Bachelor's degree in Physical Education
The PESSD offers the Bachelor's degree program in Physical Education, which includes practical courses in team sports such as football, handball, volleyball and basketball, and individual sports such as athletics, swimming and gymnastics, theoretical courses such as Sports Organization Management, Sport Physiology, Descriptive & Function Anatomy, Sport Psychology, Movement Education, as well as elective courses such as Recreation in Physical Education and Physical Fitness for the Handicapped. The Department also offers university electives which aim to raise and enhance awareness of the importance of Sports’ culture, as well as to maintain and develop the physical condition of the students of Sultan Qaboos University. This programme qualifies national cadres in physical education and sports sciences. The Department accepts General Diploma students who are eligible according to the admission system which provides equal opportunities to all applicants.
To be enrolled in Physical Education major, a student must:
- Get a minimum grade of 'C' in Basic Arabic Language, Basic English Language and School Sports.
- Pass all medical, physical and skill tests.
Students enrolled in this program must complete (125) credit hours distributed as follows:
- University requirements: (12 credit hours)
- Major requirements: (107 credit hours)
- Major electives: (6 credit hours)
The Department of Physical Education runs the following degree plans:
The department offers a range of courses. Below is a description of each course:
Physical Fitness (UE): PHED1000 |
This is an introductory course to understand the meaning of physical fitness, it's scientific basis and importance to humans, and how it influences (intelligence, it's scientific basis and importance to humans, and how it influences (intelligence, health, production...ect.); body types and different elements of physical fitness (power, speed, endurance, flexibility...ect.); through practical and theoretical lectures that include the ways to develop these elements. |
Physical Education for the Handicapped: PHED1050 |
This course aims to acquaint students with the importance of physical education for individuals with special needs, and knowledge of the effects of physical skills and programs included in rehabilitation activities on body organs and different disabilities. The course includes specifications of designs, facilities, and rules of adapted physical activities. It also includes specifications of regulations and requirements regarding organization of physical and recreational tournaments and festivals for these groups of individuals. |
Exercises and Gymnastics (1): Girls: PHED1210 |
This introductory course is designed to teach the students some skills of exercising and gymnastics. Theoretically the course studies the development of the games, its importance and the tools used, plus the training concepts of each skill. Lastly, the coursw is a pre requisite of PHED2580 |
Exercises and Gymnastics (1): Boys: PHED1220 |
The practical part of the course deals with major and minor positions of the posture and variety of free patterns of individual and dual physical exercises, Floor Exercises, Vaulting, and Pommel Horse. The theoretical part of the course concentrate in acquiring students with information regarding exercise and Gymnastics such as historical backgroun, divisions of exercises, and schools of exercises and Gymmastics. The course also deals with technical analysis of the comprised skills. Lastly the course is a pre requisite of PHED 3320. |
Track and Field (1): PHED1230 |
An intermediate course designed to teach the students the skills of running competitions - short, medium and long distances, competitions of shot-put and Javelin and competitions of long, high and treble jump. How to teach these skills at school and training centers. Theoretically and practically, students should obtain some knowledge about organizing and refereeing such competitions according to the international rules of Track and Field. |
Sports Physiology: PHED1240 |
This advanced course is designed to explain the different reactions of the body systems due to the work done in training or sports lesson, how to use these reactions to create a sports-unit (training - lesson) in a way that suits different abilities of students, exhausting reactions, recreations, etc. The course is presented through lectures using transparencies, illustrative figures and Laboratory work using special apparatus to measure different functional changes. |
Health Education and Physique (UE): PHED1260 |
This introductory course is designed to teach the students the importance of a healthy body, how they can act - as teachers - in increasing the hygiene level in school students and maintaining a good physique by teaching how to move, the consequences of unwanted habits. The course also discusses different ways to resist common diseases in society. The course is conducted in the form of lectures. |
Descriptive and Functional Anatomy: PHED1270 |
This intermediate course is designed to familiarize the students with the construction of different body systems, especially those involved in the field of physical education, e.g. muscles, bones...etc. This is done by using illustrative figures, models, slides. The student has to work on writing reports on the subject using computer disks, CD?ROMS. |
History of Physical Education and Sport: PHED1350 |
