Civil and Architectural Engineering
- Alalouch, C., Abdalla, H., Bozonnet, E., Elvin, G., Carracedo, O. (Eds.). 2019. Advanced Studies in Energy Efficiency and Built Environment for Developing Countries - Proceedings of IEREK Conferences: Improving Sustainability Concept in Developing Countries (ISCDC-2), Egypt 2017 and Alternative and Renewable Energy Quest in Architecture and Urbanism (AREQ-2), Spain 2017. Springer, 978-3-030-10856-4.
- Rosso, F., Yousef M. Ghoneem, M., Cavalagli, N., Mohareb, N., Alalouch, C., Hawkes, D., Bougdah, H. (Eds.). 2019. Conservation of Architectural Heritage - A Culmination of Selected Research Papers from the Second International Conference on Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH-2), Egypt 2018. Springer, 978-3-030-10870-0.
- Alalouch, C. and Waris, M.B. Edit. 2018. The Book of Abstracts of the 1st National Conference on Civil and Architectural Engineering. ISBN: 978-99969-3-060-7.
- Baawain, M.S., Choudri, B.S., Ahmed, A., Purnama, A. 2015. Recent Progress in Desalination, Environmental and Marine Outfall Systems. Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-19123-2.
- Benkari-Boudidah, N. 2014. L,architecture des Mosquées Ibadites au M,Zab, Djerba et Oman Tome II : Lecture des Principes de Conception et de Construction. Presse Académiques Francophones, ISBN: 978- 3841622808.
- Benkari-Boudidah N. 2013. L'architecture des mosquées Ibadites au M'Zab, Djerba et Oman Tome I: Lecture des principes de conception et de construction. Presses Académiques Francophones. ISBN: 978-3841621832.
- Mandour, M. 2012. Contemporary Architecture of Islamic Societies between Globalization and Traditions. UTM Publishers Ltd, ISBN: 978-1466619739.
Book Chapters:
- Abbasi, A., Alalouch,
C., Saleh, M.S. 2022. Toward Resilient and Socially Sustainable Places: A
Pedagogical Experiment on the Use of Placemaking in Design Studios. In:
Resilient and Responsible Smart Cities. Advances in Science, Technology
& Innovation, Springer, pp. 237–247
- Al-Hashim A., Al-Saadi
S., Al-Khatri H. 2022. Comfort at The Extremes CATE21 Conference
Proceedings. SQU, 978-99969-4-951-7.
- Al-Hashim, A., and
Al-Khatri, H. 2022. Souq Mutrah: A Hub for Cultural Exchange in the Gulf
of Oman. In: Architecture and Urban Transformation of Historical Markets:
Cases from the Middle East and North Africa, Routledge, pp. 186-198.
- Aliya Al-Hashim, Hanan
Al-Khatri 2022. Souq Muttrah: A Hub for Cultural Exchange in the Gulf of
Oman. In: Architecture and Urban Transformation of Historical Markets:
Cases from the Middle East and North Africa, Routledge, pp. 186-199.
- Al-Khatri, H., and
Gadi, M.B. 2022. Thermal Comfort Contradiction in Public Spaces: The Case
of Educational Buildings. In: Sustainable and Healthy Building
Environments, Nova Science Publishers, pp. 271-296.
- Al-Mamun, A. 2022. Microbial desalination cell (MDC)
based wastewater treatment and resource recovery: Various Challenges. In:
Novel Approaches towards Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery
Technologies, ELSEVIER, pp. 73-108.
- Waris M.B., Al- Jabri
K., Bhuta W.H. and El-Hussain I. 2022.
Incremental Dynamic Analysis of a Hospital Building in Oman. In:
Current Perspectives and New Directions in Mechanics, Modelling, and Design
of Structural Systems, CRC Press/Balkema, pp. 128-131.
- Waris M.B., Al-Hadi H.
and Al-Nuaimi A. 2022. Influence of Infill Walls on Lateral Load Carrying
Capacity of Buildings. In: Current Perspectives and New Directions in
Mechanics, Modelling, and Design of Structural Systems, CRC Press/Balkema,
pp. 203-207.
- Baawain, M.S., Al-Sabahi, J.N., Al-Wardy, M.M., Sana, A., Chitrakar, P., Al-Yaqoob, A.H. 2019. Oil and Chemical Spills. In: Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, Elsevier, pp. 750–757
- Pandit, S., Jadhav, D. A., & Al‐Mamun, M.A., & Fosso‐Kankeu, E. 2019. Sediment Microbial Fuel Cell for Wastewater Treatment: A New Approach. In: Nano and Bio‐Based Technologies for Wastewater Treatment: Prediction and Control Tools for the Dispersion of Pollutants in the Environment. John Wiley, pp. 303-337
- Alalouch, C., Piselli, C., Cappa, F. (Eds) 2021. Towards Implementation of Sustainability Concepts in Developing Countries. Springer, ISBN (Online): 978-3-030-74349-9, ISBN ( Hardcover): 978-3-030-74348-2.
