Quality Assurance System


The College’s emphasis on assessment intensified in Fall 2011 when it began focusing on efforts to prepare for NCATE accreditation. Initially, it was designed for NCATE in 2012, and for the purposes of preparation for CAEP accreditation, the College reviewed the system, replaced and modified some components, and added new components. As a result, a new version of QAS was developed and approved in 2017. The College set some criteria to be a guidance during QAS creation stages. First, the system should be systematic, coherent, simple, and flexible. An important criterion was to ensure the system reflectiveness of College Conceptual Framework, Program Outcomes, and CAEP and InTASC standards through the creation of key assessment tools aligned with all of these essentials. Another criterion regarded the data. The data collected through the key assessment tools should assemble input from both internal and external stakeholders, and be committed to consistency and the avoidance of bias. Finally, the system should be formally reviewed and updated as needed on a regular basis. 


QAS Model Description


As depicted in the Figure below, the process of assessment administered by the QAS includes four major tasks: development of assessment tools, tools implementation, data retreat, and making decisions. Based on these four processes, assessment is operationally defined as a process in which data is collected, analyzed, and studied for making decisions regarding continuous improvement of our programs. The tools implementation task is carried out at four transition points (TPs), to ensure a full cycle of candidate assessment and performance monitoring. The four TPs within the QAS are identified as follow: 

(1) Admission: This TP ensures that the requirements established by the College are met by the admitted candidates. 
(2) During the Program: This TP assesses the candidate’s progress through the College program, from 1st year to 3rd year.
(3) Student Teaching: This TP assesses the candidates’ performance during the field experiences and clinical practice. 
(4) Program Completion:  This TP is to assure that the candidate has successfully met the College program requirements and is eligible for licensure. It also provides information regarding the candidate’s performance during his career.



QAS Chart English




Click here to download the full document of QAS.