In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the College of Engineering website. I hope you will find it informative.
In the college, we are striving to achieve our vision of being an outstanding educational and research college serving the needs of Oman and addressing the challenges faced by society. The College of Engineering at Sultan Qaboos University is among the first-ranked Engineering Colleges in GCC and the best Engineering College in Oman. It offers eight internationally accredited undergraduate engineering programs, and at the postgraduate level, it offers nine M.Sc and six Ph.D. programs.
We are committed to maintaining and enhancing high-quality programs by conducting a periodic review of all our academic programs. Since its inception in 1986, the college has employed an effective quality control policy for all offered programs. It gives us pride to be recognized by ABET, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. ABET is the primary organization responsible for monitoring, evaluating, and certifying the quality of applied science, engineering, and engineering technology education in the United States and overseas. The eight academic programs of the College of Engineering officially got full accreditation for the second time by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET in 2014. These programs are Civil Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering, Chemical & Process Engineering, and Mechatronics Engineering.
The scholarly works of our faculty are published in high-impact factor journals and international refereed conferences and as book chapters or books. The shift towards postgraduate studies and research, without compromising the quality of undergraduate education, has resulted in upward trends in publications, research grants, consultancies and international collaborations. Our strong relationship with the industrial and governmental sectors resulted in having the highest level of externally funded research projects and consultancies within the university. Our faculty members are actively involved in various national committees, which provide an excellent opportunity for the exchange of ideas and expose them to local needs and challenges.
The college is also very active in offering short courses, workshops and seminars, which provide ample avenues to disseminate engineering knowledge to local, regional and international communities. Furthermore, the college organizes international conferences in various engineering fields, which attract international researchers and provide them with a conducive environment to share knowledge, disseminate research findings, discuss new ideas, and hence promote and strengthen a knowledge-based society.
In addition, the college very strongly supports, in terms of resources, a number of University Research Centers, including the Remote Sensing & GIS Center, the Communication & Information Research Center, the Oil & Gas Research Center, and the Center of Environmental Studies & Research. We have strong regional and international cooperation with prominent universities in order to expose our students and faculty members to global experiences, including Aachen (Germany), Tours (France), Nagoya Institute of Technology (Japan) as well as the Middle East Desalination Research Center (Oman) and the Japan Cooperation Centre Petroleum (JCCP), to name a few.
Being a member of the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) has enabled the college to afford many of its students an opportunity to train in member countries such as Germany, Japan, Greece, the UK, Ireland, Norway, Switzerland, and many others. Such kind of abroad training experiences enhance the student's technical and communication skills and further polish their personal and academic development.
We are committed to making the College of Engineering a truly distinguished College in the region with God's help and guidance and our continued commitments. We wish our students success during their stay at the university and a prosperous future after graduation.