Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


  1. Das, L.M., Sharma, A., Hagos, F.Y., and Tiwari, S., 2022. Recent Trends in Thermal Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICCEMME 2021. Springer Nature Singapore, Print ISBN 978-981-16-3427-7; Online ISBN 978-981-16-3430-7; eBook (PDF) ISBN 978-981-16-3428-4.
  2. Sadasivuni, K.K., Ouakad, H.M., Al-Maadeed, S., Yalcin, H.C., and Bahadur, I.B., 2022. Predicting Heart Failure: Invasive, Non-Invasive, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence Based Methods. John Wiley & Sons 1st Edition, Print ISBN 978-1-119-81301-9; Online ISBN 978-1-119-81304-0; eBook ISBN 978-1-119-81303-3. 
  3. Qamar, S.Z., Akhtar, M., and Pervez, T., 2021. Swelling Elastomers in Petroleum Drilling and Development — Applications, Performance Analysis, and Material Modeling. Intech Open, Print ISBN 978-1-78984-367-5; Online ISBN 978-1-78984-368-2; eBook (PDF) ISBN 978-1-83962-810-8.
  4. Qamar S.Z (editor, volume-5), Hashmi S. and Choudhury I.A (editors in-chief). 2020. Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering: Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials. Elsevier, 9780128131961,
  5. Qamar S.Z. (editor). 2018. Extrusion of Metals, Polymers, and Food Products. INTECH Open Science, ISBN 978-953-51-3838-9 (Online), ISBN 978-953-51-3837-2 (Print).
  6. Kruger, U. and Lei Xie. 2012. Statistical Monitoring of Complex Multivariate Processes: With Applications In Industrial Process Control, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, ISBN: 978-0-470-02819-3
  7. Abdul-Wahab, S.A. 2011. Sick Building Syndrome: in Public Buildings and Workplaces. Springer, ISBN-13: 978-3642179181.
  8. Goher, K.M. and Tokhi, M.O. 2011. Two Wheeled Robotic Machine with an Extended Rod: Modelling, Simulation and Control. Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN-13: 978-3-8454-2217-6.
  9. Qamar, S.Z., Sheikh, A.K. and Arif, A.F.M. 2011. Modeling and Analysis of Aluminum Extrusion: Process, Tooling, and Defects. Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN-13: 978-3-8443-3158-5.
  10. Zaier, R. 2011. The Future of Humanoid Robots: Research and Applications. INTECH International Publishers. ISBN: 978-953-307-951-6.



Book Chapters:

  1. Salman, H.E., Al-Ruweidi, M.K.A.A., Ouakad, H.M., and Yalcin, H.C., 2022. Minimally Invasive and Non‐Invasive Sensor Technologies for Predicting Heart Failure: An Overview. In Predicting Heart Failure: Invasive, Non-Invasive, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence Based Methods, Sadasivuni, K.K., Ouakad, H.M., Al-Maadeed, S., Yalcin, H.C., and Bahadur, I.B. (eds), pp. 109 – 138.
  2. Zarog, M., 2022. Self-Powering Wireless Sensor Networks in the Oil and Gas Industry. In Nanogenerators and Self-Powered Systems, Dudem, B., Venkateswaran, V., and Chandrasekhar, A. (eds). 
  3. Alzebdeh, K.I., and Nassar, M.M.A., 2021. Polymer Blend Natural Fiber-Based Composites. In Fiber Reinforced Composites, Joseph K., Oksman K., and Appukuttan S. (eds), pp. 215 – 239. 
  4. Chauhan, S., Ansari, M.Z., Sahu, S., and Husain, A., 2021. Impact Behavior of Deformable Pin-Reinforced PU Foam Sandwich Structure. In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Chaari F., Gherardini F., and Ivanov V. (eds), pp. 997 – 1005. 
