ECCE2016 Circuit Analysis I (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: MATH2107)
Electrical quantities and terminology used in electrical engineering. Methods and theorems used in DC analysis. DC and transient analysis of R, RC and RL circuits both manually and with SPICE simulator.
ECCE3016 Circuit Analysis II (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE2016)
This is the second part of a two-semester course in circuit analysis. The course second part topics deal with sinusoids, phasor concept, steady-state response, average power and RMS values, magnetically coupled circuits, three-phase circuits, complex frequency, resonance, circuit analysis using Laplace Transform, and two-port networks.
ECCE3022 Electromagnetics I (3 Credits)
(Prerequisites: MATH3171, PHYS2108)
This is the first part of a two-semester course in engineering electromagnetics that deals with static fields. Topics cover: Review of vector algebra, coordinate systems and transformation, vector calculus. Electrostatic Fields: Characteristics and Laws. Electric Fields in Materials, Electric Boundary Conditions, Magneto static Fields: Characteristics and Governing Laws, and Electrical Classification of Materials, Maxwell's Equations for Static Fields.
ECCE3036 Measurements & Instrumentation (3 Credits)
(Prerequisites: ECCE3016, ECCE3152)
This course, designed for the students of Electrical and Computer Engineering, covers instrument static and dynamic characteristics, measurement errors, statistical evaluation of measurement data, standards and calibration of instruments, principles of analog & digital voltmeters, single and three phase watt meters, instruments for measurement of frequency and phase, measurements of resistors using DC bridges and of capacitance, inductance and frequencies using AC bridges, classification and selection of transducers, data acquisition systems, A/D and D/A converters. The course includes a lab, which provides basic background in measurements & instrumentation.
ECCE3038 Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation (2 Credits)
(Prerequisites: ECCE3016, ECCE3152)
This course, designed for the students of Electrical & Computer Engineering, covers instrument static and dynamic characteristics, measurement errors. Analog and digital Instruments. DC and AC bridges. Introduction to sensors.
ECCE3142 Signals & Systems (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE3016)
Signals and systems characteristics and models. Systems defined by differential and difference equations, system modeling. Time and frequency- domain representation and analysis of continuous & discrete time signals and systems, Fourier series and Fourier transform, Laplace transform, z- transform. Investigation of the above concepts using MATLAB.
ECCE3152 Electronics I (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE2016)
Electronic devices (Op amps, BJT, diodes, bipolar junction transistors and metal-oxide Semiconductor field-effect transistors). Techniques used for analyzing electronic devices and circuits both manually and with CAD tools like PSPICE simulator. Basic circuits applications.
ECCE3206 Digital Logic Design (3 Credits)
This is an introductory course (3 credit hours) in logic and digital design. Course topics cover number systems, Boolean algebra and logic gates, simplification of Boolean functions, combinational logic design, MSI and PLD components, sequential logic design, registers, counters, and the memory unit.
ECCE3258 Applied Engineering Programming (1 Credit)
(Prerequisite: COMP2002 or ENGR2217)
This course aims to reinforce the programming and algorithmic concepts learned in COMP2002. The course is mainly practical based and run in labs. Students will learn to design flow charts and basic algorithms for engineering problems that involve, e.g., finding roots, solving linear equations, and curve fitting. The students will then translate their solutions into correctly running programs using any appropriate programming tool in C, C++, MATLAB, or Java.
ECCE3352 Electrical Technology (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE3016)
This course covers fundamentals of Electric Energy Systems, Electric Energy Conversion, Transformer, and Fundamentals of AD & DC Machines, electric safety, Power Electronics and introduction to illumination.
ECCE4005 Numerical Methods for Engineers (3 Credits)
(Prerequisites: (ENGR2216, MATH3171) or (COMP2002, MATH3171) or (COMP2216, MATH3171))
This course covers the basics of numerical methods for the solution of applied problems in engineering. It concentrates on the mathematical analysis and implementation of basic numerical techniques. Topics relate to various numerical methods developed for solving linear/non-linear equations, curve fitting and interpolation. This course also introduces students to numerical differentiation, integration and an introduction to solve first order ordinary and partial differential equations. The applications related to each topic in electrical engineering are also covered.
