015.
  2. Ahmad, A., Ruelens, D., Ahmad, S. and Pathuri, L. 2015. Determining the Possible Minimal Boolean Expressions via a Newly Developed Procedure and Tool. In: Proceedings of The Sixth International Conference on Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies, Denton, USA, 13-15 July 2015.
  3. Mohanan, N., Ahmad, A. and Shiginah, F. 2015. Modeling Techniques in Robotics- A Research Review. In: Proceedings of The 2nd IEEE Middle East College Conference, Muscat, Oman, 12 May 2015.
  4. Pullayikodi, S.K. and Ahmad, A. 2015. Fault Tolerance in RAID Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Middle East College Conference, Muscat, Oman, 12 May 2015.
  5. Ahmad, A., Al-Busaidi, S.S., Al Lawati, A., Al Maashri, A. and Tarhuni, N. 2015. On Energy Efficient Cryptographic Keys. In: Proceedings of the National Symposium on Innovations in Information Technology, Muscat, Oman, 28-29 April 2015.
  6. Rizvi, M.A.K. and Ahmad, A. 2015. A Tool to Demonstrate the Multiplication Operation in Computers. In: Proceedings of the National Symposium on Innovations in Information Technology, Muscat, Oman, 28-29 April 2015.
  7. Kordestani, M.A., Ahmad, A. and Bourdoucen, H. 2015. A Review of CRC Mechanisms and FOSS Algorithms.  In: Proceedings of the Free and Open Source Software Conference, Muscat, Oman, 18-19 February 2015.
  8. Ahmad, A., Jamil, T., Ahmad, S. and Abdulghani, A. A. 2015. About a FOSS for the Teaching of FORTRAN Programming Language Course. In: Proceedings of the Free and Open Source Software Conference, Muscat Oman, 18-19 February 2015.
  9. Ahmad, A., Rizvi, M.A K., Al-Lawati, A., Mohammed, I. and Malik, A.S. 2015. Graph Theoretic Incidence Matrix Approach for Evaluating Reliability of Complex Mechatronic Systems via a MATLAB based Developed Tool. In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE-GCC Conference, Muscat, Oman, 1-4 February 2015.
  10. Alyammahi H.A. and Al-Hinai A.S. 2015. Intelligent Frequency Control Using Optimal Tuning and Demand Response in an AC Microgrid. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Composite Materials and Renewable Energy Applications, Italy, Rome, 23-24 March 2015.
  11. Ampofo, D.O., Al-Hinai, A.S. and El Moursi, M.S. 2015. Utilization of Reactive Power Resources of Distributed Generation for Voltage Collapse Prevention in Optimal Power Flow. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Composite Materials and Renewable Energy Application, Italy, Rome, 23-24 March 2015.
  12. Huchel, L., Zeineldin, H. and Al-Hinai, A. 2015. Influence of Generation Scheduling on Power System Protection and Stability. In: Proceedings of the UAE Graduate Students Research Conference 2015, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., 22-24 March 2015.
  13. Klimontowicz, M., Al-Hinai, A. and Peng, J. 2015. Decentralized Sliding Mode Control for Load Frequency Problem in Three- Area Power Systems. In: Proceedings of the 8thIEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition, Muscat, Oman, 1-4 February 2015.
  14. Malik, A., Al Badi, M., Al Kahali, A., Al Nabhani, Y., Al Bahri, A. and Al Barhi, H. 2015. A Methodology of Ranking Renewable Energy Alternatives Using AHP and their Sensitivity with Respect to Criteria Weights. In: Proceedings of the Saudi Arabia Smart Grid Conference on Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 7-9 December 2015.
  15. Saleem, A., Al Maashari, A., Khriji, L. and Hussein, M. 2015. An Integration Framework for UGV Outdoor Navigation System Based on LIDAR and Vision Data. In: Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics, Germany, 18-21 November 2015.
  16. Al-Ratrout, S., Saleem, A. and Soliman, H. 2015. Optimization Methods In Fractional Order Control Of Electric Drives: A Comparative Study. In: Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Application, UAE, 8-10 December 2015.
  17. Tarhuni, N., Saleem, A., Mesbah, M. 2015. On-line Denoising of Motor Speed Control Loop Using Order Statistics Filtering. In: Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Application, UAE, 8-10 December 2015.
  18. Al Maamari, M., Al Badi, S., Saleem, A., Mesbah, M. and Hassan, E. 2015. Design of a Brain Controlled Hand Exoskeleton for Patients with Motor Neuron Diseases. In: Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Application, UAE, 8-10 December 2015.
  19. Al Abdulsalam, N., Al-Hajri, R., Al-Abri, Z., Al-Lawati, Z. and Bait-Suwailam, M. 2015. Design and Implementation of a Vehicle to Vehicle Communication System Using Li-Fi Technology. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Research, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 17-19 May 2015.
  20. Bait-Suwailam, M. , Al-Abri, D., Teirab A., Jervase, J. and Nadir, Z. 2015. Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Radiation from Airflow Openings in Personal Computers Shielded Enclosures: An Experimental Study. In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, Muscat, Oman, 1-4 February 2015.
  21. Al Abri, D. 2015.  Detection of MITM Attack in LAN Environment Using Payload Matching.  In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Seville, Spain, 17-19 March 2015.
  22. Al Kalbani, J., Suwailam, R.B., Al Yafai, A., Al Abri, D. and Awadalla, M. 2015. Bus Detection System for Blind People Using RFID. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 8th GCC Conference and Exhibition, Muscat, Oman, 1-4 February 2015.
  23. Al Shidhani, A., Al Maashri, A., Al-Abri, D., Bait-Shiginah, F. and Al-Hinai, S. 2015. ECE First: An Attempt to Reinstate the Favorability of ECE Program. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 8th GCC Conference and Exhibition, Muscat, Oman, 1-4 February 2015.
  24. Al-Lawati, A., Al-Jahdhami, S., Al-Belushi, A., Al-Adawi, D., Awadalla, M. and Al-Abri, D. 2015. RFID-Based System for School Children Transportation Safety Enhancement. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 8th GCC Conference and Exhibition, Muscat, Oman, 1-4 February 2015.
  25. Saad, M.S., Abdelsalam, E. and Khalil, A. 2015. Optimizing Differential Protection Settings for Power Transformers. In: Proceedings of the Modern Electric Power Systems-MEPS’15 Wroclaw, Poland, 6-9 July 2015.
  26. Mnif, F., Jervase, J., Ould-Khaoua, M. and Hosseinzadeh, N. 2015. Collective Assessment Pattern toward ABET Accreditation of the ECE Program. In: Proceedings of the IEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition, Muscat, Oman, 1-4 February 2015.
  27. Rkhissi, Y., Ghommam, J., Boukhnifer, M. and Mnif, F. 2015. Rise Backstepping Control for Induction Machine in EV Applications. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Torremolinos, Spain, 16-19 June 2015.
  28. Rkhissi, Y., Ghommam, J., Boukhnifer, M. and Mnif, F. 2015. Rise Feedback Control for Induction Machine. In: Proceedings of the SSD 2015 Conference on Systems Analysis and Control, Sfax, Tunisia, 21-24, March 2015.
  29. Yousef, H. and Al Kharusi, K.M. 2015. Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Frequency Control of Multi-Area Power System. In: Proceedings of the 8thIEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 1-4 February 2015.
  30. Al-Shamli, Y., Hosseinzadeh, N., Yousef, H. and Al-Hinai, A. 2015. A Review of Concepts in Power System Stability. In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 1-4 February 2015.
  31. Soliman, H.M. and Yousef, H. 2015. Regional Pole Placement by Saturated Power System Stabilizers. In: Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Control Science and Systems Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, 16-17 February 2015.
  32. Shafiq, M., Yousef, H. and Al-Saadi, T. 2015. A Time Efficient Nonlinear Tracking Controller. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Seville, Spain, 17-19 March 2015.
  33. Aftab, M.S., Shafiq, M. and Yousef, H. 2015. Lyapunov Stability Criterion Based Neural Inverse Tracking for Unknown Dynamic Plants. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Seville, Spain, 17-19 March 2015.
  34. Al-Busaidi, A., Khriji, L., Touati F., Rasid M.F.A. and Ben Mnaouer, A. 2015. Real-Time DWT-Based Compression for Wearable Electrocardiogram Monitoring System. In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, Muscat, Oman, 1-4 February 2015.
  35. Al-Busaidi, A.M. and Khriji, L., 2015. Wireless Health Monitoring Challenges: Compression Level. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Control Automation and Applied Mechanics, Sousse, Tunisia, 20-21 January 2015.
  36. Al-Busaidi, A.M., Khriji, L. and Hossen, A.Y. 2015. Cardiac Arrhythmias Classification and Compression using a Hybrid Technique. In: Proceedings of the BIOSTEC 2015-Doctoral Consortium of the 8th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, Lisbon, Portugal, 12-15 January 2015.
  37. Al-Busaidi, A.M. and Khriji, L. 2015. Packet-size-Controlled ECG Compression Algorithm Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Running Length Encoding. In: Proceedings of the 8thInternational Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, Lisbon, Portugal. 12-15 January 2015.
  38. Masoud, M.I., Hassan A., Dabour, S. and Rashad, E. 2015. Control of Five-Phase Induction Motor under Open-Circuit Phase Fault Fed by Fault Tolerant VSI. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics, Power Electronics and Drives, Gurada, Portugal, 1-4 September 2015.
  39. Masoud, M.I. and Abdel-khalik, A.S. 2015. Vector Controlled Five-Phase Induction Motor: Performance Evaluation with Harmonic Injection for Different Stator Winding Connection. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Technology, Seville, Spain, 17-19 March 2015.
  40. Masoud, M.I. and Dabour, S., 2015. Investigation of Five-Phase Induction Motor Drive under Faulty Inverter Conditions. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Technology, Seville, Spain, 17-19 March 2015.
  41. Masoud, M.I., 2015. Street Lighting using Solar Powered LED Light Technology: Sultan Qaboos University Case Study. In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE GCC Conference, Muscat, Oman, 1-4 February 2015.
  42. Masoud, M.I., 2015. Five-Phase Uncontrolled Line Commutated Rectifier: AC Side Compensation using Shunt Active Power Filter. In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE GCC Conference, Muscat, Oman, 1-4 February 2015.
  43. Dabour, S. and Masoud, M.I. 2015. Investigation of Five-Phase Induction Motor Drive under Faulty Inverter Conditions. In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE GCC Conference, Muscat, Oman, 1 -4 February 2015.
  44. Albadi, M.H., Al Hinai, A.S., Al-Badi, A.H., Al Riyami, M.S., Al Hinai, S.M., and Al Abri, R.S. 2015. Unbalance in Power Systems-Review and Oman MIS Case Study. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Seville, Spain, 17-19 March 2015.
  45. Al Farsi, F.N., Albadi, M.H., Hosseinzadeh, N., Al Badi, A.H. 2015. Economic Dispatch in Power Systems-A Comparison between Vertically Integrated and Liberalized Markets. In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, Muscat, Oman, 1-4 February 2015.
  46. Pathuri, L., Al Maashri, A., Ahmad, A., Ould Khaoua, M. and Awadalla, M.  2015. Securing Wireless Sensor Networks using Customized Hardware Crypto Engine.  In: Proceedings of the National Symposium on Innovations in Information Technology, College of Applied Sciences-Sohar, Ministry of Higher Education, Sultanate of Oman, 28-29 April 2015.
  47. Nadir, Z. and Ahmad, M. 2015. Pathloss Measurements and Prediction using Statistical Models. In: Proceedings of theSecond International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automation Engineering Bangkok, Thailand, 23-25 August 2015.
  48. Jamil, T. 2015. Incorporating FPGA-Based Labs within Digital Design Course-A Middle-Eastern Experience. In: Proceedings of theScience and Information Conference, London, U.K., 28-30 July 2015.
  49. Shakeel, S., Rehman, O., Ould-Khaoua, M. and Bourdoucen, H. 2015. Open Source Software Support for Field Experiments of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Free and Open Source Software Conference, Muscat, Oman, 18-19 February 2015.
  50. Rehman, O., Bourdoucen, H. and Ould-Khaoua, M. 2015. Performance Impact of Relay Cardinality on Sender-Driven Messages Dissemination in VANETs. In: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, Muscat, Oman, 1-4 February 2015.

  1. Ahmad, A., Arora, S., Al-Maashri, A., Al-Busaidi, S. and Al Shidhani, A. 2014. On Determination of LFSR Structures to Assure More Reliable and Secure Designs of Cryptographic Systems. In: Proceedings of IEEE 3rd International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions), Noida, India, 8-10 October 2014.

  2. Ahmad, A., Ruelens, D., Awadalla, M. and Ahmad, S. 2014. An Optimized Technique for Machine State Reduction. In: Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization-Theory, Algorithm, Application and Technology Muscat, Oman, 5-9 January 2014. 

  3. Awadalla, A., Ahmad, A. and Al-Busaidi, S. 2014. Scheduling of Dependent Real-Time Tasks Using Fuzzy Logic Technique. In: Proceedings of ninth AASRC International Conference Innovative Trends in Management, Information, Technologies, Computing and Engineering to Tackle a Competitive Global Environment, Istanbul, Turkey, 18-19 June 2014.

  4. Awadalla, M., Ahmad, A., Al-Busaidi, S. and Rabie, M. 2014. Optimization Technique for Task Scheduling Based on Genetic Algorithm. In: Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization-Theory, Algorithm, Application and Technology, Muscat, Oman. 5-9 January 2014.

  5. Al-Badi, A.H., Jervase, J., Sanussi, S. and Gastli, A. 2014. Factors Pertaining to Academic Probation of Engineering Students: A Case Study. In: Proceedings of Engineering Leaders on Engineering Education, Doha, Qatar, 9-11 November 2014.

  6. Al-Badi, A.H., Charabi, Y., Gastli A. and Al-Shaili, Y. 2014. Measurement of Grid Solar PV System in Oman. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering and Technology, Brunei, 1-3 November 2014.

  7. Al-Badi, A.H., Yousef, H., Al-Aamri, O., AlAbdusalam, M., Al-Shidi, Y. and Al-Harthy, N. 2014. Performance of a Stand-Alone Renewable Energy System Based on Hydrogen Energy Storage. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium On Communications, Control, and Signal Processing. Athens, Greece, 21-23 May 2014.

  8. Al-Badi, A.H., Albadi, M.H. and Al-Hinai, A. 2014. Designing of Filter to Reduce Harmonic in Industrial Power Networks. In: Proceedings of ENERGYCON, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 13-16 May 2014.   

  9. Al Hinai, J., Al-Hatmi, S., Alhinai, A., Al Maashani, S., Al-Abri, R., Al Maashari, A. and Albadi, A. 2014. Design of an Energy Management System for Smart Grid. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Generation and Applications, Al-Ain, UAE, 2-5 March 2014.

  10. Albadi, M., Al-Hinai, A., Al-Badi, A., Al-Reyami, M., Al-Hinai, S. and Al-Abri, R. 2014. Measurements and Evaluation of Flicker in High Voltage Networks. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, Córdoba, Spain, 8-10 April 2014.

  11. Nikolakakos, I., Al-Zyoud, I., Zeineldin, H., El-Moursi, M. and Al-Hinai, A. 2014. Enhancement of Islanded Droop-Controlled Microgrid Performance via Power Filter Design. In: Proceedings of IEEE Power Engineering General Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 27-31 July 2014.

  12. Al Yammahi, H. and Al-Hinai, A. 2014. Real-Time Demand Response for Primary Frequency Regulation in Microgrids. In: Proceedings of International Engineering Conference on Sustainability in Design and Innovation, Amman, Jordan, 13-15 May 2014.

  13. Saleh, K., Zeineldin, H. and Al-Hinai, A. 2014. A Three-Phase Fault Currents Calculation Method used For Protection Coordination Analysis. In: Proceedings of IEEE Distribution & Transmission conference. Chicago, USA, 13-17 April 2014.

  14. Baluyan, H., Joshi, B., Al-Hinai, A. and Woon, W. 2014. Automatic Rooftop Detection using a Two-Stage Classification. In: Proceedings of IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation, London, UK, 26-28 March 2014.

  15. Bait-Suwailam, M., Al Balushi, I., Al Sadairi, M., Al-Alawi, M. and Al Risi, S. 2014. Electromagnetic Radiation Probe Using a Detector Circuit with a Dual-Band Antenna System. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electronics Design, Penang, Malaysia, 19-21 August 2014.

  16. Bait-Suwailam, M. 2014. Numerical Study of Bandstop Filters Based on Slotted-Complementary Split-Ring Resonators (S-CSRRs). In: Proceedings of International Conference on Technological Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, 18-20 March 2014.

  17. Al Lawati, M., Bourdoucen, H., Ould-Khaoua, M. and Rehman, O. 2014. Performance Evaluation of Broadcast Beacons in VANETs over Road Intersections and Roundabouts. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Global Conference on Computer Science, Software, Networks and Engineering, İzmir, Turkey, 6-8 November 2014.

  18. Rehman, O., Bourdoucen, H. and Ould-Khaoua, M. 2014. Improving Reachability of Multi-Hop Alert Messages Dissemination in VANETs. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on ICT Convergence, Korea, Busan, 22-24 October 2014.

  19. Rehman, O.M., Bourdoucen, H. and Ould-Khaoua, M. 2014. Relay Selection for Alert Messaging in VANETs Based on Bi-Directional Stable Communication Approach. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies. Hefei, China, 11-13 July 2014.

  20. Hosseinzadeh, N. and Wolfs, P. 2014. Battery Time of Discharge Setting for Maximum Effectiveness in a Distribution Smart Grid Application. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications. Milwaukee, USA, 19-22 October 2014.