  5. Chauhan, S., Ansari, M.Z., Sahu, S., and Husain, A., 2021. Sensitivity Improvement of Piezoelectric Mass Sensing Cantilevers Through Profile Optimization. In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Chaari F., Gherardini F., and Ivanov V. (eds), pp. 1007 – 1014.
  6. Zunaid, M., Singh, P., and Husain, A., 2021. Numerical Analysis of Inclined Jet Micro-Channel Heat Sink Using Nanofluids. In Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Chaari F., Gherardini F., and Ivanov V. (eds), pp. 851 – 860.
  7. Khalid Alzebdeh, Mahmoud Nassar, Nasr Al-Hinai, R. Arunachalam and Hani Al Rawahi. 2020. Assessment of Induced-Delamination of Drilled Date Palm Fronds Polypropylene Bio-Composites, Key Engineering Materials, Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.3-8.
  8. Qamar SZ, Al-Kindi M., Renewability and Sustainability: Current Status and Future Prospects. Hashmi S and Choudhury IA (eds), Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering: Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials; ISBN 9780128131961,, Elsevier, pp.717-730.
  9. Tasneem Pervez, Farooq S. Al-Jahwari. Mechanical Properties, Sealability and Recyclability of Elastomeric Materials in Petroleum Industry. In: Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials, Oxford: Elsevier. © 2020 Elsevier Inc, pp. Vol. 5, pp. 131-147.
  10. Qamar SZ., Al-Kindi M., 2019. Renewability and Sustainability: Current Status and Future Prospects. In: Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Elsevier, pp. ISBN 9780128035818.
  11. Pervez, T., Qamar, S.Z., Al-Abri, O.S. and Khan R. 2018. Indirect Extrusion - A Multifaceted Approach of Sub-surface Tubular Expansion. In: Qamar, S.Z. (Ed.), Extrusion, INTECH, ISBN 978-953-51-5340-5, 2018.
  12. Qamar S.Z. 2018. Introduction to Extrusion; from Gear Manufacturing to Production of Cereals. In: Qamar S.Z. (Ed.). Extrusion of Metals, Polymers, and Food Products, INTECH Open Science, ISBN 978-953-51-3838-9.
  13. Zaier R. 2018. Reflex Control. In: Goswami A., Vadakkepat P. (Eds) Humanoid Robotics: A Reference. Springer, Dordrecht.  ISBN 978-94-007-7194-9.
  14. Qamar, S.Z. (editor). 2016. Extrusion. Ongoing Book Project, Intech Publishers.
  15. Shamsuzzoha, A. and Helo, P. 2016. Business Collaboration - An Approach Towards end-to-end ICT Solutions for Virtual Factory. In: Bouras, A., Eynard, B., Foufou, S. and Thoben, K-D (Eds.). Product Lifecycle Management in the Era of Internet of Things, Springer International Publishing, pp. 738-747.
  16. Shamsuzzoha, A., Helo, P. and Sandhu, M. 2016. Green Virtual Business Network for Managing and Reusing Waste between Partner Organizations. In: Afsarmanesh, H., Camarinha-Matos, L. and Soares, A.L. (Eds.). Collaboration in a Hyperconnected World Springer International Publishing, pp. 639-651.
  17. Al Obaidani, S., Al-Abri, M., and Al-Rawahi, N. 2015. Achieving the Zero-Liquid-Discharge Target Using the Integrated Membrane System for Seawater Desalination. In: Baawain, M., Choudri, B.S., Ahmed, M. and Purnama, A. (Eds.). Recent Progress in Desalination, Environmental and Marine Outfall Systems, Springer, pp. 53-72.
  18. Al-Shabibi, Abdullah M. and Tahat, M. 2015. Single Slope Solar Water Still with Enhanced Solar Heating System. Recent Progress in Desalination, Environmental, and Marine Outfall Systems, Springer, pp. 25-34.