This introductory course includes the development of physical education through different civilization to current global sport system. It focuses on the aims of sport activities and investigates the role of physical education in civil society. It discusses the philosophical and scientific principles of physical education and illustrates the types of work associated with organization that are concern with human movements. The course is taught orally, films and pictures are utilized to facilitate the understanding of physical education concepts and helps to prepare students to study different sports fields. |
Swimming (1): PHED1390 |
The course aims to provide students with a range of scientific knowledge, practical and theoretical instruction especially for the crawl and back strokes with the start and turning skills. Pedagogical instruction is of concern for beginners as well as the basic elements for evaluation. Using the modern equipment to link between the theoretical and practical swimming and its effects on the vital organs of the body and its relationship to life sciences and scientific movement and mechanics, as well as aims to develop the capacity of the student research, and the ability to apply rules of swimming. |
Physique: PHED2270 |
This advanced course prepares students to maintain good physique through sport programmes, and how to apply these programmes safely and correctly. It also helps students recognize common physique deformations and the exercises used in each case. The course is conducted through lectures using illustrative figures and transparencies. |
Physique: PHED2271 |
This course is designed to familiarize students with how to maintain the body position to allow for its stability under the influence of gravity, as well as during the movement. The course aims to introduce students to the types of postural deviations and its causes and classifications and to study the relationship between the physical posture and somatotypes. As well as the understanding of the relationship between the health of strength and motor skills and sports. It also stand on the methods of monitoring and evaluating the state of the body through a series of postural tests and how to develop treatment programs to improve the posture. |
Managing Sport Activities: PHED2322 |
This course is designed to familiarize students with sports concept and structure;sport activities: taxonomy, characteristics, criteria for selection; planning and administration of different sport activiy programmes (e.g. sports for all, physical fitness, physical education and sport, recreational sport ). The course also aims at familiarizing students with: sport facilities and establisments; the role of sport supervisor and his qualifications and responsibilities; evaluation of sport programmes and their development. |
Managing Sport Activities: PHED2333 |
The course provides students with concepts of leadership and human resources management in the field of sports. It teaches managerial skills such as planning, time management, project proposals and managing sport events. The course discusses sport facility management and professionalization processes. The course offers some practical implementation in managing sport activities. |
Research and Statistics in Physical Education: PHED2340 |
This intermediate course presents the concepts of scientific research in the field of P.E., through studying the ways of data collection and analysis in a manner that suits the nature of the field and creating models to increase the skills of research. |
Administration and Organization of Physical Education: PHED2370 |
This advanced course is designed to teach the student the general basis of adminstration in the field of physical education, concentrating on the Omani Society, it also teaches reporting, archiving, and organizing tournaments, festivals, camps...etc. The students work in teams or singly in and out of the frame of the lectures. |
Managing Sport Activities: PHED2371 |
The course provides students with concepts of leadership and human resources management in the field of sports. It teaches managerial skills such as planning, time management, project proposals and managing sport events. The course discusses sport facility management and professionalization processes. The course offers some practical implementation in managing sport activities. |
Managing Sport Activities: PHED2371 |
The course provides students with concepts of leadership and human resources management in the field of sports. It teaches managerial skills such as planning, time management, project proposals and managing sport events. The course discusses sport facility management and professionalization processes. The course offers some practical implementation in managing sport activities. |
Managing Sport Activities: PHED2371 |
This intermediate course presents the concepts of scientific research in the field of P.E., through studying the ways of data collection and analysis in a manner that suits the nature of the field and creating models to increase the skills of research. |
Managing Sport Activities: PHED2371 |
This intermediate course presents the concepts of scientific research in the field of P.E., through studying the ways of data collection and analysis in a manner that suits the nature of the field and creating models to increase the skills of research. |
Recreation in Physical Education: PHED2372 |