  21. Ghodsi, M., Hosseinzadeh, N., Ozer, A., Al-Yahmadi, A. and Zadegan, M. 2014. Sensitivity Analysis and Fabrication of DC Linear Direct-Drive Motor (LDDM). In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, Milwaukee, USA, 19-22 October 2014.

  22. Ghodsi, M., Rajabzadeh, H., Hosseinzadeh, N., Varzeghani, N.G., Al-Yahmadi, A. and Ozer, A. 2014. Development of Gasoline Direct Injector Using Giant Magnetostrictive Materials. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, Milwaukee, USA, 19-22 October 2014.

  23. Jamil, T. 2014. Incorporating Complex Binary Numbers into Associative Dataflow Architecture-A Tutorial Revisited. In: Proceedings of the Science and Information Conference, London, United Kingdom, 27-29 August 2014.

  24. Rasid, F., Touati, F., Ben Mnaouer, A., Khriji, L. and Al-Busaidi, A. 2014. Embedded Gateway Services for Internet of Things Applications in Ubiquitous Healthcare. In: Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference of Information and Communication Technology, Bandung, Indonesia, 28 May 2014.

  25. Tabish, R., Ghaleb, A.M., Hussein, R., Touati, F., Ben Mnaouer, A., Khriji L. and Rasid, M.F. 2014. A 3G/WiFi-Enabled 6 LoWPAN-Based U-Healthcare System for Ubiquitous Real-Time Monitoring and Data Logging. In: Proceedings of 2ndMiddle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Doha, Qatar, 17-20 February 2014.

  26. Malik, A., Al Badi, M., Al Kahali, A., Al Nabhani, Y., Al Bahri, A. and Al Barhi, H. 2014. Evaluation of Renewable Energy Projects using Multi-Criteria Approach. In: Proceedings of IEEE 2014 Global Humanitarian Technology Conference, San Jose, USA, 10-13 October 2014.

  27. Metwally, I.A., Al-Badi, A., Al-Hinai, A., Al-Mayasi, M., Al-Harthi, A., Al-Hashmi, K. and Al-Zaabi, I. 2014. Reduction of Electric-Field Intensification and Hot-Spot Formation inside Cable Terminations. In: Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Beirut, Lebanon, 13-16 April 2014.

  28. Masoud, M., Abdel-khalik, A., Al Abri, R. and Williams, B. 2014. Effects of Unbalanced Voltage on the Steady-State Performance of a Five-phase Induction Motor with Three Different Stator Winding Connections. In: Proceedings of XXI International Conference of Electric Machines, Berlin, Germany, 2-5 September 2014.

  29. Masoud, M.I., Abdel-khalik, A. and Al Abri, R. 2014. Vector Controlled Five-phase PWM-CSI Induction Motor Drive Fed from Controlled Three-Phase PWM Current Source Rectifier. In: Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines, and Drives, Manchester, UK, 8-10 April 2014.

  30. Al-Ajmi, M., Al-Blushi, A., Al-Mamari, R., Nadir, Z. and Bait-Suwailam, M. 2014. Class-F Power Amplifier with High Power Added Efficiency for 900MHz. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electronic Design, Penang, Malaysia, 19-21, August 2014.

  31. Nadir, Z. and Bait-Suwailam, M. 2014. Pathloss Analysis at 900 MHz for Outdoor Environment. In: Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing and Computers, Interlaken, Switzerland, 22-24 February 2014.

  32. Yousef, H., Al-Badi, M. and Soliman, H. 2014. Wavelet-Based Adaptive Nonlinear Power System Excitation Control. In: Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014.

  33. Al-Badi, A. H., Yousef, H., Al Aamri, O., Al Abdusalam, M., Al Shidi, Y. and Al-Harthy, N. 2014. Performance of a Stand-Alone Renewable Energy System Based on Hydrogen Energy Storage. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Communications, Control, and Signal Processing, Athens, Greece, 21-24 May 2014.

  34. Yousef, H. and Al-Abri, S. 2014. Adaptive Fuzzy Tracking Control of Nonlinear Systems with Input Time Delay. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Istanbul, Turkey, 1-4 June 2014.

  35. Yousef, H., Al-Badi, M. and Soliman, H. 2014. Wavelet-Based Adaptive Nonlinear Power System Excitation Control, In: Proceedings of 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Istanbul, Turkey, 1-4 June 2014.

  1. Al-Badi, A.H. and Albadi, M.H. 2013. Future Prospects of Residential Solar Water Heating System in Oman. In: the Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment, Osaka, Japan, 6-9 June 2013.

  2. Al-Badi, A.H., Albadi, M. H., Malik, A., Al-Hilali, M., Al-Busaidi, A. and Al-Omairi, S. 2013. Development of a Cost Model for Assessment of Wind and Solar Power in Oman.  In: the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology. Cape Town, South Africa, 2527 February 2013.

  3. Ahmad, A. and Al-Busaidi, S.S., 2013. A Systematic Computation of Cyclic Redundancy Check Code Using Difference Equation Model. In: the Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications, Muscat, Oman, 26-30 May 2013.

  4. Ahmad, A., Al-Abri, D. and Bait-Shiginah, F. 2013. Software Testing Education-A Required Knowledge for Software Systems’ Developers and Managers. In: the Proceedings of the Free and Open Source Software Conference, Muscat, Oman, 18-19 February 2013.

  5. AlHadadi, M. and AlShidhani, A. 2013. Smartphone Security Awareness: Time to Act. In: the Proceedings of the Current Trends in Information Technology Conference, Dubai, UAE, 11-12 December 2013.

  6. Malik, A.S. and Kuba, C. 2013. Strategic Planning of Power Supply in Oman Including Wind Energy Considerations. In: the Proceedings of the IEEE Africon 2013, Mauritius, 9-12 September 2013.

  7. Saleem, A., Salah, M., Ahmad, N. and Silberschmidt, V.V. 2013. Control of Ultrasonic Transducer for Machining Applications. In: the Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Application, Amman, Jordan, 9-11 April 2013.