ECCE4009 Engineering Design and Professional Skills (2 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4227)
In this, course students learn essential engineering skills that help them identify and effectively solve engineering design problems. Topics covered includes engineering design process, problem formulation, system requirements specification, system design and testing, engineering project management and economics issues and effective teamwork practices. In addition, ethical, safety, environmental, societal and global implications of engineering solutions as well as professional engineering practice will be addressed.
ECCE4010 Engineering Design and Professional Ethics (2 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE3142, ECCE3152, ECCE3206, ECCE3352)
This course introduces students to the theory, concepts and practice of engineering design. It focuses on engineering design process, design tools, professional skills, and ethical issues. Problem identification, research, requirements specification, concept generation, design, prototyping, system integration and testing phases are covered in the engineering design process part. In design tools, important technical tools that are used in the design and implementation phases as well as engineering project management are considered. Essential professional skills as teamwork, communication and management skills are reinforced through team-based projects. Ethical issues and realistic constraints that impact engineering design projects realization are also covered.
ECCE4022 Electromagnetic II (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE3022)
This is the second part of two-semester course in engineering electromagnetic. Topics cover: Poisson's and Laplace equations, resistance and capacitance. Time varying fields and electromagnetic induction, Maxwell's equations. Electromagnetic wave propagation: Plane waves in conductors and in dielectrics; Power and the Pointing Vector; Wave polarization. Transmission lines.
ECCE4080 Seminars and Fieldwork (No Credits)
The goal of this course is to provide the students with general knowledge and skills encompassing a wide area, and also to present them with topics in the engineering field and business that might not be addressed in their degree plans and that can broaden their thinking skills. An example of the topics that might be covered are: ethics, safety, life-long learning, functioning in business organizations, CV preparation and interviews, communication and presentation skills, design issues, time management planning, privatization of electricity in Oman, E-government, creative enterprises (incubators), and global issues.
ECCE4082 Professional Skills (1 Credit)
(Prerequisite: LANC2161)
The goal of this course is to provide the students with general knowledge and skills encompassing a wide area, and also to present them with topics in the engineering field and business that might not be addressed in their degree plans and that can broaden their thinking skills. The skills related to communication, professional and ethical responsibility, engineering within global, economic, environmental and societal context and knowledge of contemporary issues are presented in this course. An example of the topics that might be covered are: ethics, safety, life-long learning, functioning in business organizations, CV preparation and interviews, communication and presentation skills, time management planning, privatization of electricity in Oman, E-government, creative enterprises (incubator)
ECCE4122 Principles of Analog & Digital Communication (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE3142 , STAT2103)
This is an introductory course about the principles of analog and digital communications. Topics covered include: review of Fourier representation of signals and systems, analogue modulation schemes (amplitude modulation and angle modulation), pulse modulation, sampling theorem, quantization, pulse code modulation, line codes, digital modulations (amplitude-shift keying, phase-shift keying, frequency-shift keying), M-ary digital modulation schemes.
ECCE4124 Digital Communications (4 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4122)
Data Transmission Fundamentals: Binary signaling, multi-level signaling (M- ary signaling), information transfer rate, bandwidth efficiency, calculation of channel capacity. Baseband Data Transmission: ISI, eye diagrams, raised cosine filtering, matched filtering. Channel Degradation Sources: Gain, phase and group delay, distortion, interference and noise. Bandpass Digital Modulation: ASK, FSK, PSK. Multi-level Digital Modulation: M-ary ASK,M-ary FSK, M-ary PSK Coding Theory: Source coding, channel coding, block coding, convolutional coding. Multi-User Digital Modulation Techniques: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA.
ECCE4126 Principles Digital Communications (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4122)
Introduction to Digital Communications. Review of Probability Theory and Random Processes. Baseband Data Transmission: Baseband Signaling Schemes, Spectrum, and Error Performance. . Inter-symbol Interference and Signaling Over Band-limited Channels. Optimal Receivers for Binary Data Transmission. Digital Modulation: ASK, PSK, FSK, QPSK, OQPSK, and MSK Signaling. M-ary Signaling Techniques. Introduction to Channel coding and Information theory.
