The Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) provides an independent expert review and critique to improve the quality of teaching, research and community services in the Department. IAB consists of seventeen voting members at the most; including members from public and private sectors. The board constitutes of the Head of Department and at least two members from the Department faculty, recommended by the Department Board and approved by the University administration. It further includes noted professionals who maintain leadership positions in their respective organizations. The industry representatives have rich professional experience; knowledge of industrial needs and practices; and a strong desire to help improve the Civil and Architectural Engineering Programs at the College.
In order to ensure the active participation of all members of IAB, the board forms several committees to perform major functions related to the mission of the Board. All members are encouraged to participate in at least one committee with the opportunity to rotate to other committees based on requirement and individual's interest. The committees are formed for one year and are expected to report their activities at the next IAB meeting. A faculty member is made part of each committee and acts as a focal point to coordinate related Department activities. The current members of the Industrial Advisory Board at the Department include: