Educational Foundation and Administration Department

The Department of Educational Foundations and Administration was established in 1986. Due to the increased demand of education, the number of students increased dramatically and consequently the number of staff.The unit responded to the demand by opening new programs which lead to changing the name in 1997 to The Unit of Educational Foundations and Administration under the umbrella of the Department of Education and Psychology.In 1999, along with the new programs in the Unit, the Unit became independent and named 'Department of Educational Foundations and Administration' (DEFA). 


The Department seeks sustainable sustainable educational quality and improvement at local and regional levels in the fields of Educational Foundations and Administration.


In order to achieve quality and sustainable improvement, the mission of the Department is: 

  • To assure quality of programs for professional fields of educational foundations and administration.
  • To assure quality in academic research.
  • To attain quality in community services.
  • To build effective partnerships with related institutions

Department objectives:

  • The Department seeks to achieve the following objectives:
  • To develop students' knowledge, skills and attitudes.
  • To introduce students to new educational trends and innovations.
  • To build positive attitudes towards the teaching profession.
  • To develop students' understanding of economic, political, cultural, environmental and informational challenges and their relation to education.
  • To develop students' research skills and competencies, and their application in education.
  • To improve the research competency of the Department academic staff.
  • To develop effective partnerships with educational and research institutions locally, regionally and internationally.
  • To enable students to analyze educational issues at the local and regional community, and suggest methods to deal with them.


The Educational Foundations and Administration Department offers its services of professional and educational qualification through a number of specialized programs which are offered on full-time and part-time basis at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. These programs are:


Bachelor Degree in Educational Administration

The Educational Administration Bachelor (EABA)  program was first offered in the Academic year 2003/2004.  This program aims to qualify professionals with diploma degree for a bachelor degree in educational administration through completing (64) credit hours over four semesters. The remaining 56 c.h are transferred from Intermediate Teachers College Diploma. 


Master Degree in Educational Administration

The program comprises four tracks: Educational Planning, Higher Education Administration, School Administration, and Educational Supervision. Each track consists of eight courses and a thesis, with a total of 24 credit hours. The program duration is two years for full-time students and three years for part-time students, in accordance with the University Postgraduate Academic Regulations.


Other Programs

The department offers some service courses for other undergraduate and diploma programs in the college. These courses are:

  • Educational System and its Administration in Oman and the Gulf States ( EDUC 3104 in  Arabic & EDUC 3117 in English).
  • Educational Systems in Oman and the Gulf States (EDUC 3218  in Arabic & EDUC 3217 in English).
  • Foundation of Education (EDUC 2003 in English & EDUC 2004  in Arabic).
  • Family, School & Community (EDUC 2008).
  • Introduction to School Administration (EDUC 3200 in Arabic & EDUC 3201 in English).
  • The Administration of Special education institutions (EDUC 2090).
About DEFA About DEFA About DEFA About DEFA

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