The following are courses in the Teacher Education Program delivered by Department Faculty :


Learners' Development and Counseling.: PSYC1501
The purpose of this course is to get students acquainted with learner development from the perspective of counseling. The course focuses on theory and research related to human development across lifespan, factors affecting learners? development, their developmental characteristics in different areas of development. This course also focuses on learners? developmental needs, demands, crises and challenges using tool of need assessment. Additionally, the course covers counseling applications and interventions in dealing with study stress , time management behavioral problems associated with developmental stages, and the developmental needs and crises of diverse categories of learners especially those with difficulties using developmental , preventive and remedial strategies and considering ethics of counseling.


Educational Psychology: PSYC2501
This course examines the theoretical and applied aspects of learning, motivation, human development, personality, assessment, and evaluation in the educational setting. Content includes the study of learning theories as well as cognitive, emotional, and social learning processes that underlie education and human development and socialization. Emphasis is placed on developing skills to better understand learners to foster improved learning, influence and manage classroom learning, and recognize and consider individual differences.


Classroom Measurement and Evaluation: PSYC3501
This course aims at getting learners acquainted with basic concepts of educational evaluation, skills of developing measurement tools. The course covers levels of psychological and educational measurement, types of evaluation (primary, formative, and summative), principals of evaluation, constructing, standardizing, analyzing, and interpreting achievement tests. The course also focuses on continuous assessment and its tools: (project, oral assignments, practical performance, homeworks, portfolio and observation, and implications of classroom measurement and evaluation tools.


Learners with Special needs: PSYC4501
This course aims to provide an overview of the historical, conceptual, legal, professional and ethical foundations of special education, as well as the medical, psychological, behavioral, social and educational characteristics of special education categories: Intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, behavioral and emotional disorders, communication disorders, visual impairment, hearing impairment, physical and health disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, and talent and giftedness. The course also covers contemporary issues in special education related to prevention and early intervention, special education in early childhood, education and rehabilitation of individuals with special educational needs, inclusive education, assistive technology, learning environments, and the education of individuals with disabilities in Oman.


For more about the courses, please click HERE