  8. Tutunji, T., Saleem, A., Salah, M. and Ahmad, N. 2013. Identification of Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Transducers for Machining Processes. In: the Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Application, Amman, Jordan, 9-11 April 2013.

  9. Al-Khayari, A., Al-Khayari, H., Al-Nabhani, S., Bait-Suwailam, M. and Nadir, Z. 2013. Design of an Enhanced RF Energy Harvesting System for Wireless Sensors. In: the Proceedings of the 7th IEEE GCC Symposium, Doha, Qatar, 17-20 November 2013.

  10. Bait-Suwailam, M., Al-Rizzo, H. 2013. Size Reduction of Microstrip Patch Antennas using Slotted Complementary Split-Ring Resonators. In: the Proceedings of the International Conference on Technological Advances in Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering. Konya, Turkey, 9-11 May 2013.

  11. Benzaouia, A, Soliman, H.M. and Chaabane, M. 2013. Stabilization by Pole Placement of Constrained Uncertain Systems: Application to a Buck Converter. In: the Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Science and Technology on Automatic Control, Tunis, 20-22 December 2013.

  12. Al-Busaidi, A. M. and Khriji, L. 2013. Digitally Filtered ECG Signal Using Low-Cost Microcontroller. In: the Proceedings of the International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, Hammamet, Tunisia, 6-8 May 2013.

  13. Bouchech, H., Khriji, L. and Foufou, S. 2013. Automatic Date Fruits Sorting using PCA and Back-Propagation Neural Network. In: the Proceedings of the International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Oman, 24-26 February 2013.

  14. Ganeshmoorthy, K., Manickavasagan, A., Alahakoon, P.M.K., Al-Adawi, S., Al-Hajry, H. and Khriji, L.  2013. Non-Destructive Measurement of Total Soluble Solids (TSS) Content of Khalas Dates Using NIR Imaging. In: The Proceedings of the International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Oman, 24-26 February 2013.

  15. Al-Rahbi, S., Manickavasagan, A. and Khriji, L. 2013. Detecting Surface Cracks on Dates using RGB Imaging Technique. In: the Proceedings of the International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Oman, 24-26 February 2013.

  16. Park, S., Al Maashri, A., Xiao, Y., Irick, K.M. and Narayanan, V. 2013. Saliency-Driven Dynamic Configuration of HMAX for Energy-Efficient Multi-Object Recognition. In: the Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI). Brazil, 5-7 August 2013.

  17. Al Maashri, A., Irick, K. and Narayanan, V. 2013. Embedded Vision: A Melting Pot for Technology, Architecture and Algorithms. In: the Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on SoCs, Heterogeneous Architectures and Workloads (SHAW-4) in Conjunction with HPCA-19, China. 23-27 February 2013.

  18. Masoud, M.I., Abdel-khalik, A.S. 2013.Vector Controlled Five-Phase PWM-CSI Induction Motor Drive. In: the Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Power engineering, Energy and Electrical drives, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-17 May 2013.

  19. Masoud, M.I. 2013. Multi-Phase PWM Current Source Inverter Fed from Three Phase PWM Current Source Rectifier. In: the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Real time Simulation Technologies, Paris, France, 25-27 June 2013.

  20. Masoud, M.I., Hamad, M., Ahmed, K.H. and Williams, B.W. 2013. Medium Voltage 6-Pulse CSR with a Novel Shunt Active Power Filter Connection. In: the Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics, Vienna, Austria, 10-13 November 2013.

  21. Masoud, M.I. and Al-Abri, R. 2013. Five-Phase PWM Current Source Rectifier. In: the Proceedings of the 7th IEEE GCC conference, Doha, Qatar, 17-20 November 2013.

  22. Masoud, M.I., Al-Abri A.S., and Hamad, M. 2013. Compensated 12-Pulse CSR Using Shunt APF with Power Locus VAr Offest. In: the Proceedings of the 7th IEEE GCC Conference, Doha, Qatar, 17-20 November 2013.

  23. Albadi, M.H., Al Hinai, A.S., Al-Badi A.H., Al Riyami, M.S., Al Hinai, S.M. and Al Abri, R.S. 2013. Measurements and Evaluation of Harmonics in HV Networks-Oman MIS Case Study. In: the Proceedings of the 7th IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, Qatar. Doha, 17-20 November 2013.

  24. Abdulmajeed, Q.M., Hussain, A.K., Hudhaifa, M., Mohd, F.A.M., Dina, M., Ali, H.A., Al-Badir, M.H., Sopian, K. and Al-Busaidi, A.S. 2013. Photovoltaic Maximum Tracking Power Point System: Review and Research Challenges. In: the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computing, Engineering & Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 14-15 October 2013.

  25. Albadi, M.H., Al-Lawati, A.M. and Malik, A.S. 2013. Role of Policies on Economic Feasibility of PV Projects. In: the Proceedings of the International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, Bilbao, Spain, 20-22 March 2013.

  26. El Sayed, M.S., Salem, S., Awadalla, M. and Mostafa, A. 2013. An Integrated Power-efficient Mapping and Routing Technique for Mesh-based Networks-on-Chip. In: the Proceedings of the 30th National Radio Science Conference, 16-18 April 2013.

  27. El Sayed, M.S., Salem, S., Awadalla, M., Shalan, A. and Elewi, A. 2013.  Energy-Efficient Task Assignment on Asymmetric Multiprocessor Platforms. In: the Proceedings of the 30th National Radio Science Conference, 16-18 April 2013.

  28. Arslan, E., Metwally, I.A., Al-Matri, S. and Al-Abri, A.S. 2013. Blackout Investigation Due to Transformer Bushing Failures-Case Study. In: the Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Paris, France, 27-28 June 2013.

  29. Hussain R.O.M., Bourdoucen, H. and Ould-Khaoua, M. 2013. Efficient Alert Messages Dissemination in VANETs Using Single-Hop Distributed Protocols. In: the Proceedings of the 6th Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference, Dubai, UAE, 23-25 April 2013.