- Sajana T.K., Pandit S., Dipak A.J., Al-Mamun A. and Fosso-Kankeu, E. 2018. Sediment Microbial Fuel Cell for Wastewater Treatment: A New Approach. In: Scrivener Publishing LLC, 100 Cummings Center, Suite 541J, Beverly, MA. ISBN:01915-6106.
- Al-Mamun, A. 2017. Pesticide Degradations, Residues and Environmental Concerns. In: Khan, M.S. and Rahman, M.S. (Eds). Pesticide Residue in Foods: Sources, Management, and Control, Springer, New York, pp. 87-102.
- Amer, M., Sotoca, A., Naselli, F., Mohareb, N. and Alalouch, C., Edit. 2017. Alternative & Renewable Energy Quest in Architecture & Urbanism. Elsevier, Energy Procedia, Volume 115, ISSN 1876-6102.
- Carughi, U. et al. 2017. Time Frames: Conservation Policies for Twentieth-Century Architectural Heritage, Routledge. Dr Naima Benkari contributed with the Chapter about Oman.
- Zhai, Z., Al-Saadi, S.N., El Mankibi, M. and Slowinski R. 2017. Breathing and Living Walls” Chapter: 3 in Advanced Energy Efficient Building Envelope Systems, Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Editors: M. Krarti, pp. 75-130.
- Shaaban A.K. and Khudhayer W. 2016. Responding to Environmental Constraints for Sustainable Urban Space in Muscat Region. In: Nebel, S. and Richthofen, A. (Eds.). Urban Oman - Trends and Perspectives of Urbanization in Muscat Capital Area, LIT Verlag, pp 195-210.
- Baawain, M.S., Choudri, B.S., Ahmed, M., Purnama, A. 2015. An Overview: Desalination, Environmental and Marine outfall systems. In: Baawain, M.S., Choudri, B.S., Ahmed, M., Purnama, A. (Eds.). Recent Progress in Desalination, Environmental and Marine Outfall Systems, Springer, pp. 3-10.
- Sana, A. 2015. Hydrodynamic and Thermal Dispersion Modeling of the Effluent in a Coastal Channel. In: M. Baawain, B.S. Choudri, M. Ahmed and A. Purnama (Eds.). Recent Progress in Desalination, Environmental and Marine Outfall Systems, Springer, pp. 269-283
- Benkari, N. 2015. Les Caractéristiques de l’ArchitecturereligieuseIbadite: Etude des mosquéesdans la vallée du M’zab, à Djerba, DjebelNafusa et les piedmonts Omanais. In: Davie, M. (Ed.). Le Patrimoine Architectural de l’EgliseOrthodoxed’Antioche. Publications of the University of Balamand, Lebanon, pp. 203-224.
- Gunawardhana, L.N. and Al-Rawas, G.A. 2014. Trends in Extreme Temperature and Precipitation in Muscat, Oman. In: Castellarin, A., Ceola, S., Toth, E. and Montanari, A. (Eds.). Evolving Water Resources Systems: Understanding, Predicting and Managing, Water-Society Interactions, IAHS Publication, pp. 57-63.
- Baawain, M.S. 2012. Impinging-Jet Ozone Bubble Column Reactors. In: Rao, D.G., Senthilkumar, R., Byrne, J.A., and Feroz, S. (Eds.). Wastewater Treatment: Advanced Processes and Technologies. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Co-Publisher: IWA Publishing, London, pp. 107-136.
- Baawain, M.S., and Sana, A. 2012. Feasibility of Treated Wastewater Application for Aquifer Recharge to Defy Saline Water Intrusion. In: Hadi, S. and Copty, N.K. (Eds.). Groundwater Modeling and Management under Uncertainty. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 169-174.
- Tetzlaff, D., Al-Rawas, G., Blöschl, G., Carey, S.K., Fan, Y., Hrachowitz, M., Kirnbauer, R., Jewitt, G., Laudon, H., McGuire, K. J., Sayama, T., Soulsby, C., Zehe, E. and Wagener, T. 2012. Process Realism: Flow Paths and Storage. In: Blöschl, G., Sivapalan, M., Wagener, T., Wagener, T. (Eds). Runoff Prediction in Ungauged Basins: Synthesis across Processes, Places and Scales, Cambridge University Press, UK.
- Mandour, M. 2012. Building Walls and Dissolving Borders. In: Stephenson, M. and Zanotti, L. (Eds). The Challenges of Alterity, Community and Securitizing Space, Virginia Tech University, USA- Ashgate Publishers.
- Perera, R. and Permana, A.S. 2012. Integrating Land Use, Transport, Energy and the Environment: The Case of Bandung, Indonesia. In: Zusman, E., Sirinivasan, A. and Dhakal, S. (Eds.). Low Carbon Transport in Asia, Earthscan, pp.159-178.
- Baawain, M.S., Sana, A., Al-Sabahi, J.N., Al-Wardy, M.M. and Al-Yaqoobi, A.H. 2011. Oil and Chemical Spills. In: Nriagu, J.O. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, volume 4, Elsevier, pp. 231-239.