ECCE4142 Digital Signal Processing (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE3142)
This is an introductory course in digital signal processing. It covers discrete- time signals and systems, convolution, linear-time invariant systems. Sampling, Discrete-Time Transforms: Discrete-Time Fourier Transform DFT and Fast Fourier Transform FFT, Z-Transform. Digital filters, structures for discrete-time systems, digital filter design, FIR filter design, IIR filter design. DSP applications: Simulation with DSP Board, Matlab Simulink, and Matlab software programming.
ECCE4158 Electronics II (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE3152)
This is an advanced course in electronics which deals with concept, analysis and design of electronic circuits using discrete and integrated devices. Digital logic circuits. Switching response times of discrete devices and basic logic gates used in integrated digital circuits. Bode Plots. Feedbacks and Oscillators. Output Stages and Power amplifiers. Electronic Circuit Design and Applications. Labs on electronic circuits based on Diodes, Transistors, and Op Amps. CAD tools are used to analyze circuits.
ECCE4203 Advanced Logic Design (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE3206)
Design of synchronous asynchronous sequential circuits: Flow tables, races, and hazards. Algorithmic state machines. Combinational programmable logic devices. Programmable logic arrays. Sequential programmable logic devices. Design for testability.
ECCE4213 Digital Electronics – Reliability and Testing (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE3152)
Testing diodes and transistor logic circuits. Noise margins and fan-out. MOS and CMOS devices. Applications in the design of combinational circuits and sequential circuits. Semiconductor memories. Fault models in digital circuits. Testing of digital circuits and memories.
ECCE4227 Embedded Systems (3 Credits)
(Prerequisites: (COMP2002 or ENGR2217), ECCE3206, (ECCE3152 or MCTE3110))
This is an introductory course about microcontroller and its use in the design of embedded systems. Topics covered include hardware and software architectures of a microcontroller, assembly language programming for the microcontroller, and its application for a wide range of real-world applications.
ECCE4232 Introduction to Distributed & Parallel Systems (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4227)
Introduction to distributed and parallel systems: Parallel processing mechanisms. Architectural classification schemes. Parallel computer structures. Principles of pipelining. Structures and algorithms for array processors. Multiprocessor architecture. Interconnection networks. Dataflow computers.
ECCE4242 Introduction to Computer Networks (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4227 or COMP3518 or Comp3501 and also in-compatible with ECCE5231)
Local Area Network (Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI): Transmission Medium, Medium Access Control, Repeaters, Bridges and Routers. Internet Protocols (TCP/IP, ICMP, etc...). Client Server Architecture. Internet Applications (DNS, DHCP, FTP, etc...).
ECCE4252 Data Structures and Algorithms (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: COMP2002 or ENGR2217)
This course covers fundamental concepts in data structure and algorithms. Topics covered include lists, stacks, queues, heaps, trees, various searching and sorting algorithms. The performance of the various sorting methods are compared and analyzed.
ECCE4253 Object Oriented Programming (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: COMP2002 or ENGR2217)
This course provides necessary high-level skills and knowledge to develop modern Windows-based applications using object-oriented concept of programming. At the end of the course, students will be aware of software development tools and technologies, be able to write solid event-driven code using Visual Basic; create stand-alone, multiform applications and create effective interfaces.
ECCE4254 Operating Systems (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: COMP2002 or ENGR2217)
The goal of this course is introduce student to key operating system services including process management, memory management, file system organization, disk and CPU scheduling, virtual memory, concurrent processing, protection and security. The course covers aspects of the DOS and Linux operating systems, C programming, and programs that communicate across a network.
ECCE4255 Applied Programming& Algorithms for Engineers (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: COMP2002 or ENGR2217)
Fundamental concepts in data structure and algorithms applied to engineering problem solving. The course covers some essential data structure topics such as lists, stack and trees as well as basic algorithms such as sorting, searching, matching and few graph algorithms (e.g. shortest path). In lab sessions, the above topics are deployed in solving engineering problems for efficient implementation in C, C++ or JAVA.