  30. Almaqbali, H., Day, K., Ould-Khaoua, M., Touzene, A. and Alzeidi, N. 2013. A New Hybrid Grid-Based Routing Approach for MANETs. In: the Proceedings of the International Conference Electronics, Telecommunications and Computers, Lisbon, Portugal, 5-6 December, 2013.

  31. Hussain, R.O.M., Bourdoucen, H. and Ould-Khaoua, M. 2013. Impact of NS-2 as FOSS Simulation Tool for Research in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. In: the Proceedings of the International Conference on Free & Open Source Software Conference, Muscat, Oman, 18-19 February, 2013.

  32. Hussain, R.O.M., Bourdoucen, H. and Ould-Khaoua, M. 2013. Single-Hop Distributed Relay Nodes Selection for Alert Messages Dissemination in VANETs. In: the Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, Turin, Italy, 14-19 April 2013.

  33. Al-Abri, S. and Qu, Z. 2013. Autonomous Coverage Expansion of Mobile Agents via Cooperative Control and Cooperative Communication. In: the Proceedings of the 14th towards Autonomous Robotic Systems, Oxford, UK, August 28-30, 2013.

  34. Tarhuni, N.G., Elmusrati, M.S., Bourdoucen, H. and Al-Lawati, A. 2013. Optical Polarization Code Divison Multiple Access: In: the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. Benghazi, Libya, 26-28 March 2013.

  35. Jamil, T. and Mohammed, I. 2013. Transcription of Algorithms used for Fault-Diagnosis of Digital Systems into Computer Programs. In: the Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon, Florida, USA, 4-7 April 2013.

  36. Al Khayari, A., Al Khayari, H., Al Nabhani, S., Suwailam, M., Nadir, Z. 2013.  Design and Implementation of an Enhanced RF Energy Harvesting Circuit for Wireless Sensors. In: the Proceedings of the 7th IEEE GCC conference and exhibition, Doha, Qatar, 17-20 November 2013.





  1. Al-Badi, A.H., Yousef, H., Al-Ghailani, M., Al Jafari, H. and Al Maskari, A. 2012. Modeling of Eco-House Hybrid Energy System. In: The Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 27-29 December 2012.
  2. Al-Badi, A.H. 2012.  Hybrid Energy Systems for Applications in Eco-Houses. In: The Proceedings of the 2012 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, Shanghai China, 26-28 March 2012. 
  3. Al-Badi, A.H. Al-Hinai, A., Albadi, M.,   Al-Jahwari, M., Al-Lamki, I., Al-Jahwari, A. and Al-Abri, M. 2012.  Comparative Analysis between Three and Single Phase Transformers Used in Rural Areas.  In: The Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Future Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Sanya, China, 21-22 February, 2012.
  4. Albadi, M. H., Al-Hinai, A.S., Al-Abri, N.N., Al-Busafi, Y.H. and Al-Sadairi, R.S. 2012. Optimal Allocation of Renewable-based DG Resources in Rural Areas Using Genetic Algorithms. In: The Proceedings of the 2012 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, China. Shanghai, 27-29 March 2012.
  5. Ahmad, A. 2012. Selection of Optimum LFSR for BIST Architecture with Reduced Transition and Aliasing. In: The Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Workshop on Microprocessor Test and Verification: Architectural Conservation, Conference and Exhibition, Austin, TX, USA, 10-12 December 2012.
  6. Ahmad, A. 2012. An Introduction to Practical Implementation of Linear Feedback Shift Registers-An Exhaustive Tutorial. In: The Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Workshop on Microprocessor Test and Verification: Architectural Conservation, Conference and Exhibition, Austin, TX, USA, 10-12 December 2012.
  7. Ahmad, A. and Al-Abri, D. 2012. Development of Low Cost Teaching Tools-An Effort towards Building an Innovative and Sustainable Society beyond 21st Century. In: The Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Science, Mathematics & Technology EducationTransformations through Science, Mathematics and Technology Education: Towards an Innovative and Sustainable Society, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman, 4-7 November 2012.
  8. Ahmad, A. and Al-Balushi, J. 2012. Study to Investigate the Impact of Combining Response Data Compression Techniques for Built-In Self Test. In: The Proceedings of the 1st Taibah University International Conference on Computing and Information Technology, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia, 12-14 March 2012.
  9. Ahmad, A. and Hayat, L. 2012. On Design of 16-Bit Signature Analyzer Circuits Equipped with Primitive Characteristic Polynomials. In: The Proceedings of the 1st Taibah University International Conference on Computing and Information Technology, Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia, 12–14 March 2012.
  10. Al-Hinai, A., Al-Badi, A., Feilat, E., Albadi, M., Al-Nassri, H. and Al-Busaidi, A. 2012. Energy Losses in Power System-Practical Case Study. In: The Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy and Water Sustainability, Lebanon, Beirut, 7-8 December 2012.
  11. Saad, E.M., Awadalla, M.A. and Konsowa, H. 2012. Updating Multicore Processor Simulator to Support Dynamic Design in Fetch Stage.  In: The Proceedings of the 9th National Radio Science Conference, Cairo, Egypt, 10-12 April 2012.
  12. Malik, A.S. 2012. Discounting Procedures in Large Engineering Projects.  In: The Proceedings of the SysCon 2012-IEEE International Systems Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 19-22 March 2012.
  13. Saied, M.H., Mostafa, M.Z., Abdel-Moneim, T.M. and Yousef, H.A. 2012. New 13-Space Vector Diagram for the Three-Phase Six-Switches Voltage Source Inverter. In: The Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Hangzhou, China, 28-31 May 2012.
  14. Yousef, H.A. and Hamdy, M. 2012. Adaptive Fuzzy Flatness-based Excitation Control for Power System Generators. In: The Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Montreal, Canada, 25-28 October 2012.
  15. Yousef, H.A. and Hamdy, M. 2012. Fuzzy Observer-Based Adaptive Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Time Delays. In: The Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Montreal, Canada, 25-28 October 2012.
  16. Al-Mahroqi, Y., Metwally, I.A., Al-Hinai, A. and Al-Badi, A.H. 2012. Reduction of Power Losses in Distribution Systems. In: The Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Madrid, Spain, March 28-29, 2012.
  17. Boudabous, A., Ben Atitallah, A., Khriji, L. and Masmoudi, N. 2012. Architecture and HW/SW Validation of Nonlinear Border-Preserving Interpolator. In: The Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era, Tunisia, 16-18 May 2012.
  18. Masoud, M.I. 2012. Vector Controlled Medium Voltage PWM-CSI Induction Motor Drive Fed from a Long Feeder up to 15 km. In: The Proceedings of the 15th International Middle East Power System Conference MEPCON’12, 23-25 December 2012.
  19. Masoud, M.I. 2012. On-line Carrier Based PWM Gating Signal Generator for Multi-phase Current Source Inverter. In: The Proceedings of the 15th International Middle East Power System Conference MEPCON’12, 23-25 December 2012.
  20. Al-Mahroqi, A., Al-Bimani, A., Al-Khayari, E., Jervase, J. and Bait-Suwailam, M. 2012. Design of a GPS System for No Signal Coverage Areas. In: The Proceedings of the Second National Symposium on Engineering, Final Year Project, Nizwa, Oman, 15 May 2012.
  21. Jamil, T. 2012. Design of a Complex Binary Associative Dataflow Processor. In: The Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, Phuket, Thailand, 27-28 May 2012.
  22. Zia, N. 2012. Empirical Pathloss Characterization for Oman. In: The Proceedings of the IEEE Computing, Communications and Applications Conference 2012, Hong Kong, China, 11-13 January 2012.
  23. Maryam, A.L., Manar, A.B. and Zia, N. 2012. RF Energy Harvesting System Design for Wireless Sensors. In: The Proceedings of the 9th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, IEEE- SSD'12, Chemnitz, Germany, 20-23 March 2012.
  1. Al-Badi, A. 2011. Hybrid Energy Systems for Applications in Eco-Houses. In: The Proceedings of the 2nd  IEEE Latin American Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Colombia, Bogota, 23-25 February 2011.  

  2. Al-Badi, A., Al-Toobi, M., Al-Harthy, S. and Al-Hosni, Z. 2011. Techno-Economic Analysis for a Hybrid Stand-Alone Power Generation. In: The Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Electrical Systems (PES), Sousse, Tunisia, 22-25 March 2011.

  3. Al-Badi, A., Al-Moudi, A., Metwally, I., Al-Wahaibi, A., Al-Ajmi, H. and Al-Bulushi, M. 2011. Losses Reduction in Distribution Transformers. In: The Proceedings of the International Multi-Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Hong Kong, 16-18 March, 2011.

  4. Ahmad, A. 2011. How to Learn and Simulate Universal Product Code-an Information Redundancy Technique. In: The Proceedings of the International Information Systems Conference, IISC-2011. Muscat, Oman, 11-12 October 2011.

  5. Ahmad, A. 2011. On Design of 8-Bit CRC Circuits Equipped with Primitive Characteristic Polynomials. In: The Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies, Aligarh, India, 17-19 December, 2011.

  6. Ahmad, A. and Al-Abri, D. 2011. Design of a Pseudo-Random Binary Code Generator via a Developed Simulation Model. In: The Proceedings of the Second International Joint Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology, Noida, India, 20-21 December 2011.

  7. Al-Badi,  A.H.,  Elmoudi,  A., Metwally, I.A., Al-Wahaibi, A., Al-Ajmi, H. and Al Bulushi, M. 2011. Losses Reduction in Distribution Transformers. In: The Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Hong Kong, 16-18 March 2011.

  8. Albadi, M.H., Al-Badi, A.H., Al-Lawati, A.M. and Malik, A.S. 2011. Cost of PV Electricity in Oman. In: The Proceedings of the IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition. Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 19-22 February 2011.

  9. Al Maashri A., DeBole, M., Yu, C.L., Narayanan, V. and Chakrabarti, C. 2011. A Hardware Architecture for Accelerating Neuromorphic Vision Algorithms. In: The Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, Beirut, Lebanon, 4-7 October 2011.

  10. Attia, H., Bait-Suwailam, M.M. and Ramahi, O.M. 2011. Enhanced Gain Planar Inverted-F Antenna with Metamaterial Superstrate for UMTS Applications. In: The Proceedings of the 28th PIER Symposium. Cambridge, MA, USA, 5-8 July 2010.

  11. Bait-Suwailam, M.M., Yousefi, L. and Ramahi, O.M. 2011. Analytical Models for Artificial Complementary Resonators. In: The Proceedings of the European Microwave Conference, Manchester, UK, 9-11 October 2011.

  12. Bait-Suwailam, M.M., Siddiqui, O.F. and Ramahi, O.M. 2011. Artificial Complementary Resonators for Mutual Coupling Reduction in Low-Profile Microstrip Antennas.  In: The Proceedings of the European Microwave Conference, Manchester, UK, 9-11 October 2011.

  13. Bait-Suwailam, M.M. and Ramahi, O.M. 2011. Mitigation of Electromagnetic Field Leakage from Apertures and Enclosures using Electromagnetic Bandgap (EBG) Structures. In: The Proceedings of the Proceedings of IEEE Electromagnetics Compatibility (EMC) Symposium, San Diego, California, 14-19 August 2011.

  14. Bouzguenda, M., Gastli, A., Al Badi, A. and Salmi, T. 2011. Solar Photovoltaic Inverter Requirements for Smart Grid Applications. In: The Proceedings of the Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) - Middle East, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 17-20 December 2011. 

  15. Chowdhury, M., Hosseinzadeh, N. and Shen, W. 2011. Fuzzy Logic Systems for Pitch Angle Controller for Smoothing Wind Power Fluctuations during Below-Rated Wind Incidents. In: The Proceedings of the IEEE PES Power-Tech 2011, Trondheim, Norway, 19-23 June 2011.