  19. Garbie, I. H. 2015. Non-Traditional Performance Evaluation of Manufacturing Enterprises. In: Bidanda, B., Sabuncuoglu, S. and Kara, Y.K. (Eds.). Industrial Engineering Non-Traditional Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Fancies, Baca Raton, pp. 21-36.
  20. Piya, S., Al-Hinai, N. 2015. Production Planning for Make-to-Order Flow Shop System under Hierarchical Workforce Environment, Transactions on Engineering Technologies 2015, In: Yang, G.C, Ao, S.L. and Gleman, L. (Eds.). Springer, pp. 317-330.
  21. Ferreira, F., Shamsuzzoha, A., Azevedo, A. and Helo, P. 2014. Virtual Enterprise Process Monitoring: an Approach towards Predictive Industrial Maintenance. In Selvaraj, H., Zydek, D. and Chmaj, G. (Eds.). Progress in Systems Engineering, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 330: 285-291.
  22. Al-Rawahi, N., Gholamreza, Vakili-Nezhaad, Ashour,I. and Fatemi A. 2012. A New Correlation for Prediction of Viscosities of Omani Fahud-Field Crude Oils. In: Chaoqun L. (Ed). Advances in Modelling of Fluid Dynamics, INTECH.
  23. Bugarski, B., Obradovic, M., Nedovic, B., V.A., and Goosen, M.F.A. 2012. 2003/4, Immobilization of Cells and Enzymes using Electrostatic Droplet Generator. In: A.M Spasic and J-P Hsu (Eds) Finely Dispersed Particles: Micro-, Nano, and Atto-Engineering. Marcel Dekker, Inc., NY.
  24. Ahmed, M., Hoey, D., Shayya, W. and Goosen, M.F.A. 2012. 2003/4, Brine Disposal from Inland Desalination Plants: Current Status, Problems, and Opportunities. In: Paolo Zannetti (Ed), ESEC Vol II.
  25. Abdul-Wahab, S.A. and Ahmed, S.U. 2011. Improvement of the Illumination Levels Combined with Energy Savings for a Residential Building In: Abdul-Wahab, S.A. (Ed.). Sick Building Syndrome: in Public Buildings and Workplaces, Springer, pp. 463-479.
  26. Abdul-Wahab, S.A. and Salem, N.M. 2011. Is Your Library Building Sick? A Case Study from the Main Library of Sultan Qaboos University at Sultanate of Oman. In: Abdul-Wahab, S.A. (Ed.). Sick Building Syndrome: in Public Buildings and Workplaces, Springer, pp. 207-238.
  27. Al Yahmedi, A.S. and Fatmi, M.A. 2011. Fuzzy Logic Based Navigation of Mobile Robots. In: Andon Venelinov Topalov (Ed.). Recent Advances in Mobile Robotics, INTECH International Publishers, pp. 287-310.
  28. Qamar, S.Z., Sheikh, A.K., Pervez, T. and Arif, A.F.M. 2011. Using Monte Carlo Simulation for Prediction of Tool Life. In: Mark S. and Shaul Mordechai S. (Eds.). Monte Carlo Methods in Science and Engineering. INTECH International Publishers, pp. 881-900.
  29. Vakili-Nezhaad, G., Ashour, I., Al-Rawahi, N. and Fatemim S.A. 2011. Applications of Equations of State in the Oil and Gas Industry. In: Juan Carlos Moreno Piraján (Ed). Thermodynamics / Book 2, INTECH.
  30. Yoon, J., Kim, G., Handharu, N. and Ӧzer, A. 2011. A Bio-Robotic Toe & Foot & Heel Model of a Biped Robot for More Natural Walking: Foot Mechanism & Gait Pattern. In: Armando Carlos Pina Filho (Ed.). Biped Robots, INTECH International Publishers, pp. 237-260.
  31. Zaier, R. 2011. Design of Oscillatory Neural Network for Locomotion Control of Humanoid Robots. In: Zaier. R. (Ed.). The Future of Humanoid Robots: Research and Applications, INTECH International Publishers, pp. 41-60.