ECCE4256 Engineering Design Issues and Professional Practices (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4227 or ENGR2217)
In this course, students will learn essential engineering skills that will help them identify and effectively solve engineering design problems. Topics covered includes engineering design process, engineering project management and economics issues, effective teamwork, effective report writing and effective project presentation skills. In addition, ethical, safety, environmental, societal and political issues related to engineering as well as professional engineering practice will be addressed. Students will apply the skills learned in this course to their Final Year Project to improve it.
ECCE4263 Database Systems (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: COMP2002 or ENGR2217)
Concepts and principles of database management systems. Basic concepts. System structures. Data models, Database languages (SQL in particular). Relational database normalization. File systems. Indexing. Query processing. Concurrency control. Recovery schemes.
ECCE4272 Artificial Intelligence (3 Credits)
Fundamentals of automated reasoning in expert systems: Semantics and satisfaction, inference procedures, logical implication, proofs, unification, resolution, soundness and completeness. Searching strategies and problem solving. Limits of monotonic logic: forms of non-monotonic reasoning. The course includes a term project that consists of writing a small inference engine in Lisp.
ECCE4282 Coding and Data Encryption (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE3122 or ECCE4122)
This course covers modern cryptography and data security. The basic information theoretic and computational properties of classical and modern cryptographic systems are presented, followed by a cryptanalytic examination of several important systems. Application of cryptography to the security of electronic mail, timesharing systems, computer networks and data bases are studied.
ECCE4312 Power System Analysis I (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE3352)
Power system components. Transmission line parameters: Inductance and capacitance. Model for short, medium, and long lines. Steady-state operation of transmission lines. Shunt and series compensation. Per unit systems. Bus admittance and impedance matrices. Symmetrical fault.
ECCE4316 Power System Analysis II (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4312)
This course covers the following main topics in power system analysis: Power-flow studies. Network calculations: node elimination, building and modifying bus impedance matrix. Symmetrical components. Unsymmetrical faults. Economic dispatch. Transient stability: swing equation, equal-area criterion, time-domain simulation.
ECCE4416 Linear Control Systems (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE3142)
Introduction to control systems. Mathematical modeling and representation of dynamical systems. Time domain analysis of control systems. Frequency domain analysis of control systems. Stability of control systems. Time domain design of control systems (Root Locus techniques). Frequency domain design of control systems. Introduction to modern control systems.
ECCE4422 Digital Control Systems (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4416 or MCTE4450)
Control loops with samplers. Discrete control loop analysis. Stability analysis of digital control systems. Controller design for SISO systems. State space analysis and design of digital control systems. Implementation issues and Case studies.
ECCE4436 Industrial Control Systems Design (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4416 or MCTE4450)
Overview on control system components, and process diagrams, Review of transducers and actuators of interest, signal conditioning instrumentation amplifiers, PID industrial controller design, tuning, and implementation, Introduction to programmable controllers PLCs and SCADA systems.
ECCE4455 Sensors and Actuators (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE3038)
This course is designed to provide students with a clear, concise, and up-to- date information for understanding today's sensor technology and actuators. The course covers most types of sensors, e.g. Pressure, level, flow, dimension, displacement, velocity, acceleration, viscosity, moisture, sound, light, pH, gas, radiation sensors. Smart sensors. Analog and digital signal conditioning. Magnetic actuators operated by DC and AC. Hydraulic and pneumatic actuators.
ECCE4467 Power Electronics & Drives (3 Credits)
(Prerequisites: (ECCE3152 or MCTE3110), (ECCE3352 or MCTE3210))
This is a basic course in power electronics and electrical drives. It covers power semiconductor devices and converters, speed/torque characteristics of motors and loads, operating point, multi-quadrant operation, DC and AC motors steady state modeling, speed control and barking, semiconductor controlled DC and AC motor drives.