  16. DeBole, M., Al Maashri, A., Cotter, M., Yu, C.L., Chakrabarti, C. and Narayanan, V. 2011. A Framework for Accelerating Neuromorphic-Vision Algorithms on FPGAs. In: The Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, San Jose, California, 7-10 November 2011.

  17. DeBole, M., Yu, C.L., Al Maashri, A., Cotter, M., Chakrabarti, C. and Narayanan, V. 2011. FPGA-Accelerator System for Computing Biologically-Inspired Feature Extraction Models. In: The Proceedings of the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, 6-9 November 2011.

  18. Feilat, E.A. and Bouzguenda, M. 2011. Medium-Term Load Forecasting Using Neural Network Approach, In: The Proceedings of the Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-Middle East, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 17-20 December 2011.

  19. Feilat, E.A. and Al Hinai, A. 2011. HV Impulse Parameter Estimation using ESPRIT-Based Method.  In: The Proceedings of the International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, United Arab Emirates, Sharjah, 15-17 November 2011.

  20. Feilat, E.A. 2011. Voltage Flicker Estimation using ESPRIT-Based Method.  In: The Proceedings of the  IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies. Amman, Jordan, 06-08 December 2011.

  21. Feilat, E.A. and Bouzguenda, M. 2011. Medium-Term Load Forecasting using
    Neural Network Approach. In: The Proceedings of the IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-Middle East, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia., 17-20 December 2011.

  22. Ghommam, J., Bouterra, Y. and Mnif, F. 2011. Distributed Backstepping Control for Synchronization of Networked Class of Underactuated Systems: A Passivity Approach. In: The Proceedings of the IEEE Mediterranean Control Conference, Corfu, Greece, 20-23 June 2011.

  23. Hesamzadeh, M.R. and Hosseinzadeh, N. 2011. Derivation of a Mathematical Model for Ex Ante Study of Market Power using the Worst-Nash Equilibrium Concept and MILP Approach. In: The Proceedings of the 17th Power Systems Computation Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, August 22-26, 2011.

  24. Hosseinzadeh, N., Hesamzadeh, M.R. and Korki, M. 2011. The Role of Laboratories in the Education of Modern Power Systems. In: The Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Detroit, MI, USA, July 2011.

  25. Jamil, T. 2011. Automatic Attendance Recording System using Mobile Telephone. In: The Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Telecommunications Forum, Belgrade, Serbia, 22-24 November 2011.

  26. Jamil, T. 2011. An Introduction to Complex Binary Number System. In: The Proceedings of the 4th  International Conference on Information and Computing Science, Phuket, Thailand, 25-27 April 2011.

  27. Kestur, S., Irick, K.M., Park, S., Al Maashri, A., Narayanan, V. and Chakrabarti, C. 2011. An Algorithm-Archiecture Co-design Framework for Gridding Reconstruction using FPGAs. In: The Proceedings of the 48th Design Automation Conference. San Diego, California, 3-7 June 2011.

  28. Korki, M., Vu, H.L., Heng Foh, C., Lu, X. and Hosseinzadeh, N., 2011. Design and Performance of Low Voltage PLC Networks for Smart Grid Applications. In: The Proceedings of the First International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies, Venice/Mestre, Italy, 22-27 May 2011.

  29. Korki, M., Hosseinzadeh, N., Vu, H.L., Moazzeni, T. and Heng, F.C., 2011. A Channel Model for Power Line Communication in Smart Grid. In: The Proceedings of the IEEE PES Power Systems Conference & Exhibition, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 20-23 March 2011.

  30. Mahjoub, S., Mnif, F. and Derbel, N. 2011. Adaptive VSS Control for Under-Actuated Manipulators. In: The Proceedings of the of SSD’11, Sousse, Tunisia, 20-23 March 2011.

  31. Malik, A.S. and Bouzguenda, M. 2011. Smart Grid Capacity and Energy Saving Potential-A Case Study of Oman. In: The Proceedings of the IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Middle East 2011, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 17-20 December 2011.

  32. Malik, A. and Bouzguenda, M. 2011. Smart Grid Capacity and Energy Saving Potential-A Case Study of Oman. In: The Proceedings of the Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT)-Middle East, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 17-20 December 2011.

  33. Nadir, Z. 2011. Seasonal Pathloss Modeling at 900MHz for Oman. In: The Proceedings of the International Conference on Telecom Technology and Applications, Sydney, Australia, 2-3 May 2011.

  34. Ramahi, O.M., Boybay, M.S., Siddiqui, O.F., Yousefi, L., Kabiri, A., Attia, H., Bait-Suwailam, M.M.  and Zhao, R. 2011. Metamaterials: An Enabling Technology for Wireless Communications. In: The Proceedings of the 29th PIERs Symposium, Marrakesh, Morocco, 20-23 March, 2011.

  35. Salmi, T., Bouzguenda, M., Gastli, A. and Masmoudi, A. 2011. Design and Analysis of a Transformerless Microinverter. In: The Proceedings of the Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-Middle East. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 17-20 December 2011.

  36. Shafiq, M., Yousef, H. and Iqbal, M. 2011. Time-Efficient Control Law for Position Tracking of Robotic Arm. In: The Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Beijing, China, 21-23 June 2011.

  37. Shafiei, H.Khonsari, A.Mirzasoleiman, B. and Ould-Khaoua, M. 2011. Reuse-Attack Mitigation in Wireless Sensor Networks. In: The Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications, Kyoto, Japan, 5-9 June 2011.

  38. Shafiq, M.,  Yousef, A.H. and Iqbal, M. 2011. Time-Efficient Control Law for Position Tracking of Robotic Arm. In: The Proceedings of the Industrial Electronics and Applications, 6th IEEE Conference, Beijing, China, 21-23 June 2011.

  39. Tarhuni, N., Elmusrati, M.S. and Abouda, A.A. 2011. Two-State Discretized Transmit Power Control for Ad-hoc Sensor Networks. In: The Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops, Budapest-Hungary, 2011.