The course provides student with concepts and terminologies associated with recreation and leisure time. It identifies people goals, motives and needs for participating in sports and recreation activities. In addition, the course highlights types of recreation activities and leisure investment strategies as well as students acquire skills in designing and managing recreational programs for all age groups. |
Swimming: PHED2390 |
An intermediate course designed to teach students the skills of crawl-back -breast stroke and how to teach these skills at school and training center and the basics of life guarding also obtaining the theoretical and practical knowledge related to performance and how practice it and how to organize and judge a swimming competition. |
Basic of Kinesiology: PHED2420 |
This introductory course is designed to familiarize the student with thedifferent subjects as: concept of movement and its Conditions, levels and catation, balance and its factors. Thr application of motion Newootn, low in sport movements, the ways of analysis skills and Motion in sport. |
Mini Games and Racket Games: PHED2440 |
The course includes a series of scientific knowledge, practical and theoretical learning basic skills for each of table tennis, badminton. Pedagogical instructions for the skills and international law tournaments, as well as provide with a variety of mini games and primaries, local games is included. Such mini games will be implemented as an instructional support in PE at school. |
Gymnastics (2) for Females: PHED2580 |
This course helps students to acquire skills and knowledge related to the rhythmic exercises and gymnastics for female students. It also acquires them the ability to link between the practical and theoretical aspects such as kinesiology, physiological characteristics of the performance. It also deals with exploring and correcting errors and covers the introduction to official gymnastics international rules. Finally, the course aims to improve the students? innovative capabilities in performing skills. |
Gymnastics (2) for Boys: PHED2590 |
The practical part of the course deals with a selected patterns of exercises using variety of exercises tools and gymnastics? equipment (Parallel bars, Rings, and Horizontal Bar). The theoretical part of the course deals with how to write the exercises using symbols and signs, and how teach exercise to students using an appropriate words and expressions. It also includes studying techniques, and methods of teaching gymnastic & exercises at schools. Finally, the course covers an introduction to official gymnastics international rules. |
Track and Field (2): PHED3230 |
The course is intended to make students able to practice and teach track and field drills and understand its technical components. The course consist steeplechase and hurdles drills, 4X400m relay, triple jump and pole-volt and discuss and hummer throwing events. Students attending the course will be able to teach and coach in schools and youth training centers and organize tournaments complying with international rules. |
Physical Education for Handicap: PHED3261 |
This course is designed to teach the students how to create a physical education programme for the handicapped in order to increase their social interaction and to help them get over their limited abilities as some sports programmes can act as a part of an integrated treatment system. |
Physical Education for Handicap: PHED3261 |
This course is designed to teach the students how to create a physical education programme for the handicapped in order to increase their social interaction and to help them get over their limited abilities as some sports programmes can act as a part of an integrated treatment system. |
Tests and Measurements in Physical Education: PHED3350 |
This intermediate course is designed to teach the students the importance of tests and measurements in the field of physical education, the description of a successful test, different ways of testing and how to construct a test and to apply it in checking the physical level of school students. |
Tests and Measurements in Physical Education: PHED3350 |
This intermediate course is designed to teach the students the importance of tests and measurements in the field of physical education, the description of a successful test, different ways of testing and how to construct a test and to apply it in checking the physical level of school students. |
Tests and Measurements in Physical Education: PHED3350 |
The course includes a series of scienti ٌc knowledge related to the concepts of tests and measurement in physical education, the purposes, features, terms and the qualities of a scientific tests and measurement in physical education. The course provides student with the scientific transactions of tests including different types of physical, skills and motor movement tests. As well, this course included the physical fitness tests and anthropometric measures, how lo regulate physical tests and selection sports. |
Tests and Measurements in Physical Education: PHED3350 |
The course includes a series of scienti ٌc knowledge related to the concepts of tests and measurement in physical education, the purposes, features, terms and the qualities of a scientific tests and measurement in physical education. The course provides student with the scientific transactions of tests including different types of physical, skills and motor movement tests. As well, this course included the physical fitness tests and anthropometric measures, how lo regulate physical tests and selection sports. |
Introduction to Sports Psychology: PHED3360 |
The course designed to teach students concept of sport psychology and its importance for physical educators at schools. The course also deals with relationship between selected subjects from the field of psychology and sport performance such as: Persinality,motivation,aggressive behavior psychic energy,relaxation,Techniqes,imagery,selfconfidence,and concentration. |
Coaching and Competing Psychology: PHED3361 |
يسعى هذا المقرر إلى تزويد الطالب بالطرق والأساليب التي تحقق الرعاية النفسية للرياضيين لضمان تحقيق أفضل إنجاز ممكن أثناء المنافسات، ويتم ذلك من خلال تناول موضوعات متنوعة كالإعداد النفسي وأهميته، وتأثير المنافسة الرياضية، وخصائص المدرب الناجح، ومهارات الاتصال بين المدرب واللاعبين، ودور المدرب في تنمية تماسك جماعة الفريق الرياضي، وغيرها من المواضيع المتعلقة بتطبيقات المبادئ النفسية في الإعداد النفسي |
Motor Learning: PHED3390 |
The course foucuses on the concepts of Motor Learning, phrases of learning psychomotor skills, Nervous System and its importance in motor learning, Information Processing and Memory, and the role of attention in acquiring psychomotor skills. The course also deals with the learning's theories (Associative Theories, Cognitive Theories and Man/Machine Theories). The course also deals with kinds of feedback and its importance in motor learning, in addition to the Transfer of Learning effects. |
Sport's Health: PHED3460 |
The aim of the course is to give the student individually structured study and experience in fitness,health promotion,public health,employee wellness or other health areas approved by the department. |
Dancing (Female): PHED3530 |
An advanced course designed for females students to perform and teach the skills of Ballet and modern investional dancing all with the Omani traditional dancing and with a musical background. Students should be aware of the theoretical knowlodges of this kind of art and its relationship with other arts. |
Football (Male): PHED3540 |
An intermediate course desgned to enable the students to perform different skills of football and to train these skills at schools and training centers. Theoretically, students should be aware of organizing football matches according to the International Law of Football. |
Basketball: PHED3580 |
An intermediate course disgned to enable the students to perform the different skills of basketball and how to teach these skills at schools and training centers. Theoretically, students should be aware of organizing and judging a basketball match according to the International?Law of Basketball. |
Handball: PHED3660 |
An intermediate course designed in away to enable the students to perform and to teach different skills of handball at schools and training centers. Theoretically, students should be aware of organizing and judging a handball match according to the International Rules of Handball. |
Volleyball: PHED3670 |
An intermediate course designed to teach the students the different skills of volleyball and how to teach them at schools and training centers. Students should be aware of organizing and refereeing such competitions according to the International Rules of Volleyball. |
Sports Injuries and First Aid: PHED4250 |
This intermediate course is designed to increase the students' knowledge about first aid for many field injuries, causes and treatment, the massage influence on different body organs. |
Physical Education for the Handicapped: PHED4260 |
This introductory course is designed to teach the students how to create a physical education programme for the handicapped in order to increase their social interaction and to help them get over their limited abilities as some sports programmes can act as a part of an integrated treatment system. |
Physical Education for Handicapped: PHED4261 |
This coures is disiged to teach the students how to create aphysical education programme for the handicapped in order to increase hier social interaction and to help them get over thier limited abilities as sports programmes can act as a part of an integrated treatment system |
Recreation in Physical Education: PHED4330 |
This intermediate course gives a definition of recreation and free times and the influence of playing and recreation on the society, the philosophy of recreation and the basic concepts to create a recreation programme through students cooperating in camps, taking part in or out of the University. |
Psychology of Sport Coaching and Training: PHED4370 |
The course to enhance student,s understanding of methods which help atheletes to perform their best during sport compitions. among supjects included in the course: communication skills, awareds in sport and physical education, success and failer Experiences, and stress whhich leads to athletes burn-out and withdrawal. |
Coaching Principles: PHED4510 |
The course aims review the principles of coaching pedagogy, to develop a theoretical understanding of coaching plans and programs, and to integrate these aspects into the practical context. |
Coaching Principles: PHED4510 |
The course aims review the principles of coaching pedagogy, to develop a theoretical understanding of coaching plans and programs, and to integrate these aspects into the practical context. |
Coaching Principles: PHED4510 |
Principles and Applications of Athletes' Training PHED4510 Factors of sport training, Theories and techniques of sport training, Science application to analyze and set the training programs, To develop the physical fitness and sport skills before season, in season and after season of the competition, Principles in training, the application techniques and strategies in playing for peak performance. |
Coaching Principles: PHED4510 |
Principles and Applications of Athletes' Training PHED4510 Factors of sport training, Theories and techniques of sport training, Science application to analyze and set the training programs, To develop the physical fitness and sport skills before season, in season and after season of the competition, Principles in training, the application techniques and strategies in playing for peak performance. |
Department Practical Elective (Track and Field): PHED4700 |
The course provides students with practical applications of training principles, and helps student to develop and design training programs for enhancing physical fitness of Track and Field events. It also identify technology used in training as well as illustrates methods of talent identification. In addition, it provides students with competitions management skills according to international rules. |
Department Practical Elective Swimming: PHED4701 |
The course provides students with practical applications of training principles, and helps student to develop and design training programs for enhancing physical fitness of SWIMMING. It also identify technology used in training as well as illustrates methods of talent identification. In addition, it provides students with competitions management skills according to international rules |
Department Practical Elective ( Basketball ): PHED4702 |
The course provides students with practical applications of training principles, and helps student to develop and design training programs for enhancing physical fitness of Basketball. It also identify technology used in training as well as illustrates methods of talent identification. In addition, it provides students with competitions management skills according to international rules. |
Department Practical Elective (Racket Games): PHED4703 |
The course provides students with practical applications of training principles, and helps student to develop and design training programs for enhancing physical fitness of Racket Games. It also identify technology used in training as well as illustrates methods of talent identification. In addition, it provides students with competitions management skills according to international rules. |
Department Practical Elective (Handball): PHED4704 |
The course provides students with practical applications of training principles, and helps student to develop and design training programs for enhancing physical fitness of Handball. It also identify technology used in training as well as illustrates methods of talent identification. In addition, it provides students with competitions management skills according to international rules. |
Department Practical Elective (Volleyball): PHED4705 |
The course provides students with practical applications of training principles, and helps student to develop and design training programs for enhancing physical fitness of Volleyball. It also identify technology used in training as well as illustrates methods of talent identification. In addition, it provides students with competitions management skills according to international rules. |
Department Practical Elective (Football): PHED4706 |
The course provides students with practical applications of training principles, and helps student to develop and design training programs for enhancing physical fitness of Football. It also identify technology used in training as well as illustrates methods of talent identification. In addition, it provides students with competitions management skills according to international rules. |
Department Practical Elective (Gymnastics): PHED4707 |
The course provides students with practical applications of training principles, and helps student to develop and design training programs for enhancing physical fitness of GYMNASTICS. It also identify technology used in training as well as illustrates methods of talent identification. In addition, it provides students with competitions management skills according to international rules. |
Applied Sport Physiology: PHED6101 |
This course provides students with theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the function of the human body in response to exercise, nutrition and recovery from acute and chronic exercise. An operational exercise physiology laboratory provides the basis for data collection for research studies required in the field. |
Nutrition and Sport Performance: PHED6102 |
This course is designed to provide an imaginary muscular and neurological motion perspective and its spatial implications. Basic biomechanics and its principles will also be presented. It furthermore provides opportunity for critical constructive research review and problem-solving techniques related to human motion with efficiency, effectiveness and safety considerations during performance. Different measurements in biomechanics will also be presented. |
Nutrition and Sport Performance: PHED6102 |
This course is designed to provide an imaginary muscular and neurological motion perspective and its spatial implications. Basic biomechanics and its principles will also be presented. It furthermore provides opportunity for critical constructive research review and problem-solving techniques related to human motion with efficiency, effectiveness and safety considerations during performance. Different measurements in biomechanics will also be presented. |
Nutrition and Sport Performance: PHED6102 |
The course provides students with information related the role of nutrition in improving athletic performance, the energy needs of athletes during high physical performance in both individual and team sports and the effects of nurition and nutritional supplements on competition at various levels. The course allows students to understand the role of nutrition during recovery after physical exercise and the relationship of nutrition with body composition and athletic performance according to gender, age and physical fitness level. It also aims to provide students with information relating to the importance of dietary regulation during Ramadan fasting and its effect on sports performance. |
Nutrition and Sport Performance: PHED6102 |
The course provides students with information related the role of nutrition in improving athletic performance, the energy needs of athletes during high physical performance in both individual and team sports and the effects of nurition and nutritional supplements on competition at various levels. The course allows students to understand the role of nutrition during recovery after physical exercise and the relationship of nutrition with body composition and athletic performance according to gender, age and physical fitness level. It also aims to provide students with information relating to the importance of dietary regulation during Ramadan fasting and its effect on sports performance. |
Sports Event Management: PHED6103 |
This course focuses on performance improvements in any achievement setting, and concerned with the effects of interventions on the well-being of sport and exercise participants. It studies psychological and social factors as they relate to athletes, coaches, teams, and spectators. The course also deals with contemporary tools that evaluate research related to sport and exercise psychology. |
Sports Event Management: PHED6103 |
This course focuses on performance improvements in any achievement setting, and concerned with the effects of interventions on the well-being of sport and exercise participants. It studies psychological and social factors as they relate to athletes, coaches, teams, and spectators. The course also deals with contemporary tools that evaluate research related to sport and exercise psychology. |
Sports Event Management: PHED6103 |
This course deals with several issues related to sports event management. It focuses on its international classifications. Moreover, it discusses the mechanism used to submit candidatures to host sporting events, its components, the method of dealing with its stages, planning, risk assessment, recruitment, volunteers, and evaluation in sporting events. The course also deals with the concept of legacy and the feasibility of hosting sporting events. |
Sports Event Management: PHED6103 |
This course deals with several issues related to sports event management. It focuses on its international classifications. Moreover, it discusses the mechanism used to submit candidatures to host sporting events, its components, the method of dealing with its stages, planning, risk assessment, recruitment, volunteers, and evaluation in sporting events. The course also deals with the concept of legacy and the feasibility of hosting sporting events. |
Sport Marketing and sponsorship: PHED6104 |
This course discusses the principles of marketing, market analysis, sports brands and the advantages that sports organizations offer to meet their fans' needs and maintain their loyalty. It also focuses on e-marketing and other marketing strategies such as viral and ambush marketing and their implementations. It also deals with the concept of sponsorship and its role in developing the sports field and the sponsors' motivations to move towards the sporting field. |
Coaching Science and Physical Preparation: PHED6201 |
This course is designed to study the science of sport coaching in term of its definitions and responsibilities.This course will focus more on the trainig status, study the training principles and the methods of training and how should be used. This course also studies the physical, skills and plan preparations. |
Contemporary Issues in Health, Nutrition and Sport: PHED6202 |
This course explores a wide range of current sport-health issues related to management. Issues of sport globalization, sport and health clubs management and professionalization of sport are discussed. In addition, the course provides opportunity to analyze and criticize sport policies and their social norms. |
Methodological applications in sport Sciences: PHED6203 |
This course focuses on the principles of acquisition, adapting, and controlling of motor skills. It also covers the implementation of traditional and modern learning theories in teaching, coaching, and rehabilitation. Basic research in motor learning and control in the natural physical setting of physical education and sport will also be discussed. |
Methodological applications in sport Sciences: PHED6203 |
This course focuses on the principles of acquisition, adapting, and controlling of motor skills. It also covers the implementation of traditional and modern learning theories in teaching, coaching, and rehabilitation. Basic research in motor learning and control in the natural physical setting of physical education and sport will also be discussed. |