ECCE5004 Eng. Management & Economics I (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: STAT2103)
This course focuses on introducing to the engineering students a variety of tools and techniques in management & economics that can be used to facilitate the optimum utilization of manpower, materials, machines, money, and other resources.
ECCE5008 Project Management (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE5004)
Management methods and techniques of projects in Government and private sector organizations. Introduction to project development. Phases of project planning and management. Budgeting and cost estimation. Resource allocation. Organizing, staffing and directing, Project management techniques. Project controlling and monitoring. Cost management. Risk analysis. Quality management.
ECCE5009 Final Year Project (Part I) (2 Credits)
(Prerequisites: ECCE4010 and PR1)
Part I of the final year project, which extends over two semesters. Topics will depend on students’ and supervisor's interest. They may include data acquisition and interpretation, computer models and simulation or design and experimentation. Students are required to give a seminar to discuss the project results and submit a final report.
ECCE5099 Final Year Project (Part II) (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE 5009)
Part II of the final year project, which extends over two semesters. Topics will depend on students’ and supervisor's interest. They may include data acquisition and interpretation, computer models and simulation or design and experimentation. Students are required to give a seminar to discuss the project results and submit a final report.
ECCE5112 Antennas & Wave Propagation (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4022)
Fundamental antenna parameters. Radiation pattern. Far-field, directivity. Radiation efficiency. Gain impedance. Bandwidth. Polarization. Antenna noise temperature. Friis power transmission formula. Basic types of antenna. Dipoles, arrays and long-wire antennas. Aperture-type antennas. Reflector antennas. Printed antennas. Propagation: electromagnetic wave propagation of various frequency ranges. Design of radio links.
ECCE5122 Communication Systems (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4124 or ECCE4126)
This course deals with communication systems. Topics covered include the communication channel; digital signals and digital communication telephony: telex, facsimile, teletext; local area networks (LAN); integrated services digital network (ISDN); satellite communications.
ECCE5123 Optical Communications (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4122)
This course is a comprehensive and in-depth introduction to the basics of optical communications with fiber transmission lines. The topics to be covered include the light wave fundamentals, optical waveguides and fibers, dispersion, distortion and attenuation in optical communication systems, different optical sources, transmitters, detectors and receivers, passive couplers, connectors, modulators, amplifiers, filters and system design parameters.
ECCE5124 Wireless Communications (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4122)
This course addresses the following topics: overview of existing mobile communication standards, cellular telephony concept, inter-symbol interference, multiple-access techniques, multi-path channels, flat-fading and frequency-selective channels, Rayleigh and Ricean channels, bit error probability over AWGN and slow, flat fading Rayleigh channels, diversity, channel coding, and Rake receiver structure.
ECCE5134 Selected Topics in Communication (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4124 or ECCE4126)
This course covers the current state of the art in some of the hot areas of interest to student in the field of communication engineering.
ECCE5142 Image and Video Processing (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4142)
Introduction to digital image processing, Digital image fundamentals, Image transforms, image enhancement, image restoration, image compression, color image processing, video coding, motion estimation.
ECCE5143 Advanced Digital Signal Processing (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4142 and ECCE4227)
This is an advanced course in Digital Signal Processing. It covers, Digital filter design, implementation of FIR and IIR filter design techniques using DSP board and Matlab Simulink. Multirate DSP: Decimation and Interpolation, sampling rate conversion, applications. Selected topics in advanced DSP (Image Processing Basics, image compression techniques and basics of video signals Speech processing, Biomedical Signal Processing).
ECCE5152 Electronic Communication Circuits (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4157 or ECCE4158)
This course deals with theoretical analysis, practical issues and simulation of communication circuits. Small signal amplifiers. Audio and video amplifiers. Oscillators. Resonant circuits; coupling tuned circuits; IF and RF amplifiers. Mixers; frequency conversion; modulators and detectors. Phase Locked Loops (PLL). Network noise and intermodulation distortion.
