The department offers a range of courses. Below is a description of each course:

Introduction to Education: EDUC 2021
This course is an introduction to the basic concepts in education and its intellectual, cultural, social, vocational and technological foundations. It focuses on goals of education and some educational philosophies, including the Islamic philosophy. It also tackles the educational thought and principles of alternative educational models such equality of educational opportunities and education for all, including those with special needs. It provides a variety of perspectives on the cultural and social aspects of society and promotes respect for cultural and social diversity among learners. It explores vital issues related to teacher professional development, legal aspects, the status of the teacher in society and the ethics of the profession. It develops student ability in reflections and critical thinking and responds to the requirements of education in light of the acceleration of knowledge and technology.


Education System in Oman and Contemporary Trends: EDUC 3011
This course deals with the concept of the educational system, its components and factors affecting it; and contemporary educational trends. The course reviews the educational system in the Sultanate of Oman in terms of its development, philosophy, objectives, organization, and major challenges. It also discusses how to face these challenges in light of the Successful experiences of the education systems in the Gulf, in the region, and internationally. It also addresses contemporary educational issues such as quality, accreditation, accountability, and international tests.


Introduction to School Administration: EDUC3201
 This course aims to introduce the student in the College of Education to the basic concepts of school and classroom administration and its main processes. It intends to help students define the different administrative roles and assignments of the school principal and classroom teacher. The course also identifies and analyses the principles of classroom management and discusses the styles of classroom management and the problems that are related to managing the classroom, or resulted from, each of those managing styles. The course also includes some field visits to selected schools in order to give students the chance to see some of the real practices and role of those schools' principals.


Educational Systems in Oman and the Gulf States: EDUC 3217
This course aims at introducing students to the concept of educational system and its interactions with the other social systems. It assists students to understand the factors shaping the educational system in Oman, recognize its philosophy, objectives, organization as well as its management and financing. The course also enables students to analyze important issues related to the educational system in Oman such as educational quality and accreditation, educational accontability, eudcational financing and teacher education. It also aims at helping students understand the main educational reforms in Oman as well as the challenges facing the education system and consider ways to overcome these challenges in light of the experiences of other countries at both regional and international levels.


School Management & Leadership: EDUC 3050
This course aims to introduce students to the basic concepts related to school management and leadership, in addition to school management processes and domains. The course also discusses the characteristics of successful leaders and their sources of influence and the difference between leaders and managers. It also addresses the administrative and technical duties of both principal and teacher as well as the teacher’s role as a leader inside and outside the school. The course also provides students with some managerial skills required for effective school and instructional performance. It includes discussion of some contemporary issues and models in school management and leadership, in addition to introducing students to effective classroom management skills and their application in real situations. The course also involves school visits to enable students to observe and criticise school and classroom management practices on the ground.


Introduction to Education: EDUC 5115
This course is an introduction to the basic concepts in education and its intellectual, cultural, social, vocational and technological foundations. It focuses on goals of education and some educational philosophies, including the Islamic philosophy. It also tackles the educational thought and principles of alternative educational models such equality of educational opportunities and education for all, including those with special needs. It provides a variety of perspectives on the cultural and social aspects of society and promotes respect for cultural and social diversity among learners. It explores vital issues related to teacher professional development, legal aspects, the status of the teacher in society and the ethics of the profession. It develops student ability in reflections and critical thinking and responds to the requirements of education in light of the acceleration of knowledge and technology.


Educational System and its administration in Oman: EDUC 5116
This course aims at introducing students to the concept of educational system and its interactions with the other social systems, as well as the concept of educational management and its sub-systems and basic functions, in addition to effective classroom management skills. It assists students to understand the factors shaping the educational system in Oman, recognize its philosophy, objectives, organization as well as its management and financing. The course also enables students to analyze important issues related to the educational system in Oman such as educational quality and accreditation, educational accountability, financing and inclusive education. It also aims at helping students understand the main educational reforms in Oman as well as the challenges facing the education system and consider ways to overcome them in light of the experiences of other countries at both regional and international levels.