Methodological applications in sport Sciences: PHED6203 |
This course provides students with information related to scientific research methods, philosophy and ethics of scientific research in sport sciences. It also aims to teach students how to write the laboratory report according to the scientific methodology in the field of sport sciences, and give them examples and models of systematic and experimental research. The course also provides students with basic procedures and restrictions related to laboratory measurements, and teaches them the IT and technological tools used in sport sciences. |
Methodological applications in sport Sciences: PHED6203 |
This course provides students with information related to scientific research methods, philosophy and ethics of scientific research in sport sciences. It also aims to teach students how to write the laboratory report according to the scientific methodology in the field of sport sciences, and give them examples and models of systematic and experimental research. The course also provides students with basic procedures and restrictions related to laboratory measurements, and teaches them the IT and technological tools used in sport sciences. |
Management and Leadership in Sports: PHED6204 |
This course provides advanced theoretical approaches in managing sport organizations. It explores components of leadership, human recourses, strategic planning, and management principles of controlling, supervising and evaluation. It also discusses organization environment, sport governance, sport marketing. |
Psychology of Sports Managment: PHED6205 |
This course discusses people's lifestyles and assessing the role of leisure and recreation activities in building a healthier and active community. The course also explores socio-economic and socio-cultural concepts involved in developing leisure and sport tourism activities and their integration into local economy through hosting major sports events, managing sport recreation facilities, and providing a wide range of sports services |
Psychology of Sports Managment: PHED6205 |
This course discusses people's lifestyles and assessing the role of leisure and recreation activities in building a healthier and active community. The course also explores socio-economic and socio-cultural concepts involved in developing leisure and sport tourism activities and their integration into local economy through hosting major sports events, managing sport recreation facilities, and providing a wide range of sports services |
Psychology of Sports Managment: PHED6205 |
The course provides students with knowledge and theoretical concepts that are uniquely related to leadership, group dynamics, effective communication skills, human relationships, decision making, and conflict negotiation in sport organizations. It also covers the psychological needs, motivational enhancement strategies, marketing elements, and customers satisfaction in the field of sports. |
Psychology of Sports Managment: PHED6205 |
The course provides students with knowledge and theoretical concepts that are uniquely related to leadership, group dynamics, effective communication skills, human relationships, decision making, and conflict negotiation in sport organizations. It also covers the psychological needs, motivational enhancement strategies, marketing elements, and customers satisfaction in the field of sports. |
Contemporary Issues in Sport-Health Management: PHED6206 |
This course explores a wide range of current sport-health issues related to management. Issues of sport globalization, sport and health clubs management and professionalization of sport are discussed. In addition, the course provides opportunity to analyze and criticize sport policies and their social norms. |
Physical abilities and growth stages: PHED6207 |
The course provides students with information related to the psychological and physiological characteristics of children according to their maturity status. It also deals with providing students with the physiological responses and functional adaptations of the body's systems to various types of training according to different stages of growth. The course provides students with recent data on developing the physical fitness of children and adolescents, taking into account the stage of maturity to which they belong. |
Master Thesis: PHED7001 |
Each student will have a Research Advisory Committee consisting of the research supervisor and the research committe members. This Committee will evaluate the research proposal and monitor student progress. A research proposal must be submitted, in writing, to the Research Advisory Committee after compleeting the core course requirements of the program. If the proposal is approved, the student may continue in the program. If it is inadequate, a revised proposal must be submitted within required period. Upon its approval, the student will complete the research work and be required to present the results in front of a selected committee. |
Master Thesis: PHED7002 |
Each student is asked to prepare a project-based thesis in order to satisfy the graduation requirements for the master degree of education in sport sciences. The thesis should be written according to the academic regulation for post graduate studies (PAR). It will be supervised and judged by an appropriate faculty committee. |
For more about the courses, please click HERE