ECCE5162 Microwave Engineering (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4022)
Microwave components, devices, techniques and systems. Fundamental concepts of Maxwell's equations. Wave propagation. Network analysis and design principles. Applications of microwave engineering. Transmission line theory. Transmission lines and waveguides. Microwave network analysis. Impedance matching and tuning. Microwave resonators. Power dividers and directional couplers. Microwave systems.
ECCE5164 RF Communications Circuits (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4157 or ECCE4158)
This course aims to provide students with the introduction of RF communications circuits design. The course covers the issues of RF circuit analysis & design; micro strip transmission line designing and analysis; S- parameters; Couplers and filter design (Interdigital OCTL/SCTL type); oscillators; Modulators, Low-noise and switching mode high efficient class-E Power Amplifiers (PA) design, CMOS Power amplifiers design issues, RFs safety in designing and international standards, overview of state of the art fabrication techniques and applications, Computer aided design and simulation of RF circuits using ADS.
ECCE5212 VLSI Design (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4227)
Very Large Scale integrated (VLSI) circuit design. Provides a review of FET basics with Functional module design including combinational memory, combinational logic, programmable logic arrays and finite-state machines. Computer-aided VLSI fabrication techniques, layout strategies, scalable design rules, design-rule-checking and guidelines for testing and testability are covered along with. Survey of VLSI applications.
ECCE5213 Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4227)
This course addresses design, modeling, analysis, and integration of hardware and software issues to achieve dependable computing systems employing on-line fault-tolerance. The course centers mainly around the concepts of Fault-Tolerant System Design based on Redundancy, Reliability and Testing. It includes and covers the concepts of Dependability, Maintainability, Error Detection, Voting and Fault Diagnosis and their related models.
ECCE5214 Advanced Logic and Computer Interfacing (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4227)
This course is designed to introduce the design of complex logic systems underlying or supporting the operation of computer systems and interfaces. You will learn how to use advanced computer-aided design tools to develop and simulate logic systems consisting of MSI components such as adders, multiplexers, latches, and counters. The concept of synchronous logic is introduced through the design and implementation of Mealy and Moore machines. Hardware description languages are introduced and used to describe and implement combinational circuits. Students will also learn how to use programmable logic devices to implement customized designs.
ECCE5215 Computing Systems for Engineering Applications (3 Credits)
(Prerequisites: ECCE4242)
This is an advanced course where real-world examples and case studies from industry are covered to demonstrate to students the important up-to- date applications of computing systems in various engineering fields. Examples of applications are consumer electronics, robotics, smart oil fields, networking and telecommunication.
ECCE5222 Microprocessor Interfacing (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4227)
This is a senior level course, which covers various aspects of interfacing microprocessors with peripheral and memory devices. Topics include general structures of advanced microprocessors; static and dynamic memory interfaces; DMA controllers; interrupt controllers; memory management units interfaces to keyboard, disk and CRT, data communications interfaces.
ECCE5223 Advanced Embedded Systems Design (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4227)
This is an advanced course on the design of embedded systems for various real-world applications in a real-time operating system (RTOS) environment using variety of software and C/C++ programming languages. Applications studied include digital signal processing, industrial automation and control, computer networking, and consumer devices.
ECCE5224 Microprocessor Based Control Design (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4227)
The course treats the basic aspects of choice of architecture, technology - microprocessors; operations and timing diagrams; microprocessor simulator; designing and debugging of microprocessor based systems; required electronic circuits for building microprocessor based control systems; case studies.
ECCE5231 Industrial Networks and Operating Systems (3 Credits)
(Prerequisites: COMP2002, ECCE4227 & In-compatible with ECCE4242 and 4254)
The first part of the course provides an introduction to operating system functions, Processes, CPU scheduling, single/multiuser OS, networking OS, and aspects of Lunix OS as a case study. The course introduces fundamental concepts in the design and implementation of computer and industrial communication networks and their protocols. This includes introduction to OSI reference model, TCP/IP network protocol suite, HTTP, SMTP, FTP, DNS, TCP, UDP, IP, industrial network architecture, physical and logical characteristics of industrial networks, Ethernet and fieldbus technologies, common industrial protocol, and precision time protocol.
ECCE5232 Computer Architecture & Organ (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4227)
This course teaches the fundamentals of modern computer systems with detailed emphasis on the internal working of various processor's components. Topics covered include central processing unit (control unit, arithmetic and logic unit, registers), memory (internal, external, cache), input/output and interfaces, RISC/CISC, pipelining, and introduction to parallel processing.
ECCE5233 Computer Architecture and Organization II (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE5232)
This is the second part of a two-semester course in computer architecture. Course topics include high-speed arithmetic algorithms. Pipeline computers, multiprocessor systems, array and data flow computers, vector processors. Memory hierarchies, virtual memory, cache memory, input-output systems, DMA and interrupts.
ECCE5242 Advanced Computer Networks (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4242)
The objective of this course is to provide students with a deep and advanced knowledge on computer networks. The course will cover different networking equipment used in WANs such as routers and LANs such as switches. The students will also learn how to select, connect, and configure routers and switches to achieve expected goals.
ECCE5243 Network Software Design and Programming (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4242)
The course is aimed at exposing students to general aspects of network software design and programming. Related architectures and communication protocols including medium access, routing, congestion control, internetworking, connection issues and overview of Internet application protocols will be dealt with appropriate concepts of design the necessary software.
ECCE5252 Software Engineering (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4252 or ECCE4255)
Designing, development and commissioning of large software systems. Software life cycle. Requirements specification. Module decomposition. Module specification. Implementation and test planning. Software reliability and security. Multi-user environments. Project management issues. The course involves a group project.
ECCE5282 Computer Network Security (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4242)
This course introduces basic computer networks’ security concepts. Topics include network security objectives and mechanisms, basic cryptography, attacks and countermeasures at various layers of networking protocol stack, and networking devices.
ECCE5283 Cryptography, Security, and e-Commerce (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4242)
This course is serves as a broad introduction to cryptography and its application to computer-network security services and mechanisms, such as confidentiality, digital signature, access control, and electronic payments. Analysis of software and hardware implementations of cryptographic algorithms and network-security protocols are covered. Topics also include techniques for authentication, privacy, denial of service, and non- repudiation. Current Internet distributed security models and protocols are discussed in the context of these techniques. Of special importance are the application to Internet infrastructure protocols, such as Internet routing and transport protocols, as well as secure mail, directory and multimedia multicast services.
ECCE5292 Selected Topics in Computer Engineering (3 Credits)
(Prerequisites: ECCE4227, (ECCE4242 or ECCE5231))
This course covers the current state of the art in some of the hot areas of interest to student in the field of computer engineering.
ECCE5302 Power Systems Protection (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4316)
This course provides the students with a background on protection of electric power system. It presents the different components of protection, different types of relays and how these relays can be set to protect the different parts of the power system. It also introduces the modern techniques in protection such as; the use of static and microprocessor relays.
ECCE5303 Power Distribution System Eng. (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4312)
Load characteristics and its applications. Load forecasting. Types of distribution networks. Selection of distribution transformers. Voltage drop and voltage regulation. Voltage dip due to motor starting. Design of distribution feeders. Power-factor correction, Power Quality.
ECCE5304 Power Stations (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4312)
Conventional and non-conventional power generation. Sources of energy. Types of power plants. Major equipment installed and layouts of different types of power stations. Environmental performance of power plants and the equipment installed to mitigate the environmental effects. Power plant costs, factors and definitions. Economic evaluation of power projects. Electricity trading and evolvement of electricity sector.
ECCE5312 Power System Control and Stability (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4316)
This is an advanced course on power systems control and stability. The course covers mathematical models and state-space representation of synchronous machine, power system stability studies and calculations; excitation control systems and their effect on dynamic and transient stability; turbine-governor control; load frequency control of single area and multi area power system.
ECCE5314 Selected Topics in Power (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4312)
Special topics in the field of electrical power system engineering.
ECCE5322 Electrical Power Systems Quality (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4312)
Introduction to power quality, Terms and definitions, Power quality problems, Voltage sage and interruptions, Transient overvoltage, Harmonics, Source of harmonics, Harmonics Mitigation, Harmonics filter design, Monitoring power quality, Improving power quality.
ECCE5323 Power System Operation (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4316)
Economic dispatch of power generation units. Load frequency control. Interchange of power and energy. Power system security. Optimal power flow. An introduction to state estimation in power system.
ECCE5324 Power System Reliability and Planning (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4312)
Introduction to reliability engineering, basic concepts and power plant reliability. Generation and transmission system reliability. Reliability worth evaluation. Energy production simulation. Generation planning methodologies. Demand-side management. Integrated demand-supply planning including externalities. Transmission planning. Electricity tariffs.
ECCE5332 High Voltage Engineering (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4312)
This is an introductory course in High Voltage Engineering, which is aimed the students specialized in Energy and Power Systems. This course covers a wide spectrum of High Voltage Engineering topic and introduces the students to the importance of using high voltage, circuit interruption and circuit breakers, types of overvoltage and surge arresters, insulation coordination, high voltage generation and measurement, and dielectric breakdown of different states of matter and protective grounding.
ECCE5333 Power System Economics (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4312)
The goal of this course is provide the students with knowledge on the issues of electricity privatization and open market competition in electricity sector. The course also provides students with knowledge on the fundamentals of economics and gives awareness on the Current arrangement of electricity market in Sultanate of Oman.
ECCE5352 Generalized Machine Theory (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4358)
This course covers Application of matrix algebra to static electric networks, matrix equations of transformers, matrix equations of basic rotating machines, commutator machines, linear transformation in electrical machines, polyphase machines.
ECCE5422 Selected Topics in Control Systems (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4416 or MCTE4250 or MCTE4450)
A seminar-type course, which covers topics of current interest in control systems design and analysis. The subject matter of this course will vary from year to year.
ECCE5432 Programmable Logic Control Systems
(Prerequisite: ECCE3206 , ECCE4416 or MCTE4450)
Control system components modeling and design of sequential controls, Review of sensors and actuators of interest, Programmable controllers (PLCs): principles, interfaces and programming. Programmable controller’s communications and networking, User interfaces, Process monitoring and visualization, Supervisory control and data acquisition systems (SCADA).
ECCE5433 Control System Design (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4416 or MCTE4450)
State space representation of dynamic system. Linearization of nonlinear systems. Solutions f state space equations. Controllability and observability. Pole placement design technique. Design of observers. Introduction to the optimal design in control. Review of frequency domain analysis. Nyquist criteria for Stability and relative stability. Design of compensators is the frequency domain. Case studies
ECCE5443 Optimization Techniques in Engineering (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: MATH3171)
Linear programming. Simplex method. Duality theory. Network flow problems. Elements of integer programming. Nonlinear programming. A brief overview of interior point methods and global optimization techniques.
ECCE5445 Control Systems Design (3 Credits)
(Prerequisite: ECCE4416 or MCTE4450 )
State space representation of dynamic system. Linearization of nonlinear systems. Solutions f state space equations. Controllability and observability. Pole placement design technique. Design of observers. Introduction to the optimal design in control. Review of frequency domain analysis. Nyquist criteria for Stability and relative stability. Design of compensators is the frequency domain. Case studies.
ECCE5452 Computer-Aided Instrumentation (3 Credits)
(Prerequisites: (ECCE4456 or ECCE4455) and ECCE4227)
Introduction to fundamentals of measurement and Instrumentation systems with hardware and software components, Principles and implementation of interfacing the computer and stand-alone instruments with real world signals, Fundamentals of data acquisition with focus on PC-based operation of data acquisition systems, Enable design, Installation, Configuration, and Programming of data acquisition systems effectively, Design and implementation of Virtual Instruments.
ECCE5462 Electric Drives
(Prerequisite: ECCE4466 or ECCE4467)
Electrical drives as key to industrialization, along with dc and ac machines modeling. DQ modeling of ac motors. Analogue control of dc motors and classical techniques. Digital control of dc motors and modern techniques. Voltage source and current source inverter fed induction motor drives. PWM techniques and speed control of electrical drives.
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